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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

More homevideos.... :plush45:

Russia Team test skate Plushenko warm up:


Russia Team test skate Plushenko "Malade":


Evgeni Plushenko Je suis malade 3.09.2011 Moscow

by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 03:06
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Re: Женя в Твиттере || Evgeni at Twitter

More Plushy tweets - a few minutes ago:

Классный проект "Призрак оперы"
Серега Лазарев ты тоже молодчик!!!!!!Так держать
Дима гений
Билан крут!!!!Брат молодец!!!Ты всех умыл

A brief explanation of Plushy's tweets :ni_zia: - tonight on Russian TV was the show "Призрак оперы" (Phantom of the Opera), where pop singers singing opera arias. So Evgeni and his friends commented the performances of Dima Bilan, sergey lazarev etc...

Translation of @EvgeniPlushenko :
- Bilan is cool!! My brother, well done! You're all washed
- Dima is genius
- Sergey Lazarev, you too!!!!!! Keep it up
- Cool project, "Phantom of the Opera"

Some tweets by Yana and Lera :mi_ga_et:!/yanarudkovskaya/status/110021313170653185
Самая красивая девушка из фан-клуба @EvgeniPlushenko!)С значком!)

The most beautiful girl from the fan club of @EvgeniPlushenko!) with a badge!)
Сидим с @yanarudkovskaya - ужин. Были на прокате у @EvgeniPlushenko - он конечно лучший!!!!!

Sitting with @yanarudkovskaya - dinner. We were at skating of @EvgeniPlushenko - he's certainly the best!!!!!!/yanarudkovskaya/status/110005772007641088
Посмотрели прокаты Женины с @LeraTV,мы в полном восторге!Сейчас выезжаем в город смотреть"Призрак оперы"!Болеем за наших ребят@BilanOfficial и @sergeylazarev и @fkirkorov и прекрасную@valeriya_rus!Шоу-невероятное, смотрим!

We looked skating of Zhenya with @LeraTV, we are ecstatic! Now go in town to watch "Phantom of the Opera"! Cheer for our guys @BilanOfficial @sergeylazarev and @fkirkorov, and excellent @valeriya_rus! Show is incredible, watch!
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 03:28
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Женя классный :plush46: .Солнышко :son-ce: :plush40: :plush31: :plush32: ....
Spasibo Irina! :plush40: .... translation of her report :plush45:

His leg still hurts him. The inflammatory process in the knee :plush34:, but through the pain he training, jumping.
Jumped triples, and quadruple once on the warmup. Very upset that he did not go to a quad in Malade ...

Talked with Evgeni before and after skating. :plush31: :plush32: Before, no cameras, very sincerely and confidently :son-ce:

We sat on the stands as team, supported him :bra_vo: :plush46: :plush41:. Pelted with flowers and toys :plush39:. Banners does not allow hang a representative of the federation((, we held them in our hands, when Evgeni came out on the ice.

Below us sitting Yana, Lera Kudryavtseva and Maria Remizova. We give them badges with Plushenko. :-) They gladly accepted :a_g_a:. Immediately they put them)) Lera said - we are one team).
Maria Remizova later took interview with Zhenya. She promised tomorrow to put it in "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Later Zhenya long communicate with us :mo-ro_zi_vo: He answered on our questions, they were taken on video. Later I will upload him.
We have made a joint photo with him :-):

Later more...
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 07:01
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Bigger pics, but with watermark :plush43: .... AND I WANT BACK HIS GLORIOUS MULLET!!!! :is_te_ri_ka: :ny_tik:
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 06:00
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Today's articles? :-):
Most important things... :ni_zia:

Plushenko for the first time in four months performed for the public

"I feel better, but not fully recovered, injuries so far make it clear that they are there. I am training, but not 100 percent. Still, I have time. Besides, I want to say that for me the main thing is not specifically forthcoming season, than a three-year period which remains before the Olympics. I am preparing it to him.

Sometimes the pain shoots my knee on quadruple toe loop, triple axel. Besides, I can not sit entirely in a "sit spin". There are moments, which should be choose. In this help me doctors and my "off-ice" coach Vitaly Balykin. There are many nuances that need to be corrected in order, to overcome the pain."


Plushenko will perform to the Russian Championship at three competitions

Plushenko: "Before Russian Championship are few stages of the "Russian Cup". Perhaps, Perm or Samara. Necessarily ,to the Russian Championship I will perform on two or three competition within the country. Although, I do not exclude, that there will be one small international competition."

In these competitions the skater plans for the first time to demonstrate his new programs.

"Programs are preparing, they are still flawed, so I will not show them. We have decided that today I skate a exibition number. Just to go on the ice. I more than four months nowhere not skated and did not perform, so today might be called a training day."

An important starting point for Evgeni is the Championship of Russia.

"I would like to perform, wherever allow health. Championship of Russia, in this regard, will be very revealing, very responsible competition. And there will be a selection for the European Championships and the World. Now is too early to talk about the results. Will be the results - I will skate. The main thing is to be a health. If it is, I will continue my career. The desire is there.
I have not once talked, that a second return - insanely difficult. When this summer, especially after the operation I began, it was impossible. Even then, I wanted to finish with the sport. And such thoughts this summer visited me several times. :plush36: Hang skates is very simple. But to overcome such serious obstacle is difficult, and not everyone would do it. For that I respect myself. I manage to overcome obstacles, both emotionally and physically." :bra_vo:

... there is story about his skating school after Sochi... which you know :mi_ga_et:
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 05:37
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic
Мария РЕМИЗОВА — 04.09.2011

Евгений Плющенко: Летом мне хотелось повесить коньки на гвоздь, но потом я понял, что это самое легкое
Олимпийский чемпион вернулся на лед

В эти выходные на катке Рублево-Успенского шоссе произошло то, что поклонники фигурного катания ждали несколько месяцев. После дисквалификации и двух операций на колене и на мениске в большой спорт вернулся Евгений Плющенко.

Трехкратный чемпион мира, олимпийский чемпион выступил в показательных выступлениях сильнейших фигуристов на подмосковной арене "Каток.ру".

Когда Женя вышел на лед, зал рукоплескал стоя. Не сдерживали эмоции и профессионалы: глава федерации фигурного катания Валентин Николаевич Писеев и тренер Татьяна Тарасова.

На трибунах фигуриста поддерживала жена Яна Рудковская с подругой Лерой Кудрявцевой.

После проката олимпийский чемпион согласился ответить на несколько вопросов "КП".

- Жень, я слышала как люди на трибунах кричали: "Король вернулся!Да здравствует король!" А какие чувства у тебя после этого проката?
- Спасибо большое "Комсомольской правде", что пришли. Сегодня я катал свой показательный номер. Не решился показать короткую и произвольную программу, хотя они практически готовы. Можно было показать, но я думаю, что лучше доделаю их до конца, а потом уже представлю зрителям и судьям. Осталось доделать дорожки шагов и подобрать костюмы. Соревнования уже скоро, буквально в октябре я буду участвовать в кубке России.

- А кто тебе понравился из тех ребят, которые сегодня были на льду?
- Многие сегодня достойно откатались. Ребята перспективные. Конкуренция есть, растет. Мне будет выступать нелегко. Но моя задача: делать свою работу, выполнять то, что я умею. И тогда все будет хорошо. Многие ребята сегодня сделали четверной прыжок, четверной тулуп, кто-то сделал три с половиной, есть новые образы, прибавили в скольжении и во вращениях. Что тут говорить, мне приятно бороться с ними.

- Я видела, как тебе сегодня стоя аплодировала Татьяна Тарасова. А она, как известно, строгий судья и первоклассный тренер.Не было сегодня на катке твоего наставника Алексея Николаевича Мишина. Тяжело было без его поддержки?
- Безусловно, тяжело без моего тренера. Я думаю, что это в последний раз такое происходит. Мишин сейчас находится с Артуром Гачинским в Японии. С Мишиным, конечно же, я себя поувереннее чувствую.

- Все говорят о твоем желании и желании всех твоих поклонников, чтобы ты выступил на Олимпиаде. У тебя это желание еще присутствует?
- Хочу честно сказать, что второе возвращение - самое сложное. Безумно сложно возвращаться, особенно когда переносишь всевозможные операции. И этим летом я хотел неоднократно повесить коньки на гвоздь, но потом пришел в выводу, что "коньки на гвоздь"-это самое легкое, чтом можно сделать. А перешагнуть, переступить этот даже не барьер уже, а стену... Вот ее перепрыгнуть и сделать новые элементы и вернуть себе все те навыки, которые мне присущи и продолжать кататься -это безумно тяжело.
Но я пытаюсь, стараюсь преодолевать эти барьеры, сложности со здоровьем. И у меня в общем-то получается! Я очень благодарен своим поклонникам, болельщикам, которые меня поддерживают. Я знаю, что меня любят, можно сказать, мною живут и это для меня огромная честь. Спасибо вам, дорогие. Но я буду стараться не просто кататься и докататься, а победить на Олимпиаде.

- Верим в тебя. Скажи пожалуйста, в своем твиттере ты недавно написал, что твой сын Егор пошел в хоккейную секцию. А почему не в фигурное катание?
- Да, сынуля мой занимается хоккеем. Уже пятая тренировка у него была сегодня. То есть, он идет утром в садик, после садика мама его забирает и везет на каток. Он занимается пока индивидуально. Учится кататься на хоккейных коньках в настоящей хоккейной форме, которую я ему купил. Егору все это очень нравится. В общем-то, и мне все это нравится. Одного фигуриста в нашей семье уже достаточно. Я и Маша (бывшая жена Евгения Плющенко-Прим.авт.) приняли решение, что нужно отдать сына именно в хоккей. Хотя, может и футболом параллельно будет заниматься.
Мне хотелось бы, чтобы мой сын стал настоящим спортсменом. Тренировки прошли отлично, он уже спокойно катается на хоккейных коньках. Егор уже может проехать весь лед на большой скорости. Это удивительно. Может быть, я вспоминаю в этом себя. Егор уже взрослый парень: сыну пять лет, через два года пойдет в школу.
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 07:41
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Re: Женя и его семья, близкие друзья.. || His family and fri

Which kid is Egor? :plush33:
5 hours ago:!/nemtyrev/status/110066740326694912

Лев Немтырев и Егор Плющенко на льду.Первые шаги #hockey #Питер

Leo Nemtyrev and Egor Plushenko on the ice. First Steps #hockey #Peter
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 04:43
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Today's "Malade" :plush45: - like Irina said: one Quad! :plush41: :bra_vo: and few "cautious" Axel's :plush34: ... poor Plushy :plush36:

04-09-2011 Евгений Плющенко:

by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 22:42
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic
Мария РЕМИЗОВА — 04.09.2011

Евгений Плющенко: Летом мне хотелось повесить коньки на гвоздь, но потом я понял, что это самое легкое
Олимпийский чемпион вернулся на лед

Same interview :ni_zia:

Plushenko decided not to leave the sport 2011.09.04


... later translation :mi_ga_et:

P.S. same video on channel :plush45:
Евгений Плющенко передумал уходить из спорта:
by cekoni
04 Sep 2011, 22:37
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Сегодня в том же составе поддерживали Женю баннерами,цветами, игрушками,кричалками до и после проката! :ya_hoo_oo: :plush46:
Irina's report for 04.09.2011 :plush40:

Today the same team supported Zhenya's with banners, flowers, toys and chants before and after skating! :ya_hoo_oo: :plush46:
Zhenya today looked very bad. After skating he approached to us, half-dead. Even in training was evident
that the leg hurts him, ter knee all the time :plush34:
I asked him after skating if today leg hurts him? He said - everything very hurt. I'm going to get medical treatment.
Today we does not tortured him. Thanked for his presentation. Even with such a feeling, he made a quadruple and a triple axel :plush46: :plush40:
Zhenya has proposed us to organize up to 16 September master class in Novogorsk :son-ce:
I told him: "Zhenya, you must first treated your leg." He said that will all do parallel. :plush40:
It was nice that the flowers which we threw him on the ice, he took them. :-):
We said to him, that those who could not attend were sought to convey him that all wait for him, love him, wish a speedy recovery and that were delighted with his yesterday's skating! :plush46:
For some time we taking pictures, signing autographs....
There was a lot of childrens. He talked with them, asked what they have learned, what they already know. Even suggest something ....)
When Zhenya is surrounded by children, it's lovely :son-ce:
How he loves kids !!!!!!

Then Zhenya went with Yana in the car, we escorted them)
by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 00:58
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Евгений Плющенко: "Возвращаться сейчас намного тяжелее, чем перед Ванкувером"
Translated only parts that are not repeated in the previous interviews :mi_ga_et:

Evgeni Plushenko: "Return now is much harder, than before Vancouver"

- Except of the knee, you not so long ago had surgery also on your back. How does it feels?
- The back is more or less normally. If would like today, then in general, it will be possible to live up to the year 2018. (Pause) Just kidding, actually at least until 2014th (smiles).

- Taking into account all operations, when you will able to begin full-time training for the season?
- The full-time training actually begins only now. Work in full force, already in Test Skating. But before was hard, especially in summer training camps. Several times I wanted to end ...

- Helped to overcome the very high goal - Sochi 2014? Or, perhaps, Alexei Mishin found the right words at the moment?
- No, of course, the goal - Sochi. The fourth Olympics. Try it myself at the Olympics again. Maybe even to prove something to myself, and those who do not believe and say that it is impossible to do. But I think if man set a goal and has the desire, he goes to the end, and many can succeed. But I do not advise anyone to do it a second time. Very hard.

- You can compare the current return with that, through what you went to Vancouver? Or all that is still different things?
- No. Now is much harder. Then it was generally playgame. Just because there was no operations, and now the question is related to health. Well, and 27 years - it's not 28, and not 29 (smiles). This affects, to be honest. Very affecting, in the sense that more needed to warm up, more work. The head is still young (laughs).

- While it is a break in active figure skating before you have had longer. And even this does not compensate?
- No. At this time is much harder.

- On the Test Skatings you are doing exibition number. Do not want to show the public the programs in "raw" form? Or because of some more reasons?
- You are right in saying that this is "raw" programs, they need more skated. Because of the leg, I could not do now many elements, for example, spins, some steps, and generally, in full force skated short and long programs. I need to put myself in normal physical condition and then show all in the competitions.

- According to doctors, when the knee will withstand both the programs entirely?
- Doctors recommend a few more injections, which will I get, probably next week. And I think that in mid-October, knee will feel good.

- In your competitive plans appear stages of the Russian Cup.
- Yes, the first start, most likely, will be in late October. Stage of the Russian Cup, I still do not know which specifically.
... For now, first start - it's Russian. It is necessary shown here, to be judges look. And the second event may be international.

- At the closed Test Skating for federal leadership and expertise in Novogorsk, that preceded the open, you showed your programs?
- No, I do not skated there, just practicing. Came president of the federation, some of the judges. Just watched my jumps - I have done all the triples, on several occasions tried 3,5. There was also a quadruple with the touch of ice by hand. But there was already a message, that I can. Leadership liked, they said - go on (smiles).

- The whole story with your the restoration of amateur status has cost you a lot of nerves? Or somehow you managed to ignore that?
- You know, I just continued to train, to perform on the shows. Life continued. I want to say thanks to the Russian Figure Skating Federation and personally, to the president of the ISU Ottavio Cinquanta. I think they made ​​the right choice and did not more spoil anyone nerves. Neither the fans, nor including me (Laughs). Thank you, for supporting me and returned amateur status.

- In this inter-season, appeared to you a new choreographer. Tell us about this collaboration.
- It's Irina Sharonova, a former dancer, now she teaches at the Conservatory of St. Petersburg. She already had occasion to work with the skaters, though not with the largest. I've seen some of her work, and I liked it. I know Irina for a long time. We immediately found common ground, and our work is obtained very quickly.

- She will choreographing you both programs?
- Working on them and David Avdish (permanent choreographer of Plushenko -note), and Irina, and Stephane Lambiel. However, with Stephane we are doing some pieces - the transitions, exits, but not a whole the program. But some fragments, we now put into the program.

- Work with a female choreographer has its own specifics?
- Certainly. I worked most of the careers with men. I tried to try something new. This is unusual, pleasant to work. Men are moving a little differently, while women - more softly, gently. Maybe I just need it.

- Thinking about, how to change something in the habitual image of skater Plushenko?
- You know it's probably impossible. If I start now, it would be I am 15 years old, could be sculpt me. But now, my figure is already done. You can simply add some new moves and new costumes. But the crossover (перебежка?) - as it was in Plushenko, so be it. Naturally, we try to add something new. Especially, figure skating now requires it, because the system is changed.

- There is no boring, that "the figure is already done," do you would like to change something?
- You know, life goes on. At least, I'm not saying "no", I'm trying.

- You follow what are doing eminent foreign competitors? Patrick Chan, who promises two quadruples, or Evan Lysacek, who decided to return in the competitions?
- Of course, I watch all of them. I get lots of information: who, what, which programs. This is necessarily. But I believe that I must primarily think, not about the opponents, than about myself. And do my job.
by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 09:11
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Re: Женя в Твиттере || Evgeni at Twitter

lovplush wrote:But it seems finally he knows how to use "@" :hi_hi_hi:

I think that Plushy always knew that, but did not want to "separate" some fans :mi_ga_et: - he always used @ only for friends :a_g_a:
by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 07:39
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic
Мария РЕМИЗОВА — 04.09.2011

Евгений Плющенко: Летом мне хотелось повесить коньки на гвоздь, но потом я понял, что это самое легкое
Олимпийский чемпион вернулся на лед ....
Same interview :ni_zia: - Plushenko decided not to leave the sport 2011.09.04

... later translation :mi_ga_et:
First, translation of video (it is part of the text above) :plush45:

- Zhenya, everyone talking about your wish and wish of all your fans, that you perform at the Olympics. You have still this wish?

- Plushenko: "I would honestly say that the second return - the most difficult. Insanely difficult to come back, especially when you endure all kinds of operations. And this summer in the camps, I often wanted to hang skates, but then I came to the conclusion, that this is the easiest what can be done. But move beyond, to transcend this, not even a barrier yet, than wall... So, overjump him, and make new elements, and regain all the skills which are inherent in me and continue to skate - it's insanely hard.
But I try, I try to overcome these barriers, difficulties with health. And to me, in general, it turns out!

I am very grateful to my fans, the fans who support me. I know that they love me, I can say - they live with me, and it's a great honor for me. Thank you, dear. But I'll try not just to skate, but also to win at the Olympics.

... Today I skated my exibition number. Decided not to show a short and free program, although they are almost ready. It was possible to show them, but I think that it's better to finish them to the end, and then introduce to the audience and judges. It remains to finish the steps and choose costumes. Competitions are soon, literally in October, I will participate in some of the stages of Russian Cup. Probably Samara or Perm. And there will necessarily show the new programs."

(continuation of translation is from the text) :-):

Evgeni Plushenko: This summer I wanted to hang up skates, but then I realized that it was the easiest

This weekend at the Rublevka rink was happened, what the fans of figure skating waited a few months. After the disqualification, and two operations on his knee and the meniscus, Evgeni Plushenko returned to the sport.

Three-time world champion, Olympic champion skated in the show of the strongest skaters in the Moscow region on arena "".

When Zhenya came out on the ice, the hall applauded standing. Do not hold back emotions and professionals: the head of figure skating federation Valentin Piseev and coach Tatiana Tarasova.
Skater at the stands supporting his wife Yana Rudkovskaya and her friend Lera Kudryavtseva.

- Who liked you of those guys who were on the ice today?
- Plushenko: Many today worthy skated. The guys are perspective. There is competition, growing. To me will be difficult to perform. But my task is: doing my job, doing that, what I can do. And then everything will be fine. Many today have made a quadruple jump, a quadruple toe loop, someone made a three and a half, there are new images, added in the slip (в скольжении?) and in the spins. What can I say, I am happy to deal with them.

- I saw that to you today Tatiana Tarasova standing applauded. And she is, known a strict judge, and first-class trener. It was not at the rink today, your coach Alexei Mishin. It was hard without his support?
- Plushy: Of course, it is hard without my coach. I think it's the last time, that this is happens. Mishin is now with Arthur Gachinsky in Japan. With Mishin, of course, I feel myself more confident.

- Tell me please, in your Twitter, you recently wrote that your son Egor went to the hockey section. Why not in figure skating?
- Plushy: Yes, my sonny are involved in the hockey. Today he had already the fifth training session. That is, he goes to kindergarten in the morning, after kindergarten his mother takes him to the rink. He works for now as an individual. Learn to skate with hockey skates, in nice hockey equipment which I had bought him. Egor love all that. In general, and I like it. One figure skater in the family is enough. I and Masha (ex-wife of Evgeni Plushenko - remark.auth.). Agreed that it was necessary to send him to hockey. While, may be and football
parallel will play.
I would like my son to become a real athlete. Trainings was excellent, he already calmly skating on hockey skates. Egor already can go through entire the ice rink with high speed. It's amazing. Maybe, I remember in that on myself. Egor is a grown man: my son is five years old, through two years he will going to school.
by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 06:47
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Re: Видео с Женей (разные) || Videos with Evgeni

Someone again uploaded this video :plush45:

Plushenko Interview 2006 Olympics: (for Japanese TV)

by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 00:05
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

More homevideos - Odintsovo 04.09.2011 :plush45:
... interesting, i first time saw, how Plushy is warming-up only with ice dance couples :hi_hi_hi:

Russia Team test skate Plushenko warm u p:


Russia Team test skate Plushenko "Malade" ex:

by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 06:40
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Re: Женя “вне льда” (cтатьи,фото,видео)|| Evgeni OFF the ice!/yanarudkovskaya/status/110746439939928066

RT @BOKOVFACTORY: Oh krasivie) @EvgeniPlushenko i @yanarudkovskaya

RT @BOKOVFACTORY: Oh, beautiful @EvgeniPlushenko and @yanarudkovskaya
by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 20:58
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

clairdelalune wrote: For JO he needs only the LP...

I corrected my post ::yaz-yk:
by cekoni
05 Sep 2011, 19:40
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Первый этап предсезонного турне сборной России по фигурному катанию
4 сентября 2011. Мос. область | Автор: Полина Митряшина
by cekoni
06 Sep 2011, 12:07
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Max uploaded his "long-distance" video on Plushy's official channel :plush45: - so, wach video or go there to "make a number"! :bra_vo: :hi_hi_hi:

Evgeni Plushenko - Je Suis Malade (Open Test Skating, 03.09.2011):


Here is all videos (for now) in one Playlist ! :mo-ro_zi_vo:

Open Test Skating 03/04.09.2011
by cekoni
06 Sep 2011, 05:02
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Re: Видеомонтажи с Женей || Video montages

Восьмикратный чемпион Европы? :du_ma_et: Хм... Ну значит будет! :plush45: plush48
From your mouth to God's ears! :bra_vo: :plush47: :hi_hi_hi:


Plushenko × The Phantom of the Opera♪: .... magic Nijinsky :plush33:

by cekoni
29 Aug 2011, 05:58
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

I dont know why Vera not yet posted here her's video :ne_vi_del: ... probably is busy :mi_ga_et:
Spasibo Vera! :plush39:

Evgeni Plushenko 03 09 2011 Open Test Skating Je suis Malade:

by cekoni
07 Sep 2011, 05:04
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Re: Контрольные прокаты 03-04.09.2011 || Open Test Skating

Ирина wrote:С Чайковской :plush31:
(with famous Elena Chaykovskaya)



For all yours videos, snaps, photos and informations, Irina :bra_vo: ... ONE BIG HUG FROM ME! :-|-: :plush40: :ro_za:
by cekoni
07 Sep 2011, 06:54
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