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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 14 Mar 2016, 23:29

cekoni wrote:Евгению Плющенко сделана операция в Израиле:
http://www.fsrussia.ru/intervyu/1980-ev ... raile.html

Evgeni Plushenko was operated in Israel

Figure skater Evgeni Plushenko made another surgery in Israel over the removal a hernia in the cervical (neck) part of spine. Details about the need for surgery told us Evgeni Plushenko and his Dr. Ilya Pekarski.

Plushenko: "During the medical examination conducted in an Israeli hospital, to me was discovered a hernia between the 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae. Hernia was pressing on a nerve, so almost did not work my the left hand, so I had to go on another operation. 4 days i drop out from my the normal schedule, then gradually i will begin to recover. The doctor immediately warned me that, at least, the next 5 months to me is not be allowed any jump. Everything else - in the training room, on the ice are not forbidden."

Two-time Olympic champion and Olympic medalist explained that he experienced the pain before.

"Because of the pain, I was forced to miss this season. At the shows i performed on the painkillers, while the last shows I barely managed to finish."

Evgeni also added that due to this problems he is forced to to cancel shows in Japan, China, Bulgaria and other countries. It is about 25 performances. His tour athlete plans to resume in the autumn, in September.

"I'm just not physically able to skate in the shows, because at begining I will have to wear a special collar. During this period, when is not allowed me to train in full force, I will continue to put the programs with directors of the Bolshoi Theatre, Sergei Filin and Yuri Posokhov. While there is time, it should be good use. In general, in the coming months, the main task is to recover, that nothing prevente to continue training. Well, I continue to look at the situation. My plans for a participation at the Olympic Games 2018, I do not change, I will continue to work"- said athlete.

The attending physician Ilya Pekarski said that for continuation of Plushenko's sports career this operation was necessary.

"After the examination, in Evgeni was detected a serious problem in the cervical region. There were two options. The first is to try without surgery with painkillers blockade and other procedures, but such treatment would take 2-3 years, and during all this period, Plushenko did not have to stand on skates. Actually, it would mean the end of his sports career. Two or three years is very long the term for an athlete, while for the person who gave to skating all his life, such a scenario was unacceptable. So, listen to me, Zhenya did not even consider this option.

Second option - the operation. That surgery is indicated and necessary, as an experienced specialist, I do not doubted. Because of problems in the cervical, to Zhenya weakened left arm. It is weaker, than to the average person. I graphically demonstrated it to Zhenya and his wife Yana. Even the woman's hand was stronger, because Zhenya felt his fingers badly. And for me - this is the main indication for surgery.

What's next? After surgery, within 6 weeks, Zhenya must to wear a special detachable collar. He can briefly removed it, but to sleep and move around he should always be with the collar, that not happen any recurrence. For 1,5-2 months skater can start swimming, work off-ice. About 3 months later he can go on the ice, skate. And only then, try to do jumps.

If Plushenko fulfill all the requirements, not force anything, for the six months he will be able to start a normal training. It is clear that during this period, the athlete must maintain a minimum form, to quickly adapt to the loads", - said Dr. Ilya Pekarski.

Operation of Evgeni Plushenko was made on Monday. At the moment, the state of the skater is satisfactory. For some time, the two-time Olympic champion will stay in Israel, and then proceed to recovery.

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Дарина » 15 Mar 2016, 00:45

cekoni, you always keep working no matter what happens. Thank you!
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Дарина » 15 Mar 2016, 01:06

Plushenko undergoes surgery in Israel
http://www.france24.com/en/20160314-plu ... um=twitter

Evgeni Plushenko, Russia's two-time Olympic champion, underwent surgery in Israel on Monday, the country's figure skating federation reported.
"During medical testing in Israel last year doctors discovered a hernia between my sixth and seventh cervical vertebras," Plushenko told the federation's website.
"I was forced to undergo surgery as the hernia pressurised the nerve and my left hand was almost completely non-operational. The pain in my neck has forced me to skip the current season."
The skater added that he was still hoping to compete at his fifth Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in 2018.
"My main goal for the upcoming months is to recover completely to be able to continue practices," Plushenko said. "After that I'm set to act according to circumstances."
"I'm not going to change my plans concerning my participation in 2018 Olympics. I will keep on working."
Plushenko's doctor Ilya Pekarsky, who performed surgery on the 33-year-old skater, said: "For the moment the figure skater's condition is satisfactory," Pekarsky said.
"He will need to wear a special collar for at least six weeks. After that he can start swimming and limbering-up exercises. He can resume his ice practices not earlier than three months after surgery."
The Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014 were Plushenko's last competitive tournament, where he has won the gold medal in team's event.
He also won an individual gold medal at Turin Olympics in 2006 and two Olympic silver medals in Salt Lake City in 2002 and in Vancouver in 2010.
Plushenko has also won three world crowns, seven European titles and 10 Russian nationals during his career.
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Дарина » 15 Mar 2016, 01:09

The same - in French

Plushenko opéré pour une hernie discale
http://www.rds.ca/amateurs/patinage-art ... bled=false
MOSCOU, Russie - Le Russe Evgeni Plushenko a été opéré d'une hernie discale lundi en Israël, a annoncé le double champion olympique de patinage artistique sur le site de la Fédération russe.
« Lors d'un contrôle médical en Israël l'an passé, les médecins ont découvert une hernie entre mes sixième et septième vertèbres cervicales », a expliqué Plushenko.
« J'étais obligé de subir une intervention chirurgicale parce que la hernie compressait les nerfs et ma main gauche était devenue presque paralysée. La douleur au cou m'a aussi obligé à déclarer forfait pour cette saison », a poursuivi le champion russe, ajoutant avoir toujours l'espoir d'aller aux JO de Pyeongchang, en Corée du Sud, en 2018.
« Pour le moment, sa condition est satisfaisante », a fait savoir le docteur Ilya Pekarsky, qui a opéré le patineur de 33 ans.
« Il devra porter une minerve spéciale pendant au moins six semaines. Après, il pourra commencer à travailler dans la piscine, ainsi qu'à faire des exercices d'échauffement. Quant au retour sur une patinoire, il faudra attendre au moins trois mois », a ajouté le médecin.
Evgeni Plushenko a remporté deux médailles d'or olympiques, en individuel à Turin (2006) et en équipe à Sotchi (2014), deux médailles d'argent (Salt Lake City 2002 et Vancouver 2010), ainsi que trois titres mondiaux et sept titres européens.
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."
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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 15 Mar 2016, 09:45

Similar, but shorter versions than my translation...

Russian figure skating star Plushenko undergoes cervical hernia surgery:

Russian Olympic figure skating champ has surgery in Israel:
http://www.timesofisrael.com/russian-ol ... sanalytics

Le double champion olympique Plushenko opéré d’une hernie discale en Israël:
http://fr.timesofisrael.com/le-double-c ... um=twitter


Longer, on italian - by Lelo
Confermato intervento chirurgico per Evgeni :
http://evgeniplushenkoitalia.blogspot.r ... l?spref=tw

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 15 Mar 2016, 15:30

By Yana, doctor removed hernia and replaced intervertebral disc ... i dont understand - one more disc (now in neck), or there were 2 operations - on neck and back :ne_vi_del:

Яна Рудковская об операции Евгения Плющенко: «В Израиле Жене удалили грыжу и заменили межпозвоночный диск» :

Евгений Плющенко перенёс операцию в одной из клиник Израиля. 33-летнему спортсмену удалили грыжу между шестым и седьмым позвонком. Также олимпийскому чемпиону заменили межпозвоночный диск. Об этом в интервью SUPER рассказала его супруга — Яна Рудковская.

— Женя долго затягивал эту операцию из-за того, что очень много работал, — поделилась с SUPER Яна. — Ему давно говорили, что нужно хирургическое вмешательство. В результате на последних шоу у него начала отказывать рука, неметь, и никакие таблетки и обезболивающие препараты уже не помогали. Грыжа сдавливала нерв, поэтому ему даже пришлось сократить свои выступления. Когда мы уже обратились к доктору Пекарскому, он сказал, что есть два варианта: либо ставить блокаду, либо делать операцию. Мы полетели в Израиль. Жене удалили грыжу, поставили искусственный полимерный диск, который держат четыре шурупа. Сейчас он проходит реабилитацию. Лёгкие физические нагрузки Женя сможет позволить себе лишь через три недели, а начать выполнять элементы на льду только в июле.

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Дарина » 15 Mar 2016, 15:47

cekoni wrote:By Yana, doctor removed hernia and replaced intervertebral disc ... i dont understand - one more disc (now in neck), or there were 2 operations - on neck and back :ne_vi_del:
Яна Рудковская об операции Евгения Плющенко: «В Израиле Жене удалили грыжу и заменили межпозвоночный диск» :

А что ты не поняла? Операция на шее по поводу грыжи между 6 и 7 позвонками. Заменили диск между ними.
Такая же операция, как и та, что была на пояснице. Но, говорят, на шее легче.
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby cekoni » 15 Mar 2016, 16:27

Дарина wrote:А что ты не поняла? Операция на шее по поводу грыжи между 6 и 7 позвонками. Заменили диск между ними.
Такая же операция, как и та, что была на пояснице. Но, говорят, на шее легче.

But doctor say only removal of a hernia in the cervical spine :du_ma_et:

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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby Дарина » 15 Mar 2016, 16:51

cekoni wrote:
Дарина wrote:А что ты не поняла? Операция на шее по поводу грыжи между 6 и 7 позвонками. Заменили диск между ними.
Такая же операция, как и та, что была на пояснице. Но, говорят, на шее легче.

But doctor say only removal of a hernia in the cervical spine :du_ma_et:

Надо подождать интервью самого Жени :du_ma_et: .
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."
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Re: Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

Postby ~Natalia~ » 15 Mar 2016, 17:42

Дарина wrote:
cekoni wrote:
Дарина wrote:А что ты не поняла? Операция на шее по поводу грыжи между 6 и 7 позвонками. Заменили диск между ними.
Такая же операция, как и та, что была на пояснице. Но, говорят, на шее легче.

But doctor say only removal of a hernia in the cervical spine :du_ma_et:

Надо подождать интервью самого Жени :du_ma_et: .

Girls, he didn't have 2 surgeries. In order to heal a hernia you have to remove the hernia (the jelly like thing inside the intervertebral disk) and then fill in the space with an artificial fusion. You don't just remove the herniated disk and leave the space between the 6th and the 7th vertebrae empty. You have to put something between the 2 vertebrae to allow the normal motion of the spine and in time they create a fusion and it blends with the 2 vertebrae like a normal natural intervertebral disk.

The way the surgery was done depends on the doctor's choice. It can be done by cutting in front of the neck and access the cervical spine from front side. Or cut on the back of the neck.

@cekoni: "By Yana, doctor removed hernia and replaced intervertebral disc ... i dont understand - one more disc (now in neck), or there were 2 operations - on neck and back."

The 6th and the 7th vertebrae are in the cervical spine, located somehow in the middle of the neck as anatomical position. Intervertebral disks are from the base of the skull down to the coccyx (end of the spine). He replaced the herniated disk in the neck (cervical spine) not in the back (lumbar spine). :plush36:

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