Фото Саши и Евгения. Спасибо, Вера
bigeyegugu wrote:https://www.instagram.com/p/BWSwjb1g5UW/kipyatcom06: июля, Шоу-сказка Щелкунчик - Евгений Плющенко #щелкунчикплющенко фотоотчет на сайте @kipyatcom kipyat.com
plushenkoofficial:Magic #nutcrackerbyplushenko #щелкунчикплющенко
he sings "and again here are my black horses, and today we have our final show in Khazakhstan Astana, I will say thank you to everyone, my mood is great so I will go and train, and I am waiting for all of you (to come to the show). My voice is resting - I mean the tv project Voice". (He meant that he sings better than performers at that show I guess). This was kinda a song of everything he had on his mind at that moment, without any rhythm but it was funny and joyful, sounds like he is in a good mood
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