3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zhenya

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby cekoni » 10 Nov 2010, 15:52

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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby Ирина » 10 Nov 2010, 23:14

cekoni wrote:http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=14421262


Ух,ты ,как классно :co_ol: И Яна,и мама,и племяшки ,и , Дима и Эдиком))) И Мишин тут же звонит :-)
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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby simona » 10 Nov 2010, 23:43




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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby Gal4onok » 14 Nov 2010, 14:33

and at last :smu:sche_nie: the translation of Irina's report
the 1st part:

In the evening on the 2nd November Yana Derzanova called me and told: “on the 3rd there will be a meeting with Zhenia at the airport. Flight at 8.10 pm”. But next day I will be busy till the evening. What should I do? And I told Yana that I could answer later if I would be there or not.
Finally I managed to get to the airport having canceled all my matters)))
As you remember Yana Rudkovskaya in the morning on the 3rd twitted: “We are taking off. We’ll be in Moscow in 8 hours”. So, I thought that they should be there about 6-7 pm. And I calculated that they would arrive earlier. I called Derzanova and she answered that she would find out more exact information. Later she sent me a PM: “there are no any changes. Arrival at 8.10 pm”.
I looked at the airline schedule of Domodedovo. In fact the arrival was expected earlier. And I sent a PM to Derzanova again.
Finally I decided to go to Domodedovo alone, besides it was more convenient for me to go by the underground. On the way to the airport I gave my train tickets back which were bought for King on ice tour and I arrived at the airport at 5 pm.
At 6 pm I called Derzanova to find out where to wait for them with flowers and presents. She said that I should wait for them in the VIP zone.
Then I found a room for officials and delegations. But I couldn’t get there, that’s why I slipped there with a group of people.
At the beginning of 8 am I went to look at the airplane schedule and saw that their flight had arrived. It’s 7.05 pm.
Oh my, what should I do? I was alone there. I called Derzanova several times. Her mobile was not available. - Damn, what should I do? I called Derzanova again and again, but she wasn’t available at that moment.
Thanks to God I managed to call her after 5 minutes. And I began to shout: “Where are you? The plane has already landed, please hurry up! She answered: How, has it? We almost came, please keep them a bit longer…”
Where and how should I keep them longer? A present and flowers should be brought by Derzanova and her club.
I had only banner to show Zhenia and a little teddy bear with an inscription Zhenia, I’d like to present it to Yana like a hint at their little Plu-baby.
Okay. I decided to try. Again I slipped into a room for delegations impudently and came to the check-in counter and asked: “Do arrived VIP-persons pass there?” The girl answered politely: “Yes, they do”.
I was ready to wait for them and then I looked around and saw Zhenia and Yana going to the waiting room. They sat in the armchairs and began answering telephone calls. I did’t know what to do - to wait Derzanova and Co or go to them.
So I decided to come up to them. I greeted both and congratulated Zhenia. They recognized me and I asked to wait for others (cause their flight arrived earlier). They agreed to wait and I showed them my banner I had prepared for KOI-tour in Russia. They didn’t know about canceling of it.
Yana said “It's a pity, but it's all right! Zhenya will have more time for training”.
Yana also was disappointed and said that the showing of KOI on channel Russia was canceled because of funeral of the former prime minister. She regretted because the commercial was great and they saw it in the Maldives. And she added: “Now I’m trying to negotiate with channel Russia to put KOI in Russia in the television programme and show before New Year”.

I showed them the banner and they liked it very much. Zhenia even hugged me and when I said him that I wanted to place it in Cup of Russia in Moscow, he signed it and drew a little skate and put down 2010.
Then he wondered about the date of holding Cup of Russia and said that he would try to come either.
I asked him about their holiday, but I had already mentioned it. Zhenia was in a good mood and very friendly.
At last girls from MCF came. All together we congratulated Zhenia and gave him a talisman of Olympic bear of OG in 1980 and in a box with a clock with photos of Zhenia and Yana. Girls asked them to open the box later at home. Zhenia said that he would always take the talisman with him.
I managed to make a shot video. After that we asked Zhenia about his new programmes and he gave us a chance to listen to music for his new SP, but he asked not to shoot it…
We went to the room in which we surrounded him from all sides and we listened to it. He said that he really liked that piece of music for SP. He even explained us where he would perform a footstep and he told about it very heartily. He said he worked with a new choreographer. I immediately reasked: “New? It is so great, you need something new, fresh ...”. Eugene agreed: "Yes, yes, yes ... I have to improve the components ...."
Then he wondered whether we followed the Gran Prix?
Eugene asked how we liked Gachinsky and his programs. I said that I liked him and his skating became more matured, meaningful and masculine. Zhenya agreed with me and said that for Artur it was a big breakthrough to jump quads.
I said that recently I had gone to watch SPs at Open Championship of figure skating in Moscow and there was no one to look at. I meant a male skating. I said “the girls we have are very good” and he remembered Lisa Tuktamysheva immediately.
And in general he likes a very young Japanese skater Yuzuru Hanyu. I agreed with him. We had a little talk about him.

Zhenia said that he wanted to train for the Olympics in the new-built rink for the Olympics in Sochi. When it would have been finished he would go there to train. There are all conditions for it and there is no need to go abroad and it is necessary to get used to the rink, ice.
I said to him that I couldn’t imagine the Olympics in Sochi without Zhenia, cause in Guatemala he was one of the representatives of our country and they managed to bring the victory for holding OG-2014 in Russia.
Jana remembered that they were there with Dima. And after the victory announcement and firework the concert was concluded by Dima’s song. I and my daughter remember that moment well too.
As it chanced I was in Sochi on that day of election of Sochi and I was at the night concert to support Sochi. And I remember that everybody was excited and overwhelmed with happiness and how both representatives of the delegation in Guatemala and a crowd of many thousands on the square in Sochi screamed and jumped up with joy at once.
I asked Zhenia how he liked Japan and if they were tired of being in Japan the whole summer. He answered “Japan is wonderful and Japanese fans are the best”.
Then Zhenia suggested to be photographed and we were invited to take photos with him by turns. Yana suggested taking a photo of all with a banner for her twitter. We stood around Zhenia and Yana took a photo.....
... (cont)...
Last edited by Gal4onok on 14 Nov 2010, 17:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby Gal4onok » 14 Nov 2010, 14:46

and here is the second part translated by Darina.

We talked a lot about their vacation in the Maldives. Zhenya said that if he had known that the tour’s canceled, he would stay there for another week. It was very cool there; he has never seen anything like that. Beautiful nature, fine weather, clean air, beautiful new hotels. Zhenya enjoyed fitness, playing tennis. ... .. He told very emotionally and colorfully how he played football with the natives every day. The natives played very well .... one of them broke his nose during the game... ..
And he said to Jana: "Let’s fly back right now on the same flight, he told it quite seriously! Yana was so surprised and answered:" Do you really want it?"
Zhenya: "Yes! With pleasure!"
I said to him: "I read that you usually get tired of the long vacation at seaside, Oceanside ..." He looked at me with his incredibly beautiful blue eyes: "It was the first time in my life I was not bored. I agree to go back there right now!"
Yana: " Zhenya, how is that, you promised me to go to Spain to support Dima. You bring us good luck."
Evgeni made a wry little face, it was clear that he wanted to go to the Maldives more than to Spain))
Zhenich went aside many times to answer the phone calls, he got countless congratulations.
He looked through the tweets on his phone and told that he was getting many congratulations and smiled. Reading some letters he laughed and rejoiced. He was glad when people wished him to have a blond little baby.... He wants children. And even when we congratulated him for the first time, and I wish him and Jana to have a baby, he shined and said: That's it!! .... "(he meant that it is one of the most important things for him)
I asked about the sharks which they saw. Zhenya, gesticulating, very emotionally, colorfully told us how he saw the shark of such a size ... (he showed and laughed). He at once put off his mask and started yelling: "Yana! A shark ...! !
And he saw the huge Yana’s eyes through her mask.
He managed to film a shark ...
Actually after a meeting with a shark, he did not really like to swim there very much))
«And if I saw snakes, I would never swim there)))»
Evgeni said that he asked everyone there if the sharks are dangerous. Everybody convinced him that they are not, there were no any precedents.
Zhenya: "However you never know at what speed they swim, they can touch you with their fins and that’s it!"
(I agree with him. We saw dolphins in Divnomorskoe close to us and we run away immediately ... who knows what may happen if they touch us)
Zhenya said that Yana’s fearless. All the time she swam in «terrarium» («zmeyushnik») (so they call the place where a plenty of living creatures, huge fishes were ...)
Zhenya also told and showed what huge turtles they saw. I asked about that little turtle, which flirted with Evgeni according to Jana’s twitter. Zhenich showed the size of that turtle, I must tell you it was not that little. On large turtles, Zhenya said, you can ride!
They saw huge stingrays. They didn’t go to watch dolphins; the sharks were enough for them. And they also did not go to the wrecked ship.
And he also told and shown what huge bats were flying there ... Horror!
I asked, if the water in the ocean was very salty? Why the villas are on the water? What did they eat? Did they sleep in the plane? Have they already taken part in some New Year TV programs.... I tortured them with my foolish questions. They answered every question with pleasure (I guess so). Zhenya told me what a posh dinner was arranged for them at 9 pm in the jungle.
I asked about Baskov, did he really come without invitation .... Jana looked at Eugene: " Zhenya, say that it’s true. We were just in shock."
And she began to tell that they went somewhere that day, and as they just had entered the room, someone rang the doorbell. They thought it was an employee, but having opened the door they saw Baskov! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Baskov liked staying there very much too.
Someone from the Moscow club of friends has brought the last «Hello» with new photoshoot. We said that photoshoot is beautiful. But I added that I want more close-ups, a little too small. Jana: «Yes, indeed.» And she said that she fought for this photoshoot.
She said: Wait for the new photoshoot with underwater photographies.
Someone from the Moscow club of friends asked if Zhenya wants to make the program in the «Sex bomb» style, Zhenya replied: yes, he does want. He said the name of the song. I don’t remember it.
Marisha will tell or I shall ask Yana Derzanova.
Jana asked me about the cream, if I changed it. Was there a questionnaire, which questions were there?. Was there a question «What is your attitude to Jana»? "I honestly replied that there was not. Well, it really wasn’t there. She asked what Olay creams I have. I said that I’ve the day cream and the whey. She said: the whey is better, she uses it.

Well, the girls also talked to Jana about Dima, then someone took advice from Yana, what is the best to use for damaged hair. Yana advised Vichy ampules and shampoo, which are very effective. Yana liked a manicure of one of the girls, she said that it’s better than hers.
By the way, Evgeni had to depart for Petersburg the same day from the same airport of Domodedovo .Yana stayed in Moscow.
I asked Evgeni: What about your birthday? You will not be celebrating? Zhenya: "No, we shall celebrate my thirty years!"
Someone asked (probably Marisha) if his leg is all right? Evgeni, spitting over his shoulder, said: Thank God nothing hurts.
He said that now he pumps up another group of muscles, he has a very good kick-boxing coach...
Jana asked us: "How do you like the picture of Zhenya, wearing his green shorts?"
Well, of course, it’s cool !!!!!!!!!!! And really we can see in this photo that Zhenya’s torso is getting more muscular ....
I thanked Jana for tweeting for us. And I asked Zhenya, why he so rarely writes to us .... Zhenya smiled ... he said he will write more .. In the Maldives he almost did not turn on his telephone.
I remember, I also asked Zhenya about Pukhlik, how Pukhlik is, does it still miss hard? Zhenya and Jana smiled and immediately answered that everything is OK with Pukhlik, it misses no more. Jana added that Puhlik is beautiful and kind, like Zhenya!
In the end we thanked each other once again.


Photo and video here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=57&start=80#p41213 :-):
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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby cekoni » 14 Nov 2010, 16:56

Gal4onok wrote:and at last :smu:sche_nie: the translation of Irina's report
the 1st part:

Oh, you and Darina translated whole report?! :sh_ок: YOU TWO ARE HEROES! :bra_vo: :plush40: :ki_ss:
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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby lilywang » 14 Nov 2010, 20:43

Thank you for the translation! It is so beautiful to read.
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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby simona » 14 Nov 2010, 21:28

Image Great girls! Loved reading it!



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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby cekoni » 15 Nov 2010, 04:20

http://distordedcatharsis.tumblr.com/po ... -specially

I drew this specially for this day!


bigger graphic: http://distordedcatharsis.tumblr.com/ph ... TOs1qd6xk1
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Re: 3 ноября у Жени День рождения! || Birthday wishes for Zh

Postby крик!!! » 16 Nov 2010, 04:01

Небольшой отчет как мы встретили и поздравели Женю с ДР и годовщиной свадьбы.
Дело было так. Собралися питерский клуб друзей Жени (ну кто смог) придумали,что подарить, это была футболка большого размера,как бы на двоих) :gir_l-fri_end: с надписью "С годовщиной свадьбы! вместе вы непобедимы! СПбКД ЕП" и вот такая подушка Image подпись к тому,что Мишин сказал,что теперь Женя 2 года без отпуска. Встречали Женю мы у поезда около 8 утра) Мы думали сейчас выйдет сонный Женя. Но вышел он достаточно бодро со словами, люблю поезда. Спросили почему? Говорит,выспаться можно) Спросил что же мы в такую рань?) И тут мы уже проснулись,стали дарить подарки) :plush39: Image
Потом пофотографировались и пошли через вокзал и разговаривали. Женя весь загорелый и отдохнувший. Правда в родном городе пробыл он буквально день и опять обратно на сборы, тренировки. Вышли, там его встречали родные. Мы попрощались и пожелали удачи.)
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