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Re: Опера на льду - С.Петербург || Opera on Ice (Russ) 4.10.

Dear, can you translate shortly his Interviews? :smu:sche_nie: :ro_za:

Not so much info. He said that his new progs are not ready yet. They are still working on the choreography, as well as on music cuts. He doesn't want to show to public the "raw" prog that is not done yet. So they decided to skate "Tosca". It's an Olympic prog where he "inserted" some elements (*some choreo or steps, I guess) of his new SP. He also said that skating in front of public helps him to get ready for Volvo Cup.
by let`s talk
07 Oct 2013, 19:03
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

^ Alina who took the interview gave more quotes of Liza on her personal blog, the one that didn't enter the "newspaper" version:
by let`s talk
09 Oct 2013, 19:42
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Interview with Natalia Bestemyanova and Igor Bobrin (part about Plushenko and Hanyu):

- As an ex-leader of the Soviet National Team, the European champion and the World Championship medalist, do you feel upset that Russian single skater in Men, whoever he may be, will unlikely medal in Sochi Olympics?

I.B.: Well, let's not discount Zhenya Plushenko. Although I do not know how well his health now is. His desire to participate in the Olympic Games is huge, but the health conditions are not always on his side in this. As for the other guys, there is sure a certain failure. And ironically Zhenya is partly the one to blame. Too many skaters tried to follow his syle, basicaly copying it. But it's a known fact that a copy is always worse than the original. That is where I see our misfortune: there's no individualities, no persons who could fully say that you can go in a different way. If you allow me to say it- to do what I did at my time.

- A Maxim Kovtun ? Do you believe in him?

I.B.: It all depends on psychology, how well he will be prepared. Sometimes he is the fifth in cometitions, sometimes- the fifteenth. The Olympics is a special event, you can't compare them to any other competition. This is a very different intensity of fight, someone must have nerves. In psychological terms, it seems to me foreign athletes are better prepared than we are now.

- You used to work with one of them- the Japanese skater Yuzuru Hanyu. Who found whom in your cooperation, he contacted you or you contacted him?

I.B.: My wife and I were invited by the Japanese Federation of figure skating. They knew about us, and about that I choreographed the programs for Lena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze with which they became the Olympic champions, as well as the program for Irina Slutskaya with which she became the World Champion. Natalia and I also choreographed the program for Sasha Smirnov and Yuko Kawaguchi, so I have some records in terms of choreography. And in all these contracts I was working not as a coach but as a choreographer and the creater of programs. Apparently, the Japanese watched all the stuff, they liked it and decided that it would be beneficial to invite such a choreographer for the young athlete.

I remember that from the very beginning we built a great relationships with him. It's incredible how he trains and follows all the demand of the choreographer! And sometimes the demands were to try something new, while we were not sure if that new will be included in the program. He implicitly tried everything what we said, and at each practice he worked hard, "till to sweat", literally to the point of exhaustion, feeling almost unconscious. When the Japanese television came to shoot his practice with us in Moscow, I thought this would be his last day in life, so hard he tried his best ( laughs).

N.B.: There is an idea that sits in our minds: the Japanese are different in terms of working hard. A year ago, before the World Championship where Hanyu won a bronze medal, the television visited us. After the interview with Hanyu they came to us, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong: they were just staring at us. Then the interpreter explained: "He said in the interview that he goes on every practice with the feeling of wild fear. He is afraid that he won't survive until the end of the practice." That's how he was given himself to work because he believed truly in what we were giving him. He's a very talented guy, and at every practice he worked really hard, as if it was his last time. Not so many athletes can train this way.

-Can Hanyu win in Sochi?

I.B.: Anyone in top 10 can win. They all go there for the Olympic gold.

N.B.: This is the main competition in any athlete's life!

I.B.: I can say that Hanyu is a very emotional athlete, he can make interesting creative programs. That is to some extent can be on his way: he doesn't have the nerves of steel. But, nevertheless, he has already gain quite a big competitive experience, he has proven more than once that at the decisive moments he can "gather" himself. Probably it's not a patriotic thing to say that I'll be rooting for him but I'm definitely wishing him to succeed.
plush48 :du_el: (<Plu with Yuzu in Sochi? :mi_ga_et: )
by let`s talk
04 Nov 2013, 20:07
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Re: ISU Volvo Open Cup 22nd - Riga, Latvia 07-10.11.2013

Алексей Красножон: Плющенко без напряжения прыгает четверные сальхов и тулуп. К Олимпиаде у него будет и риттбергер!
Aleksei Krasnozhon is a skater of Mishin's group, trains together with Plushenko. He said Plu does well in practices, sometimes he feels pain in back though. His jumps are confident, he just does them more careful then before. He doesn't fall. His 4T and 4S are solid, as well as all triples including 3A. Aleksei also said that both 4T and 4S plus combo 4-3 are on the list of Zhenya's Olympic progs, but by Sochi 4Loop might be added too. Regarding 4lutz that Zhenya presumably trains according to rumours in media, Aleksei said that it's nonsense. He said he has never seen Plu training 4Lutz.
LT: Keep in mind that it's a teen kid talking. Both Mishin and Plu are much more modest in their interviews. On the other hand kids don't have to worry about PR, can be blunt and honest and therefore- to tell the truth. :plush45:
by let`s talk
07 Nov 2013, 18:59
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Re: Сканы статей из газет и журналов || Scans from newspape

Ирина wrote:Загрузила сканы из журнала с Женей! :-):

"The last time when someone at the age of Plushenko (31 years old) won the Olympic medal took place in 1936: Ernst Baier (Germany)"
by let`s talk
01 Dec 2013, 14:19
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Re: Чемпионат России || Russian Nationals 2013/14, 22-27.12.

Streams for Channel SPORT (Спорт):

For Rossiya-2:

Paysite for both:
by let`s talk
17 Dec 2013, 05:10
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Interview with Plu after RN:

– К юбилею супруга преподнесла Вам роскошный подарок, став продюсером шоу «Всего лишь тридцать», название которого было явно выбрано с подтекстом. В десять лет Вам тоже казалось, что это всего лишь десять?

– Считал, что уже десять. Взрослый парень, который уже добился первых побед на льду.

– А в двадцать?

– Тогда мне очень хотелось быстрее отметить 21-й день рождения. Точно так же в 17 хотел быстрее стать 18-летним, чтобы водить машину без ограничений. С 16-и лет делал это под наблюдением отца, сидел за рулем, а он рядом на переднем сиденье. Мне же жутко хотелось самостоятельности. В двадцать мне, как и многим сверстникам, хотелось после соревнований или выступлений в шоу заглянуть в клуб в каком-нибудь американском городке. Там же все очень строго: только с 21. Вот и считал дни и месяцы до следующего дня рождения. Перешагнув эту дату, остальные дни рождения отмечал как-то спокойно.

– С Плющенко, которому «всего лишь 30», тренер Алексей Мишин работает по-другому, чем с 11-летним или 18-летним?

– Когда я только приехал в Ленинград, мне нужно было еще доказать свое право тренироваться у мэтра. С его стороны работа поначалу была минимальной. Больше трудились ассистенты. Вот когда я что-то доказал, а сам Алексей Николаевич в меня поверил, пришлось работать больше.

– Полученная в волгоградской школе у Михаила Маковеева техническая база позволяла без проблем тренироваться у Мишина?

– Профессор кардинально переделал мою технику. С первых тренировок упор был сделан на тройные прыжки и двойной аксель. Мишин научил правильно группироваться, что позволяло исполнять сложные элементы.

– Ваша дуэль с Алексеем Ягудиным в олимпийском сезоне–2002 стала одной из самых ярких страниц в истории фигурного катания. Сложно ли было сохранять при этом нормальные человеческие отношения?

– Никаких отношений в ту пору просто не было. Наладились они после того, как Алексей завершил карьеру, а я продолжал выступать в соревнованиях. Нам нечего стало делить, а в жизни я ни с кем не соревновался в стоимости машины или часов.

– Зачем же покупали не очень приспособленный для российских дорог «Мазерати» за миллион евро?

– Автомобиля за миллион у меня никогда не было. «Мазерати» стоит гораздо меньше.

– Сегодняшние травмы — это результат погони за сложностью в начале «нулевых», когда Вы исполняли каскады «4+3+3»?

– Скорее, это результат того, что я очень долго катаюсь. Ежедневные тренировки, постоянные физические нагрузки — все это здоровья не добавляет.

- После «серебра» в Солт-Лейк-Сити Вы вышли на совершенно новый качественный уровень в следующем сезоне и побеждали на всех соревнованиях. Как восприняли сенсационное поражение на чемпионате Европы–2004 в Будапеште от Бриана Жубера?

– Это был сильный удар по самолюбию. После неудачи на ЧЕ–2004 стал гораздо щепетильнее относиться к исполнению любого прыжка. Ведь в Будапеште я практически идеально откатал короткую программу, а в произвольной после каскада «4-3-2» взял, да и слетел с тройного акселя. Просто без должной концентрации исполнял элемент, который получался на всех тренировках. Решил, что после сложнейшего каскада остальные прыжки выполню точно. За это и поплатился. Неслучайно Алексей Николаевич постоянно учит: «Не забивай голову всей программой, делай элементы step by step». Вместо компьютера мы всегда используем счеты, отбрасывая косточку после каждого исполненного прыжка.

– Именно такой подход помог победить в Турине, где Вы выступали после тяжелейших травм и длительного лечения?

– На Олимпиаде–2006 больше всего опасался короткой программы. Падение в Солт-Лейк-Сити стереть из памяти никак не мог. Все время одолевал совершенно не нужный в олимпийской обстановке страх падения с четверного. «» И реально ведь должен был упасть! Когда смотрю видеозапись олимпийского выступления, ловлю себя на мысли: на тренировке грохнулся бы. Только был настолько сконцентрирован, что сумел вытащить этот элемент. В произвольной вообще такое ощущение было, что после четверного прыжка меня подхватил своим крылом ангел, и только благодаря этому устоял после приземления.

– Может быть, все же не высшие силы помогли, а многочасовые тренировки у Мишина?

– И это тоже. Только все же без вмешательства свыше не обошлось. На тренировке из такого положения после четверного не выехал бы никогда.

– Олимпийский триумф считаете своей самой большой победой?

– Безусловно. Олимпийское «золото» — это вершина, покорить которую стремится любой спортсмен. Хотя в один ряд с туринским триумфом ставлю и «серебро» Ванкувера.

– Почему в произвольной программе на Олимпиаде–2010 Вы не исполнили заявленный каскад из трех прыжков, который при современной системе судейства гарантировал Вам «золото», а ограничились простым «3+2»?

– Гарантированного «золота» у меня не было бы при любом прокате. В короткой программе мне явно придержали баллы, и отрыв от Эвана Лайсачека составлял какие-то сотые. Уже тогда мне многое стало понятно. Профессионал ведь всегда способен оценить обстановку. Для гарантированной победы нужно было исполнять в произвольной программе два четверных, к чему я был не готов физически.

– Кому и зачем понадобилось «плавить» действующего олимпийского чемпиона, приехавшего на третью свою Олимпиаду?

– В Северной Америке фигурное катание давно стало бизнесом, а для продвижения бизнеса нужен был «свой» чемпион. Ведь за последние годы интерес к фигурному катанию в США стал угасать. Прикрыли шоу Champions on Ice, а на Stars on Ice ходят по полторы-две тысячи зрителей. Нет звезд, и фигурное катание стало очень непопулярным видом спорта. Доходит дело до того, что мальчишек, записывающихся в секцию, начинают подозревать в нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации.

– Вы думаете, что Лайсачек мог стать тем человеком, который привлек бы зрителей, продюсеров и рекламодателей?

– Так, видимо, думали те, кто тащил его в чемпионы. Только они допустили грубейшую ошибку. Нужно было всеми возможными способами раздуть скандал вокруг итогов Олимпиады, как это было в Солт-Лейк-Сити в парном катании. Именно после вручения второго комплекта наград канадской паре популярность фигурного катания в Америке взлетела на невиданную высоту. Можно было на битве Лайсачек – Плющенко сделать то же самое. Честно признаюсь, ждал подобного предложения. Так и не дождался. Публику ведь нельзя обмануть. Пусть на Олимпиаде в Афинах нашего знаменитого гимнаста Алексея Немова и поставили на 5-е место, его все равно чествовали как чемпиона. Если же спросить, кто тогда выиграл, не заглянув в Интернет, никто и не ответит.

– В Ваших рассуждениях чувствуется глубокое знание законов шоу-бизнеса. Вы ощущаете себя человеком этого мира?

– Конечно, ощущаю. Все-таки за плечами победный опыт не только Олимпиады, но и Евровидения. Многому учусь у своей супруги. Благодарен судьбе, которая свела меня не только с очаровательной женщиной, но еще и потрясающим человеком и великолепным профессионалом. Только не нужно быть продюсером уровня Яны Рудковской, чтобы просчитать вариант раскрутки олимпийского скандала. Просто удивительно, что в Северной Америке никому в голову не пришла очевидная мысль.

– Что все-таки подвигло Вас вернуться в большой спорт?

– Никому и никогда не посоветую повторить мой путь. Это сложно и безумно тяжело. Особенно когда буквально после каждой тренировки «ноют старые раны». К тому же нет гарантии, что сможешь хотя бы близко подойти к своему прежнему уровню. Я же абсолютно адекватный человек и прекрасно вижу нынешние тенденции развития фигурного катания. По сравнению с тем, что было всего пять лет назад, это небо и земля. Все стало сложнее и интереснее. После Ванкувера повысился в цене четверной прыжок, хотя, как мне кажется, все равно недостаточно. Только к современным веяниям лучше приспособлено новое поколение.

– На «золото» в командных соревнованиях рассчитываете?

– Фигурное катание — это не футбол и не хоккей. Даже в командном первенстве нужно рассчитывать только на себя и выполнять свою работу.

by let`s talk
05 Jan 2014, 17:00
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic
Евгений ПЛЮЩЕНКО: в Сочи планирую выступать и в командных, и в индивидуальных соревнованиях

Evgeni Plushenko: I am planning to compete in both Team event and Men singles in Sochi Olympic Games.

The Olympic champion of 2006 and two-time silver medalist Evgeni Plushenko told ITAR-TASS about his preparations for the Olympics in Sochi, about the family holidays, the farewell tour and his plans to train Yuzuru Hanyu.

- How did you celebrate the New Year?

- In the family circle, following the requirements of sport regime. At two in the morning I was in bed. Before the New Year we were holding the housewarming party, to which my son Sasha invited his friends - Dima Bilan, Nikolai Baskov and other celebrities. The series of events continued on Jan 2 when I congratulated my wife with her birthday, in the family circle too. My team monitor closely that the festive table wouldn't break my diet. The competitive weight must be kept all right.

- When the clock chimes 12 telling us about the start of the Olympic year, athletes usually make wishes that can be easily guessed ...

— I wished everyone be healthy. This is a much more important thing than any titles or money. After having 12 surgeries I know what I am talking about.

— How often do you have to fly to Israel for check-ups with the doctors who did your last surgery?

— The last time I was in Tel Aviv in summer. But I always consult with the surgeon Ilya Pekarskiy who did my last operation. I send him X-rays, get recommendations. In Russia the rehabilitation doctors constantly work with me. Thanks to the golden hands of Alexei Evkov I could get on my feet quickly. The pains that I used to feel in summer are now gone.

- Many people compare your comeback after such an operation with Alexei Maresiev's feat. It is understandable why during the war people had to do such things. But why do you need it now?

— The decision to continue my sports career was made after Vancouver when they put me on the second place. Plus the disqualification imposed on me by the International Skating Union "stired me up". The things looked like they simply wanted to get rid of me. But I didn't want to leave the sport this way. I came back and won the European Championship 2012 in Sheffield. After that I again had to lie down on the operating table and listen to all the talks about the impossibility of returning to the ice. After my surgery in Israel even top athletes started talking like that. I am not going to prove anything to them, I want to prove to myself that at age of 31 you still can not just compete but also win medals at the Olympics.

- At the European Championships 2012 in Sheffield the presence of Evgeni Plushenko on the ice effected even well-prepared athletes, like a boa constrictor to a rabbit. Now it's more like a red rag to a bull ...

— Perhaps somewhere on the subconscious level my rivals can be effected by my name and my previous achievements. But I myself first of all have to go to the ice rink and do my job. At the Russian Nationals, the one that I lost for the first time since 1998, I was too calm. At practice I could succeed in everything, didn't fall on any quad or trixel, I felt like I was 18 again. Today I can say that I know the main reason of my failure there: after the surgery my practices were not tough enough. We could prepare the Short program well, but the Free skating was not ready. I won't go into the professional details but together with my coach Alexei Mishin we changed the system of training, and now I add more and more every day, with each practice.

— Are you planning any changes in your Olympic programs?

— In Sochi at RN I made a big mistake when I set the elements in FS in the wrong order. Now we made some necessary changes. I think that in February at the Olympic Games in Sochi everything will be all right.

- At the championship of Russia you gave the impression that you were not really willing to fight for gold "on aortic rupture" ...

— We took the RN as some training in competitive conditions. That was a mistake.

— Did you expect such a kick-out from Maxim Kovtun?

— He didn't do anything phenomenal. Out of three planned quads he made two. It's a norm nowdays. Figure skating is moving forward, you can't win the Olympics without quads anymore. That's cool! We are not ballet on ice, not "Ice Age", we are sport.

— After getting the silver at RN you stated that you would compete at the Olympics in Team event only, leaving the right to skate in Men singles to the Russian champion ...

— Well, I created the intrigue, raised the interest to figure skating. Had I win one more gold medal in the championship of Russia, they would have written a couple of lines about it and discussed it on fan forums for a while. But here by the end of December everybody was talking about the rivalry of Plushenko and Kovtun. I warmed up the intrigue by my statement even more.

- Are you afraid that the Figure Skating Federation of Russia simply won't give you the Olympic spot?

— I'm not afraid. Moreover, I am going to take part not only in the Team event but in the individual competitions as well. To the adherents of sport principle I wish to remind the following: at the previous championship of Russia Kovtun ranked 5th, but still he was sent to the European Championship and the World Championship too. After his 17th place in London Russia remained with the only spot for 2014 Games. Yes, Kovtun had a great skating at the last national championship, but one needs to have a serious international experience to fight for the Olympic medals.

— The Figure Skating Federation of Russia created a special commission that will monitor your training and at the end of January there will be a test skate ...

— The fact that the Federation established such a commission can be only welcomed. I will be pleased to talk to their representatives. But I think test skates is not the most important thing. It's nonsense to show yourself off 100% there. It's a must to prepare for the Olympcs and bring it up 1,000% at them. The fuss that is reigning now in the Russian figure skating works for me. Even the National ice hockey team for Olympics is discussed less than the participation of Plushenko in Sochi. And it is useful for Kovtun to experience such a psychological attack and to show how he is capable to deal with it at the European Championship.

- You are not afraid that such an authority as Tatiana Tarasova, who did a lot for the progress of Kovtun, will do her best to protect the sport principle?

- Let's not forget that Tarasova is a coach who trains athletes. The same goes about Alexei Mishin, Tamara Moskvina, Oleg Vasiliev and other people who also prepared the Olympic champions. The question who will defend the honor of Russia at the Olympics in Sochi is the prerogative of the President of the Figure Skating Federation of Russia Aleksandr Gorshkov and the General Director Valentin Piseyev.

— The Finnish ice hockey player Saku Koivu, who turned 39, declined the invitation to the Olympic team, giving a lack of proper form after trauma as a reason...

— If I feel that I am not ready for the Olympics or if I have health problems, I will surely say so. I will skate at the Olympics only if I feel ready to fight at the highest level. It's out of question.

- Do you follow how the skaters, who got to the world top while you were absent, skate this season?

— Of course. Patrick Chan, Javier Fernandez, Yuzuru Hanyu are all excellent athletes. The Japanese skater has always been my favorite. When he was a junior who just started mastering his quads, even then you could see his distinctive individuality. Many of today's leaders merely show on the ice studied to the automatism choreographed movements, while Hanyu skates from inside. He does it effortlessly. I predict him a great future.

— Don't you think that Hanyu lacks the male charisma, the one that makes Plushenko looks better on the ice than your opponents?

— He's just a boy! He is eighteen and I'm over thirty. Our skatings are different. He reminds me of myself in 1990s- the same spinning top. He will build some muscles, will come to me to get training and everything will be fine.

— You have already planned out your coaching career?

— With Hanyu we even talked about it. Due to the fact that now we are competing against each other, such cooperation is not possible. But after Sochi it can become quite real.

- So, your next comeback for the 2018 Olympics is not part of your plans?

— After having so many comebacks I won't say anything categorically. I think that Sochi will be my last Olympics as an active athlete. But the technological progress is going on. Who knows, they might invent nano-meniscus, put new inguinal rings in me and I will continue to compete. My nearest plans after Sochi is the organization of the tour "Evgeni Plushenko presents the show of champions." There you will see Stephane Lambiel, Brian Joubert, Johnny Weir and many other outstanding skaters. It will be not just skating to the music, the style to which the viewers of some latest ice shows got used to, but it will be the ice show with an emphasis on sports concept. We are planning to skate in forty cities of Russia and in some European cities as well.

by let`s talk
12 Jan 2014, 15:05
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news



Kovtun's TW BIO: "[...] Member of the Russian Olympic team".
WHAT? The kid is so ahead of himself

Check, if you dont believe her: :-)
I asked the kid on twitter and naturally I have been being ignored :hi_hi_hi:. Think for a second if Plu wrote something like that on his twitter. What a fuss would be in threads after threads on GS, FSU, FSO and other internet garbage. Which leads us again to the same old conclusion- there is only one Russian skater whom everybody cares about :plush45:. All others- just visiting.
by let`s talk
14 Jan 2014, 11:58
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Расписание ТВ || TV Schedule & LS

For ALL FS Olympic events.
The Russian Channel One, VGTRK (Rossiya-1, Rossiya-2) and NTV have the broadcast rights.
The channels like SPORT and NTV-of-all-kinds are not really necessary since main channels will broadcast all FS events LIVE. As well as almost all other sports.

TV schedule on official sites - Russian TV's:
Channel One:
Or 'united' here:
Eurosport: "Davai Sochi - Review"

National TV channels:
ТВ Гид / Olympic TV Guide


LIVE Stream for all channels above can be found here:

Россия / Россия-2 (Rossiya-1 and Rossiya-2) - "official" site:

Россия (Rossiya-1):


Первый канал (Channel One, 1TV):

НТВ+ Спорт (NTV+Sport):
НТВ+ СпортХит (NTV+SportHit):

НТВ-ПЛЮС Спорт / Спорт Плюс (NTV-Sport Plus):

Спорт ВГТРК (Sport):

HD Спорт (HD Sport): (only in Russia!)

by let`s talk
30 Jan 2014, 17:30
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Re: Фотографии на льду || Photos on Ice - training, SP, LP,

^ Lol. Yuzu looks scared here. In the last photo he is deeply trying to impress his idol. Good boy. :-):

Very brief video of practice, just a glimpse of Plu:
by let`s talk
05 Feb 2014, 19:39
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Re: Командные соревнования || Team Event

:plush41: plush48 :son-ce:

Congratulations to all Plu fans !!!! He DID IT! Again. :)-(: :plush46:
by let`s talk
06 Feb 2014, 21:17
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Re: Командные соревнования || Team Event

Hey, could anyone pls translate evgeni's one minute interview into english? Please, I really want to know what he is saying and I do not speak Russian. Thanks a lot for all the news you keep me in touch from Sochi.
Long live the tsar on ice! What he did tonight was just...amazing, though I think he was severely underscored in the components, an Chan for example was way overscored, but let's hope the judges will reconsider their opinion before the free skate and the individual event. For me, it is just amazing and inspiring the way that he can handle age, health problems, the pressure of the home crowd all at the same time. I guess it's just...EVGENI plush48 He said it's his secret how he could manage to stay focus and concentrated on his skating. He wants to express the huge gratitude to home crowd who supported him greatly and heartly. It's both tough and easy to skate at home Olympics. Right now he 's happy because of his clean skating in SP, he's flying somewhere in this euphoria. But he wnats to go back to earth to keep focusing on his next skate in LP.
by let`s talk
07 Feb 2014, 07:31
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Re: Фотографии на льду || Photos on Ice - training, SP, LP,

by let`s talk
11 Feb 2014, 16:48
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Re: Видео (с Женей и другие о нём) || Evgeni's Videos

Плющенко: "Я не могу сказать что произошло. Но если вы спросите президента Федерации фигурного катания, он вам всё обьяснит."

Журналист: "Что именно произошло?"
Плющенко: "Он вам объяснит, почему я пытался кататься, и почему другой фигурист- нет."

Журналист: "Но вы хотели соревноваться?"
Плющенко: "Да, разумеется я хотел соревноваться. Как известно у нас только одна квота на Олимпиаду, по итогам прошлого чемпионата мира, где наш участник занял 17 место"

Журналист: "То есть давление соревноваться было на вас, неважно в каком вы состоянии, потому что у вас было больше шансов, чем у других?"
Плющенко: "Верно."

Журналист: "Это справедливо?"
Плющенко: "Вы знаете, как я сказал я пытался. Когда мы вступили в Командный турнир, все понимали: ладно, мы можем выиграть серебро или бронзу. Но мы пришли первыми, мы выиграли Олимпийские Игры, как вы знаете. После этого Федерация сказала: "Ты хочешь кататься? Как ты себя чувствуешь?" Я сказал: "Не очень хорошо." Я почувствовал проблему после ПП в Командном турнире, я пропустил там два прыжка: тройной сальхов и тройной ритбергер, потому что я почуствовал боль в мышцах. Я объяснил Федерации, что лучше если кто-нибудь другой будет кататься. Я спросил их.

Журналист: "И они сказали?"
Плющенко: "Сказали, что случилось, то случилось."

Журналист: "То есть они вам сказали кататься?"
Плющенко: "Да."


Я как непрофессиональный переводчик слово в слово перевела. :plush45:
by let`s talk
17 Feb 2014, 19:39
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Re: Видео (с Женей и другие о нём) || Evgeni's Videos

Дарина wrote:После Олимпиады, надеюсь, появятся подробности, кто заказал травлю, хотя догадаться можно и сейчас.

А чего догадываться то. Авербух&Со со своим ЛП за этим стоит.

Я же не Яна. Не публичная персона. Я могу позволить без политессов всё сказать. :mi_ga_et:
by let`s talk
17 Feb 2014, 19:49
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Re: Видео (с Женей и другие о нём) || Evgeni's Videos


The video starts when Plushenko invites the camera crew to the house in Sochi. The J-TV instroduces it as Plu's villa, and Yuzu reacts on it with "Cool!"
Then you see Japanese subtitles when Plu is talking. But the content is not exactly the same of what he said in Russian. So, I will translate both: the Japanese subtitles and the orginal Plu's speech in Russian.

The Japanese subtitles of Plushenko's speech:

Dear Yuzuru. Now you are the champion. You are already the top skater in the figure skating world. I want you to take not only one Olympic medal but also many medals in the future. I believe it's possible for you to do that. You have a lot of talents to get many medals. But the most important thing for you is to be healthy. I hope you will. Now I am the FAN of yours. Thank you.

Yuzuru: (*obviously to reply on the Japanese subtitles and not on the original Plu's speech in Russian)

I was very moved by his words. I can't believe it. I was working hard to be like him. And I am very moved now by his words. I will surely take care of my health well enough. I want to skate for a long time without any injuries or damages.

The original Plushenko's speech in Russian:

My dear friend. Now you are the Olympic champion. It's the most dear title in the world of sport. I wish you to gain in your whole career and to have on your chest not just one Olympic medal but as many as possible. I am sure you can do that. Because you are a genius champion, a talented sportsman, you are hard-working, you really like to work hard. But the most important thing.. (*video cut). (*cont.) .. as I alread said, I am your fan. Thank you.
by let`s talk
24 Feb 2014, 16:47
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^ Dick Button was a very well known basher of Yuna, describing her skating with the worser language than haters used. Suddenly he called her "an icon" when a Russian girl won. He would do the same if Yuna didn't compete at all and a Russian would win over another skater. He is a just sick old man and an obsessed russophobe who is trying to play "dick" by PR-ing himself on all things Russians :plush42: . Been there, seen that. Nothing new. :)-(: ::yaz-yk:

by let`s talk
01 Apr 2014, 18:58
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

^ Zhenya says he will come to Japan in a couple of months, but he doesn't say why. Any shows planned? He is not listed in casting of any events for now. Or it's gonna be some kind of another visit, private or business, not skating? :du_ma_et:
He said: "japanese-chinese tour" :-):

There will be "Artistry on Ice" 4-5 shows in China (provisory schedule - end of July, beginning of august) - maybe and some japanese show in August? :mi_ga_et:
But August is five months away. Not a couple of months. In Russian language he sounded like he would visit Japan much closer in timeline than 5 months. Maybe for negotiation or something. :plush38:

The Chinese tour is in the end of July- begining of August? Since he said "Japanese-Chinese tour", i.e. Japan comes first, maybe he will attend PIW in the middle of July, the one that he missed last season. :ta_n_cor:
by let`s talk
10 Apr 2014, 17:35
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

1. Long time ago Plu didn't accept his invitation to become a puppet in Averbuch lousy ice show. So, it's just bitterness plus lost of money.
2. More serious reason is a quite possible competition on the market. Averbukh show is basically the only ice show in Russia currently. But they have retired skaters like Yagudin who can jump 3T maximum and most of skaters can barely skate. Plushenko shows will be like standard shows in Japan for example, where competitve skaters will skate real stuff, not just stroking around. It's a huge market threat for Averbukh and he knows that.
by let`s talk
29 Apr 2014, 09:29
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Re: Видео с Женей|| Videos with Evgeni

^ He said: "Yes, I have a dream to skate in 5th Olympics. But it's too early to say anything certain now. First, I have to recover, come up to my tonus, my shape and then to think well. About my comeback? Well, I never left." :-)

by let`s talk
25 May 2014, 17:21
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