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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 03 Oct 2012, 16:52

lovplush wrote:... I know that Plushy is too larger than life for them, but still..... :ze_le_ny:

:co_ol: :-)
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 04 Oct 2012, 07:38

http://english.ruvr.ru/radio_broadcast/ ... 12846.html
Russian Sports Daily, 28.09.2012

The president of the Russian figure skating federation Alexander Gorshkov expands the importance of the pre-Olympic season and introduces new figure skating discipline

- Mr. Gorshkov it’s not a secret that now of all the athletes are getting ready for the upcoming 2012-2103 season. So, would you please expand a little bit on the importance of this pre-Olympic season.
- This new figure skating season has begun and we are one step closer to the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. This is pre-Olympic season and it has special significance for all of the athletes. The upcoming world championship in Canadian London stands apart from all of the tournaments that will be held this year as Olympic berths will be at stake there. So the majority of Olympic licenses will be awarded at the 2013 world meeting plus additional wild cards will be also granted to several athletes who will win international competitions in autumn of 2013.

- Mr. Gorshkov as you’ve mentioned Olympic licenses let’s talk about it. As far as I know Russia doesn’t have maximum representation in men’s single skating. For example now only one man can represent Russia at the world championship and in case of his successful performance we will have just two skaters at home Olympics in Sochi, am I right?
- No, no it’s not like that. You are talking about realistic plans. In case of successful performance in Canada Russia will be represented by two skaters at the Olympics. But if the result at the world championship is more than successful (I’m talking about gold) then maybe we will see three Russian men in Sochi. But honestly will be very difficult to accomplish. In three other disciplines we have maximum quota, this means that we can send three duets, three ladies and three dancing couples to compete at the world championship.

- What can you say about Evan Lysacek’s decision to come back? So he is the reigning Olympic champion and he wants to defend his title in Sochi. What can you weigh his chances to defend his Olympic crown?
- You know, I would hardly include Lysacek into a list of favorites to win the Olympics. Of course he has chances to be on the podium, but he didn’t train for a long time and missed so many tournaments. For example his principle archrival Evgeniy Plushenko started to perform last year and by the way I would like to stress that the competition in men’s single skating is extremely fierce. Apart from Lysacek there are so many strong skaters from Japan, USA, Czech Republic, France who may clinch the title. So the level of competition is very high.
What can I say about Evgeniy Plushenko? Well, judging from what I saw this year I may conclude that he is in better shape than last year, the level of his readiness is much higher and what is more important so far the injuries he suffered from last year don’t disturb him.

- One more figure skating discipline was added to the Olympic family, this is team event. Last year a separate world championship in team event was held in Japan. I mean this discipline was not included to the program of world championship. What you please tell us what this discipline is about, what you expand on the rules, on the format etc…
- The world championship in team event has never been staged yet, this is a sort of disinformation. Twice Japan hosted the so-called world team trophies and the rules that were applied there differed from the Olympic ones. I mean in Sochi where the figure skating team event will make its debut the competition will be held under a new format. At the Olympic Games every team will be comprised of one skating, pair, one dancing duet, one man and one lady who will perform in single skating. While at the world team trophy in Japan every nation was represented by two single skaters in women’s and man’s programs. So teams who possessed strong individual athletes and weak couples had an essential advantage over their rivals. In Sochi this format will not be used.
On the basis of the results displayed at the 2013 world championship 10 strongest countries will be allowed to take part in team event in Sochi. Thus 5 sets of medals will be contested at the winter Games. As you may know before our sport carried only 4 sets of Olympic awards. I think it will be quite interesting.
The competition, team competition I mean will open the Olympic tournament. At first the winners of team event will be crowned, then traditional competitive scheme will be used: skating couples will the next ones to perform, they will be followed by men, ice-duets and finally ladies will close out the program of the Olympic Games.
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 06 Oct 2012, 20:21

http://www.sports.ru/others/143872714.h ... um=twitter

Сергей Воронов: «Я могу только пытаться бороться с Плющенко»

Российский фигурист Сергей Воронов после короткой программы на Кубке Федерации (1-е место) рассказал о выступлении и признался, что ему сложно бороться с олимпийским чемпионом Евгением Плющенко.

– Как вам новый дворец?
– Он очень уютный. Светлая, теплая арена. Конечно, не хватает зрителей, мне не хватило драйва. Сегодня у меня не все получилось. Надеюсь, что завтра в произвольной программе смогу реабилитироваться.

– В российском мужском фигурном катании Евгений Плющенко вне конкуренции?
– Женя достоин всяческого уважения, он столько всего выиграл. Я могу только пытаться с ним бороться. И если когда-то мне удастся его обыграть, то для меня это будет одним из главных достижений в карьере», – рассказал Воронов в интервью «Спорт-Экспрессу».

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 10 Oct 2012, 13:50

I dont know what it is - some kind of lottery for Plushy's book and calendar for japanese fans? :ne_vi_del:

エフゲニー・プルシェンコ選手来日記念!「KING OF THE ICE EVEGENI PLUSHENKO」(ヒストリー本)を1名様にプレ..


https://www.facebook.com/UlysseNardinJP ... ODU1In0%3D


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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 12 Oct 2012, 15:33

Some interesting fan stories... :son-ce:

http://racingskater.tumblr.com/post/331 ... u-got-into

30 Days of Figure Skating, Day 1: How you got into figure skating

Evgeni Plushenko 2010 Olympics FS:

Evgeni Plushenko.

It was a Friday night, and I had just got home from work, exhausted; I collapsed on the couch, and with my younger sister, we decided to see what was on from the Olympics.

All week I had been reading in the paper about an ice dance couple doing an Aboriginal dance that offended a few of our elders. And about an American guy that got threats from PETA about his costume.

And about a Russian guy who was obsessed with this jump called a quad.

And what did we find when we switched to Channel 9? The last group of the men’s long program.

We flinched through Chan and Takahashi. We adored Lambiel. We loved Weir. We shuddered and squealed “EWW!” all through Lysacek.

And then Plushenko skated. It was magic. He literally reached through that TV screen, and grabbed me. Even had I not wanted to watch, I would have been powerless to look away.

I didn’t know anything about figure skating. Nothing at all. But I knew I was seeing magic. I knew I was seeing one of the greatest skaters ever. I knew I was watching someone truly special.

From that moment, I fell in love.

I went straight to my computer. To Youtube. To the internet. I was determined to know everything. And the more I knew, the more I fell in love.

Then, as I searched desperately for a way to exericse, I began to wonder if I could skate, too.

In October of 2010 I hooked up with my wonderful coach. And I’ve never looked back!

http://racingskater.tumblr.com/post/333 ... zey-evgeni


Evgeni Plushenko - Rondo Capriccioso, The Swan, Danse Macabre by Saint-Saens
Japan Open 2012




The choreography in this programme is representative of a swan, and throughout you see him expressing both the joy, and eventual torture of the swan. Through a dance, he flaps his arms in the way a swan would its wings, gracefully, yet showing pain. Time and time again he’s shown us that in this area, he can master so many different artistic styles, and this here is no exception.

Also, despite the small mistakes and his fall, he never once loses his presence or composure. Other skaters may fall apart when faced with this, but he picks himself up and carries on like nothing happened. He has this sort of iron will, which not only makes him interesting to watch, but also makes it to where you cannot take your eyes off of him.

It’s still pretty early in the season, and of course there is room for improvement. But I am really enjoying this programme, and cannot wait to see how he transforms this programme with the potential I know he has.


whitebamboo :plush45:

Yes, this. He is graceful and elegant, yet he is also capable of going far beyond grace and elegance, to express pain, torment, struggle with scope and grandeur and might. That is something I always found so wonderful about him.



I have no words to describe this. I could feel my heart soaring as I watched him skate. Every time I watch Evgeni skate it reaffirms why I love this sport so much. He is beautiful beyond beauty, with an unearthly elegance and incredible commitment that can never be denied.

Let those pretenders to his throne keep on pretending. Let them tell themselves that they are good enough. But the stark reality is this:

At thirty years of age, Plushenko has attained control of a new scoring system that wasn’t even thought of when he began as a Senior. He has developed and implemented NEW elements into his programs - the broken-leg spin, the Y-spiral - and a Y-spiral at THIRTY YEARS OLD, I remind you - while retaining and IMPROVING the old ones. He has continued to develop artistically and emotionally. He has even included large amounts of transitions in his program, which no doubt will continue to fail to please the critics, but to my eye looks far more flowing and wonderful than Chan’s “everything including the kitchen sink” programs.

There are pretenders to his throne. Let them fall at his feet and do their penance. For there is only one King, and he is not yet ready to hand over his crown.


Karen Davies
A Fan's report, they thought the same as I did when I first saw him

Cyndy Collins
Me too, Karen. I wasn't a fan of figure skating and had always thought it was kind of boring. I only watched it because my sister had always been a fan of the sport. Then I saw Plushenko skate...and my whole world changed.

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Kudryavka » 13 Oct 2012, 14:07

Джонни Вейр: "Вернуться, как Плющенко, я не могу"
(Returning like Plushenko, I can not)

13 октября 2012


- Вообще у меня сейчас очень позитивные ощущения по поводу своего возвращения, - улыбнулся Джонни, устроившись в мягком кресле пресс-центра стадиона в Эспо. Он только что завершил соревнования на четвертом месте и, кажется, был этим не то чтобы полностью доволен, но точно не убит.
- Я - не Женя Плющенко, - продолжил Вейр. - И не могу вернуться, как он: раз - и выиграл национальный чемпионат, а следом и чемпионат Европы. Мы всегда были разными, в том числе по характеру. Безусловно, я уважаю и восхищаюсь его достижениями. Но для себя решил, что буду возвращаться не спеша. Здесь, в Финляндии, были и позитивные моменты, и негативные. Но я и не ожидал, что буду в идеальной форме уже в октябре. Это невозможно. Мне нужно больше времени. Моей задачей было просто показать всем, что я на самом деле вернулся, а не стремлюсь напустить туману с непонятными целями. Все, чем я занимался эти два с половиной года, было прекрасно: шоу, мода, песни, книги, все эти вещи, которые делают знаменитости. Но с фигурным катанием это не сравнится.

- Как ваши близкие отреагировали на ваше решение?
- Вы знаете, круг по-настоящему близких мне людей очень узок. И все они меня поддержали. В том числе Галина (Змиевская, тренер Вейра. - Прим. Е.К.), которая сказала, что я могу прийти на каток в любой момент, когда буду готов. Я прекрасно отдавал себе отчет в том, что меня ждет. Нелегко вернуться и соперничать с теми, кому 17, 18, 19 лет. Это, по сути, дети - в их жизни пока есть только фигурное катание. А мне в Сочи будет почти 30. Это очень тяжело, особенно если ты не дерешься, как зверь, как это делает Плющенко. Но если люди увидят, что я преодолеваю себя и обстоятельства каждый день, это, возможно, и других вдохновит на то, чтобы стать лучше.

http://winter.sport-express.ru/figuresk ... ews/25370/
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 13 Oct 2012, 14:23

Kudryavka wrote:Джонни Вейр: "Вернуться, как Плющенко, я не могу"
(Returning like Plushenko, I can not)
А мне в Сочи будет почти 30. Это очень тяжело, особенно если ты не дерешься, как зверь, как это делает Плющенко....

http://winter.sport-express.ru/figuresk ... ews/25370/

:plush38: more and more often, when Johnny "justifying" himself, he used somewhat insulting comparisons of Plushy with beasts :plush44: .... and I do not like it at all :-(
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby whitebamboo » 13 Oct 2012, 16:08

cekoni wrote:
Kudryavka wrote:Джонни Вейр: "Вернуться, как Плющенко, я не могу"
(Returning like Plushenko, I can not)
А мне в Сочи будет почти 30. Это очень тяжело, особенно если ты не дерешься, как зверь, как это делает Плющенко....

http://winter.sport-express.ru/figuresk ... ews/25370/

:plush38: more and more often, when Johnny "justifying" himself, he used somewhat insulting comparisons of Plushy with beasts :plush44: .... and I do not like it at all :-(

I guess, I don't think that Johnny (of all people) wanted to insult Evgeni, perhaps it's just that he generally seems to tend to use words in a kind of colloquial and "loose" way? It's just my personal interpretation, but I'm guessing that "fight like a dog" isn't actually negative in his own mind when he was saying it...But in other languages it could sound quite different.

(Sorry, I just assumed that's what you were talking about? I haven't looked at the Russian article via Google yet, but I think I saw part of it in English on Tumblr....)

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 13 Oct 2012, 16:38

whitebamboo wrote:
cekoni wrote:... А мне в Сочи будет почти 30. Это очень тяжело, особенно если ты не дерешься, как зверь, как это делает Плющенко....

http://winter.sport-express.ru/figuresk ... ews/25370/

I guess, I don't think that Johnny (of all people) wanted to insult Evgeni, perhaps it's just that he generally seems to tend to use words in a kind of colloquial and "loose" way? It's just my personal interpretation, but I'm guessing that "fight like a dog" isn't actually negative in his own mind when he was saying it...But in other languages it could sound quite different.

(Sorry, I just assumed that's what you were talking about? I haven't looked at the Russian article via Google yet, but I think I saw part of it in English on Tumblr....)

In this interview "beast", in some older: "dog" .... maybe not insulting in english, but.... :plush34:

interesting, both interviews was for http://winter.sport-express.ru/ :plush38: ....

http://winter.sport-express.ru/figuresk ... ews/22365/
- А я никогда не был столь уж заряженным на борьбу. Я не такой боец, как Плющенко, который дерется, как пес, за победу в каждом соревновании. Может быть, это потому, что он русский, а я американец, и нам не приходится, как вам, страдать и бороться за все на свете....
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Kudryavka » 13 Oct 2012, 20:03

cekoni wrote:
Kudryavka wrote:Джонни Вейр: "Вернуться, как Плющенко, я не могу"
(Returning like Plushenko, I can not)
А мне в Сочи будет почти 30. Это очень тяжело, особенно если ты не дерешься, как зверь, как это делает Плющенко....

http://winter.sport-express.ru/figuresk ... ews/25370/

:plush38: more and more often, when Johnny "justifying" himself, he used somewhat insulting comparisons of Plushy with beasts :plush44: .... and I do not like it at all :-(

"Like a dog" is just an idiomatic phrase. Do you forget Johnny is Zhenya's friend? :mi_ga_et:

By the way what's this? Swan costume?
http://cs309719.userapi.com/v309719171/ ... BbOJnk.jpg
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009

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