... 0PlushenkoInterview With Alexander MajorovQ: Who are your favourite skaters of all time and why?
A: Kurt Browning, because of the amazing skating skills he has. He makes figure skating interesting even for people who don't like the sport. Also Evgeni Plushenko, because he has the most amazing jumping stability in the whole world.
Interview With Ali DemirboğaA: When I was first national champion in 2010, I realized that I had the chance to go to the European Championships. I said "Oh my God! I'm going to watch Evgeni Plushenko live!" Unfortunately, our federation decided not to take me to the Europeans that year because I wasn't experienced enough. I was very sad and I thought I would never be able to watch him live. Two years later at the 2012 Europeans in Sheffield, I was going to compete and when I heard that Plushenko was ALSO competing I was head over heels, I couldn't believe it. At the competition, I made it past the preliminary round with a free skating score of 93.99 and I earned the right to compete for short program. This is where my highlight of the story began. As we drew our assignments for the short program it turned out that I was going to be in the same warm-up group with Evgeni. When I was skating, he stood at the side of the ice since he was next. I couldn't even skate. It was very overwhelming. He was clapping for me and he was watching me. It was a unbelievable moment for me.
Q: Who are your three favourite skaters of all time and why?
A: My favourites are first of all Evgeni Plushenko because he is a legend. Four Olympic medals is incredible. He is the best jumper I have ever seen and so creative. My second favourite would be Daisuke Takahashi because his skating skills and abilities are amazing. His choreography is pleasant and he becomes tremendous as soon he gets on the ice. Third would be Patrick Chan. He is probably the best combination of the technical side and the movement.
Interview With Jussiville PartanenQ: Who are your three favourite skaters of all time and why?
A: Tessa and Scott definitely. His way of skating is quite flawless and their partnership and spirit are great. Also, Papadakis and Cizeron. They have that something that makes one want to watch them skate. And of course, Plushenko, with his artistry and everything.
Перевод:Из интервью шведского фигуриста Александра Майорова:
- Кто Ваш любимый фигурист всех времён и народов?
- Курт Браунинг.., также Е.Плющенко, он имеет самую удивительную стабильность прыжков во всём мире.
2-кратный чемпион Финляндии:
Вопрос: Кто любимые фигуристы всех времен и почему?
- Тесса и Скот, Пападакисы, и конечно Плющенко и его артистизм.
Фигурист из Турции Али Demirboğa:
- Кто любимые фигуристы всех времен и почему?
- Мои любимый прежде всего Евгений Плющенко, потому что он легенда. Четыре олимпийские медали невероятно. Он является самым техничным из того, что я когда-либо видел и настолько творческим. Мой второй любимый будет Дайсуке Такахаши, третий Патрик Чан.
Также вспоминает о своих эмоциях на ЧЕ 2012 в Шеффилде, где оказался в одной разминке с Плющенко, что даже не мог кататься при нём...
Канадский фигурист Kevin Reynolds на вопрос о любимых фигуристах всех времён:
- будучи ребенком, я смотрел на Евгения Плющенко, его соревновательный дух, техника прыжка и желание раздвинуть технические рамки. Это было захватывающе и вдохновляюще наблюдать соперничество с А.Ягудиным, и это мотивировало меня еще дальше, чтобы достичь топ-уровня.
Дениз Бильман о любимых фигуристах всех времён:
- Робин Казинс, Юна Ким, Евгений Плющенко. Он не перестаёт меня удивлять!