3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zhenya

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby bigeyegugu » 05 Nov 2016, 10:56

Some wishes from plushy friends:

С днем рождения, гений!

https://twitter.com/BilanOfficial/statu ... 0122867712
С днём тебя ,Жень !!! Неистовый спортсмен , художник , человек искусства - все твоя профес

MatchTV:Двукратному олимпийскому чемпиону по фигурному катанию Евгению Плющенко @EvgeniPlushenko сегодня исполняется 34 года. Наши поздравления!

arizakarian:Happy birthday Jenya @plushenkoofficial

Москомспорт:С днем рождения, Евгений Плющенко!

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby bigeyegugu » 05 Nov 2016, 11:06

https://twitter.com/EmbassyofRussia/sta ... 6193324033
Russia's famous figure skater Evgeni #Plushenko, 2x Olympic Champion, celebrates his 34th birthday. Congratulations!

Vadim Galaganov Celebrity Stylist and creative consultant. GQ GQStyle

prigozhin_iosif:Дорогой @plushenkoofficial #евгенийплющенко от всей души тебя поздравляю с Днем рождения. Ты великий спортсмен, хороший друг и светлый человек. Счастье, любви и крепкого здоровья. С уважением, #ИосифПригожин

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby bigeyegugu » 05 Nov 2016, 11:15

Bday congratulations from singer Valeriya
@valeriya_rus поздравляет Е.Плющенко с днём рождения ("PRO-новости")

valeriya_rus:Женечка, дорогой! Поздравляю!!! Будь здоров и счастлив. Ты настоящий герой нашего времени. Гордимся тобой, бесконечно уважаем и любим. А с такой женой вообще ничего в жизни не страшно


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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby bigeyegugu » 05 Nov 2016, 11:17

liza_nugumanova:_Женя, Поздравляю С Днём рождения!!! Всего самого лучшего, здоровья самое главное,чтобы все было хорошо) @plushenkoofficial
dadaaccoela6626Правда, эти сни


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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby bigeyegugu » 05 Nov 2016, 11:29

nikolaibaskov:Мой дорогой и выдающийся друг @plushenkoofficial легендарный спортсмен , с Днём Рождения!!!! Желаю тебе от всей души крепкого здоровья, радости отцовства, отпраздновать золотую свадьбу с любимой @rudkovskayaofficial и новых творческих побед!!! Всегда рядом в любое время

katarina_gerboldt:Сегодня у одного из самых выдающихся фигуристов
день рождения! @plushenkoofficial Женя,поздравляю тебя от всей души! Желаю счастья, любви, благополучия, крепкого здоровья тебе и всем твоим близким, исполнения твоих мечт, ну и как обычно, достижения всех твоих новых целей! Очень рада, что у меня была возможность тренироваться на одном льду и учиться лучшему, и возможность поработать вместе! Еще раз С Днём Рождения!)#деньрождения#евгенийплющенко#моидрузьямоебогатство

Russian Celebrity Photographer
vshirokov:С днём рождения,Женя

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby bigeyegugu » 05 Nov 2016, 11:30

muztv:#МУЗКалендарь Сегодня празднует день рождения прославленный фигурист, дважды олимпийский чемпион и обладатель тарелки "Премии МУЗ-ТВ" в спецноминации "За вклад в жизнь" Евгений Плющенко! Наши поздравления! #happybirthday @plushenkoofficial


rsportru:Поздравляем с днем рождения двукратного олимпийского чемпиона, трехкратного чемпиона мира и многократного победителя чемпионатов Европы и Финалов Гран-при по фигурному катанию Евгения Плющенко! Желаем прославленному спортсмену крепкого здоровья, успехов и побед! Фото: Александр Вильф/РИА Новости #ДеньРождения


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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby Грин » 05 Nov 2016, 14:24

:son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce: :son-ce:




:plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39: :plush39:

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby Дарина » 05 Nov 2016, 20:58

М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby cekoni » 06 Nov 2016, 04:00

Emanuel's russian :hi_hi_hi:
https://www.instagram.com/p/BMby078BoFW ... nuelsandhu

To a great guy: Wishing you the best and brightest for the year to come! xo Manny @plushenkoofficial
К отличный парень: Желаю вам лучшие и brightes для слеза впереди!


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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby lala630312 » 03 Nov 2017, 00:06

the celebrating has started

https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x67dun6 Happy birthday Plushenko!

https://5hotnews.com/2017/11/02/evgeny- ... -run-away/

Evgeny Plushenko: “to Win a couple of times and run away?!” :plush46: :plush31: :plush32: :son-ce:

Evgeny Plushenko – 35 years. Of these years we’re talking about him 20. If every journalist working for a long time in figure skating, will gather all publications devoted to the Olympic champion, everybody leaves the book. Plushenko for the audience – a rich source of information, admiration, reflection, comparisons, surprise… nothing to compare? Rich oil rig the world of figure skating. He does not need to attract attention, it has long been chained to the van. With whom to compare? And not with anyone.
“Star disease I certainly got caught. When I was fifteen, was third at the world Cup. And I was able to win it, but burned out. There was something unreal – the press has forgotten about the stairs two at a time, everyone rushed to me: “You’re fifteen years old and is doing!”. And then I spread my wings, “Oh! So I’m a rising star!”. Yes, I passed it. Mom brought me back to earth. Life is made to rise earlier, so at fifteen I was still older and wiser peers. In sports there are UPS, there are downs. But there is a balance… In sports it is impossible to go: bale-bale-bale, increasing all the time.”

Before the Olympic games in Sochi, the fourth in his career, he said: “I Want to speak and go down in history as a good skater who managed to do something for figure skating. I want to convey to young people who want to win a couple of times and run, opposite – go ahead. Because figure skating still, you can say, has not been studied to the end.”

We studied whether whether to the end of Evgeni Plushenko?

And then there’s his long and fantastic career at times it seemed that too much. Then he left. And all began to wait for the return. He may really tried to leave, that is all. But the ice, highlighting the emptiness again

drew: Jack, there’s no opponents, which you now can’t win…

Career no end. Passionate, explosive, with sea fans. Envious or foe – itself. And who doesn’t?

“Never say “never” and “impossible is possible” – this is about him. His life. About his life, which was always near the coach Alexey Nikolaevich Mishin. Once in one of the waste Plushenko from the competition Mishin said, “I now threw off a heavy backpack.” Then he said: “a backpack full of coaching of happiness.”

“The people around Plushenko, are divided into two groups – formulated the secret of the success of Evgeni Plushenko with his mentor. – One big respect for his hard work and talent. And another, small, refers to his success with jealousy. Many successful people in the eyes of people less successful cause it is the baser sense. It is expressed in the question: why go back, if you’re in there, medals, money, apartments, cars, children, wife? And why Leonid Zhabotinsky needed to go to the next Game after the injury and operation, having the highest Olympic title? Yuri Vlasov, why was it necessary to lift 500 kg? After all he had at that time already had everything? Why Bob Bimuno jump is 8 m 90 cm or Louis Pasteur to inoculate the infection, and then see what happens? Why Irina Rodnina, with Olympic gold, to bear and to go back to the scaffold? Evgeny Plushenko also from the category of people who open a window into the unknown. In modern sport the fourth time to go to the Olympic stadium is unknown. Of course, the common man, this step of the athlete and gives rise to the question “why”?

Evgeni Plushenko, of course, has accustomed us to victories in the men’s figure skating. He instilled in us the “contagion of the championship”. We are now in nostalgia for those days.

To waiting – is also taught. “The ice is mine”, is often said Plushenko. And not just talked about, argued. Won, went to

side, again won… “I know I’m doing something new, and I don’t know what happens”.

In medal terms has turned out four of the Olympic podium. Two gold, two silver. In fact- Holy crap, will find the most delicate word.

Vancouver 2010 is gonna be a pain in the heart. He is convinced he has won. And knows that he has lost. “American Evan Lysacek said that Plushenko will win in Vancouver one moves from element to element. And you won. But it was set in the Appendix that the international community of skaters soon recognized, – will analyze Professor Mishin. Now the male figure skating of the stalled out, and those who are vehemently opposed multi-turn jumps, leapfrog quadruple. Here you have a turn of the spiral”.

How many turns of the spiral of the world figure skating on the conscience of the Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko?

Home games is, of course, a strong magnet. But if not for the Vancouver pain, and if any of the young on time and decisively replaced, maybe Sochi 2014 Yevgeny would not have seen on the ice. There was no choice. He again got into a fight. And in the team tournament said their weighty word.

“I felt strong pain right in the back and very heavy stretching leg… of Course, I’m very upset – said Plushenko after removal from the personal part of the tournament. – Because the whole year was prepared after a complicated operation and went to both competitions. And on a team and individually. And I wanted to end my career on a high at a good level. But apparently the Lord has said: Jack, we have to finish enough of these shocks and test. Apparently, I can only stop it.”

Path level figure skater Plushenko – the way of the warrior. To repeat it is not given to anyone. He stopped after Sochi. And went on. The show, a private Academy, coaching…

Yes, today he is already the coach too. The students – Adelina Sotnikova, the first Russian Olympic champion. Maybe her return to the ice and nothing n out – no one is to cut off the hand either “for” or “against” will not give. But Plushenko again engaged in a fight. Now for a side. He is an aspiring coach. He has the opportunity, knowledge, ambitions. And own huge experience. If you leave it to yourself, won’t be right.

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