Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Evgeni

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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby killargelia » 05 Jul 2010, 06:52

hello the suggestion that comes to mind is the song "dirty living" group KISS I wish you luck in everything you do not know how to upload the video but the link I send you kisses are the best do not forget
kisses :co_ol: :plush33: :plush45:
Last edited by killargelia on 05 Jul 2010, 07:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby killargelia » 05 Jul 2010, 07:06

Hi I recommend the KISS song called dirty living this is the link
points are the best t quetu wish you much success in everything you do kisses
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby killargelia » 06 Jul 2010, 07:34

Hi I recommend this song. I hope you like. thanks for being a great human being and a great skater. kisses


the melody is called Acroyali Standing in motion by the pianist and composer Greek YANNI

kisses :ki_ss: :is_te_ri_ka: :plush31:
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby Izabela » 08 Jul 2010, 15:46

Евгений, Может вдохновит Тебя эта музыка :-):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vcwx_H8CD4 (Zbigniew Preisner - Bolero trois couleurs rouge)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5F7kt4Rr6E (Zbigniew Preisner - VAN DEN BUDENMAYER CONCERTO IN E - MINOR - VERSION 1798)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI9euK4hvlg (Andrea Bocelli - SOGNO)
Я приветствую сердечно :-):
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby epernin » 12 Jul 2010, 04:55

Hi! I'm Eva from Uruguay (southamerica). As Evgeni have already performed one of Al Pacino's soundtrack movie (The Godfather), I think it would be great to see him performing another one, the song from Scent of a Woman, when Al Pacino dances with a young woman the welknown song by Carlos Gardel - "Por una Cabeza" (Tango). I know a lot of people who loves that part of the film because of the power and intensity that transmit. Evgeni has also the power to make people feel that too. So I completely recomend that song, but only the instrumental version as in the movie.

Here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBHhSVJ_S6A


Please let me know if you like this...
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby killargelia » 12 Jul 2010, 05:45

hello in Mexico this year, Mexicans celebrate the bicentennial of our independence, so it occurs to me to recommend the song called Cielito Lindo played by the violinist and conductor Andre Rieu, recerda you the best in the world

:plush45: :ki_ss: :ki_ss: :plush32:
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby Mb86 » 13 Jul 2010, 00:59

Dear Evgeni,

I am one of your fan. Thanks to you, I will do Figure Skating next year. You give me the passion of the Ice, while, before, I hate skating ! ....
If we can propose some music, ...
I propose you the Yann Tiersen's music of the Film "Good Bye Lenin" : Summer 78

This is a very beautiful music for a long programm for example...

The Tchaïkovsky's musics are also wonderful: the Romance N°5

or, the famous Piano Concerto, and Violin Concerto

Continue to skating, because you're the best !

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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby Oriane » 13 Jul 2010, 13:05

здравствуй те Евгений
Here you are an other idea of costume. You could be Oberon, king of fairie, King of the forest. After all, you're the king of the ice so, why not? :mi_ga_et:
Of course, you can imagine others colors (but gold suits you :-ok-: )and you can exchange the front of the costume for it's back, it's all yours :a_g_a:
And maybe you could skate on the music of Edvin Marton "King Of the Forest" (I know this idea was already given).
Hope you'll like my idea :smu:sche_nie:
and hope to see you soon on the ice,
take care :plush39:


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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby dominique » 15 Jul 2010, 19:33

Tres beau costume Oriane! :plush45:
Plushy a eu un costume tout doree, que je n'ai pas beaucoup aime, il y a a peu pres 8 ans.
Pourtant, faire un combo de noir et or avec les feuilles dorees, c'est beaucoup plus chicet exotique! :co_ol:
Felicitations! J'espere que Plushy l'utilisera!

P.S. I will write the translation later. SORRY, no time!!
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Re: Ваши идеи для Жени(ВИДЕООБРАЩЕНИЕ ЕП)||Your ideas for Ev

Postby Oriane » 15 Jul 2010, 21:40

Merci beaucoup Dominique pour ton gentil message, ton avis me touche :smu:sche_nie:
Moi non plus je n'aimais pas son costume entièrement doré, je préfère celui qu'il portait pour son Tribute to Nijinski, j'ai voulu gardé les couleurs et l'idée des résilles. Après tout, l'Or est sa couleur n'est ce pas? :mi_ga_et:
Pour les feuilles, j'ai pensé au roi des fées, Obéron et je me suis dis que ce rôle conviendrait parfaitement à Evgeni, alors voilà.
Encore merci de ton message, un avis sur mes costumes m'est toujours précieux, j'en dessine beaucoup et ce serait un grand honneur pour moi que Evgeni aime celui-ci et décide de le porter! :ro_za:

Thank you very much Dominique for your kind message :smu:sche_nie:
I either did not like Evgeni's all gold costume, I prefer the one he wore for his Tribute to Nijinski, I wanted kept colors and idea of nets. After all, the Gold is his color isn't it ? :mi_ga_et:
For leaves, I thought of king of fairies, Obéron and I thought that this role would be perfect for Evgeni.
Thank you again for your message, an opinion on my costumes is always precious to me, I draw a lot and it would be a great honor for me if Evgeni loves this one and decides to wear it! :ro_za:

PS: We translate the fench messages in english but a lot of the russian's one aren't translate...I understand that it's not easy to translate so much messages but it will be so nice to have more translations because the online translators aren't very good...and Russian isn't easy to learn (even if try)! :ne_vi_del:
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