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Postby cekoni » 10 Jun 2011, 03:59

about 4 hours ago:

Greetings from the ISU Adult competition in Oberstdorf. I interviewed Midori Ito today. She is so much fun! :)

ISU Adult Figure Skating Competition 2011
Oberstdorf / GER 08.06.2011 - 11.06.2011

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Postby cekoni » 10 Jun 2011, 05:50

ISU Communication no. 1671 (April 19, 2011):

The ISU Council gave its agreement in principle to create a series of annual Open International Competitions which shall be skated over a period of three separate television competitions, to be held on three separate weeks in three different geographical locations, in principle one in Asia, one in Europe and one in North America. The participants in this series may be among eligible and ineligible skaters and should be a medallist of either a ISU World Championships or Olympic Winter Games in their respective discipline within the previous ten years.

The initiative was presented by a United States based organization called ICE - International Cup of Skating Excellence, LLC (hereafter called "ICE"), who includes as its Chief Creative Officer the 1984 Olympic Figure Skating Champion, Mr. Scott Hamilton.

Subject to receiving a satisfactory detailed proposal of ICE (location, dates, confirmed cooperation/understanding with the concerned ISU host Members, invited skaters, event format and technical package (free skating only), prize money etc), the ISU is available to sanction three competitions during the season 2011/12 that cannot be in conflict with any ISU Event and/or national championships of the concerned host Members.

Further details and the Announcement shall be released as soon as the specific ICE proposal has been received and approved.


About Us

The International Cup of Skating Excellence (ICE) is a new figure skating competition positioned to deliver a global series of events that will ignite broader interest in the sport of figure skating. A select group of the world’s greatest skating stars, distinguished by having won Olympic and/or World Championship medals, will be invited to compete in a series of one-night events over three consecutive weeks. This “ISU Open International Competition Series” will provide the world’s outstanding skaters, both current eligible and former champions, an opportunity to perform on the same ice. ICE is collaborating with the International Skating Union (ISU) to create an event that will allow for the greatest technical, artistic and emotional excitement that only the world’s best skaters can bring to a worldwide audience.
Olympic and World Champion, popular television commentator, author and entertainer Scott Hamilton along with three-time Emmy Award-winning figure skating television producer and director Rob Dustin, and respected sports, entertainment and venue executive Bobby Goldwater offer a new sports/entertainment property. ICE, in arenas live and on television globally, is a celebration of figure skating by the greatest athletes of the sport.

* Annual Series with only the best in the world in figure skating invited to compete.
* Allows established, champion skaters an opportunity to compete without losing eligibility status.
* Offers skaters attractive prize money and increased international exposure.
* Opens new opportunities for building ISU figure skating brand extensions.
* Provides new inventory for both TV rights holders and sponsors.
* Expands the ISU’s presence in sports through the development and introduction of a “high-profile event,” using a modified ISU scoring and judging system.

A Sanctioned ISU Open International Competition Series Event


* Select group of skaters invited from all four disciplines: Ladies, Men’s Pairs and Ice Dance.
* Three-week competition: Two rounds on consecutive weeks, then the finals.
* International series: A different country hosting each week of competition.
* Nine hours of compelling TV programming: Three, three-hour programming blocks.
* Fresh and unpredictable: Skaters perform new routines in first two rounds.
* Head-to-head finals: The top two in each discipline qualify for their championship.
* Exciting, fan-friendly performances featuring contemporary music.
* Innovative and interactive presentation of elements and scores for television and live audience.
* Cash bonuses for landing technically difficult jumps.


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Postby clairdelalune » 10 Jun 2011, 11:20

cekoni wrote:
ISU Communication no. 1671 (April 19, 2011):

The ISU Council gave its agreement in principle to create a series of annual Open International Competitions which shall be skated over a period of three separate television competitions, to be held on three separate weeks in three different geographical locations, in principle one in Asia, one in Europe and one in North America. The participants in this series may be among eligible and ineligible skaters and should be a medallist of either a ISU World Championships or Olympic Winter Games in their respective discipline within the previous ten years.

10 years??????? :sh_ok: No Ilia kulik???????? It´s impossible!!! :plush43: :plush43: :plush43: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka: :is_te_ri_ka:
I hope Plushy and Yags will skate in the first season, :bra_vo: plush48, Alexei will be eligible for one year only!!!! :plush27: :plush29: :is_te_ri_ka:
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Postby cekoni » 13 Jun 2011, 18:42

cekoni wrote:
about 4 hours ago:

Greetings from the ISU Adult competition in Oberstdorf. I interviewed Midori Ito today. She is so much fun! :)

ISU Adult Figure Skating Competition 2011
Oberstdorf / GER 08.06.2011 - 11.06.2011

Starting Order & Result Details


Midori Ito - Master Elite Oberstdorf2011

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Postby Ирина » 16 Jun 2011, 20:31


18:45 16.06.2011 - Фигурное катание
32 фигуриста вошли в основной состав сборной России на сезон-2011/2012
Заместитель министра спорта РФ Юрий Нагорных, курирующий зимние олимпийские виды спорта и подготовку к Играм-2014 в Сочи, утвердил список кандидатов в сборную России по фигурному катанию на 2011-2012 годы. В основной состав включены 32 фигуриста – шесть спортивных пар, четыре танцевальных дуэта, по шесть мужчин и женщин. Ещё 111 вошли в резервный, юниорский и юношеский составы. Помогать в подготовке им будут 79 тренеров и специалистов, главным тренером сборной России утвержден президент Федерации фигурного катания на коньках России, олимпийский чемпион Александр Горшков. Имена всех участников основного состава и тренерского штаба сообщает Агентство спортивной информации «Весь спорт».

Фигурное катание. Список кандидатов в сборную России на сезон 2011/2012 годов

Основной состав

Парное катание. Вера Базарова / Юрий Ларионов, Татьяна Волосожар / Максим Траньков, Катарина Гербольдт / Александр Энберт, Любовь Илюшечкина / Нодари Маисурадзе, Юко Кавагути / Александр Смирнов, Ксения Столбова / Федор Климов.

Мужчины. Жан Буш, Сергей Воронов, Артур Гачинский, Константин Меньшов, Евгений Плющенко, :plush41: :bra_vo: Иван Третьяков.

Женщины. Софья Бирюкова, Алена Леонова, Юлия Липницкая, Ксения Макарова, Аделина Сотникова, Елизавета Туктамышева.

Спортивные танцы. Екатерина Боброва / Дмитрий Соловьев, Кристина Горшкова / Виталий Бутиков, Елена Ильиных / Никита Кацалапов, Ксения Монько / Кирилл Халявин.

Тренерский штаб

Главный тренер – Александр Горшков.

Старшие тренеры – Татьяна Тарасова, Николай Морозов, Виктор Кудрявцев, Валерий Артюхов, Галина Голубкова.

Тренеры – Леонид Хачатуров, Артур Дмитриев, Александр Лакерник, Игорь Москвин, Валентин Писеев, Александр Коган, Александр Капитонов, Ольга Фролова, Владимир Захаров, Сергей Кононыхин, Сергей Свиридов, Анастасия Павлова, Сергей Ромашкин, Максим Шабалин, Денис Ионов, Екатерина Рублева, Иван Шефер, Диляра Хуснутдинова, Андрей Шалев, Оксана Казакова, Олег Волков, Александр Грачев, Олег Овсянников.

Хореографы – Татьяна Дручинина, Александр Степин, Светлана Король, Алла Капранова, Михаил Почиталин, Сергей Петухов, Петр Чернышев, Петр Дурнев, Давид Авдыш, Дарья Гармаш, Ирина Тагаева, Ольга Глинка, Людмила Власова, Наталья Бестемьянова, Игорь Бобрин, Елена Матвеева, Анна Сысоева, Иван Козлов, Игорь Пиворович, Марина Бурцева, Екатерина Тихонова, Татьяна Коростышевская, Анна Билибина, Ольга Москвина, Георгий Ковтун, Татьяна Прокофьева, Владислав Владимиров, Ольга Орлова, Марина Яцевич.

Тренер-администратор – Николай Головастов. Тренер-инженер – Александр Кузнецов, Солтан Кокоев, Виктор Шапиро. Тренеры по общефизической подготовке – Андрей Закальский, Михаил Войнов, Виктор Минеев, Михаил Панарин, Виталий Балыкин, Марина Кислова. Тренер-оператор – Елена Маркова.

Врачи – Виктор Аниканов, Ярослав Бугаев, Ольга Еременко, Алла Пономарева. Психолог – Алексей Колесников. Массажисты – Тамара Гвоздецкая, Лариса Арутюнова, Сергей Угаров, Ирина Павлова, Мири Сеидов.
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Postby Gal4onok » 16 Jun 2011, 22:29

Ирина wrote:Тренерский штаб

Главный тренер – Александр Горшков.

Старшие тренеры – Татьяна Тарасова, Николай Морозов, Виктор Кудрявцев, Валерий Артюхов, Галина Голубкова.

Тренеры – Леонид Хачатуров, Артур Дмитриев, Александр Лакерник, Игорь Москвин, Валентин Писеев, Александр Коган, Александр Капитонов, Ольга Фролова, Владимир Захаров, Сергей Кононыхин, Сергей Свиридов, Анастасия Павлова, Сергей Ромашкин, Максим Шабалин, Денис Ионов, Екатерина Рублева, Иван Шефер, Диляра Хуснутдинова, Андрей Шалев, Оксана Казакова, Олег Волков, Александр Грачев, Олег Овсянников.

не понял, а где Алексей Николаевич?
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Postby cekoni » 26 Jun 2011, 04:51

http://www.skatecanada.ca/AboutUs/NewsD ... fault.aspx

Skate Canada Reveals ISU World Figure Skating Championships® 2013 Logo

OTTAWA, ON: Skate Canada presented to London City Council on Monday evening, providing additional information regarding the 2013 ISU World Figure Skating Championships. Skate Canada unveiled the event logo which will be used for the championships taking place from March 10-17, 2013 at the John Labatt Centre.


The 2013 ISU World Figure Skating Championships logo represents many aspects central to the sport of figure skating. The intertwining shapes and colours indicate the duality of the sport, where artistry and athletic power combine. Merging the fluid shapes of figure skating with the energetic expressiveness of colour, this logo captures the vision of a multi-faceted, modern celebration of figure skating to be staged in London.

Skate Canada also informed the council that all-event ticket packages are expected to go on sale in late January 2012 through the John Labatt Centre.

Canada has hosted the ISU World Figure Skating Championships nine times since 1932 when Canada first held the event in Montreal. This is the first time London has hosted this event and it will be the tenth time for Canada.

This is the second world figure skating event to come to the City of London. In 2007 it hosted the highly successful ISU World Synchronized Skating Championships. London also held the Canadian Figure Skating Championships in both 2010 and 2005.
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Postby cekoni » 28 Jun 2011, 22:05

http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id ... _article=1

Figure skating world team event to be held in Tokyo

TOKYO, June 25 (AP) - (Kyodo)—The Japan Skating Federation said Saturday it has approved projects for the 2011-12 season, featuring a world figure skating team event that was postponed following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

The JSF said the world team event will be held next year from April 19-22 at Yoyogi National Gymnasium as a replacement for the original event that was to be held at Yokohama Arena.

The NHK Trophy, the fourth event of the Grand Prix Series, is scheduled to take place from Nov. 11-13 in Sapporo, while the national figure skating championships are scheduled to be held at Osaka Namihaya Dome on Dec. 22.


http://www.examiner.com/figure-skating- ... next-april

Japan to host world team event next April

Japan will once again be hosting the world team competition that was cancelled also as a result of the earthquake. Tokyo will be the site of the event, which will take place from April 19-22. It will likely further reveal how the Olympic version of the team event will work. The figure skating team event will be contested for the first time at the 2014 Sochi Olympics.

Japan has a full plate of ISU championships in the next few seasons. In addition to the world team competition, it will be hosting the 2013 Four Continents Championships and the 2014 World Championships.
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Postby cekoni » 01 Jul 2011, 07:16

Morozov has big plans for Sochi Olympics
http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article. ... y=ice_news
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South Korea 2018 to host Winter Olympics

Postby Kudryavka » 06 Jul 2011, 19:50

SKorea's Pyeongchang awarded 2018 Winter Olympics
http://www.ajc.com/sports/skoreas-pyeon ... 01862.html


The Associated Press

DURBAN, South Africa — The South Korean city of Pyeongchang was awarded the 2018 Winter Olympics on Wednesday after failing in two previous attempts.

Pyeongchang defeated rivals Munich and Annecy, France, in the first round of a secret ballot of the International Olympic Committee.

Needing 48 votes for victory, Pyeongchang received 63 of the 95 votes cast. Munich received 25 and Annecy seven.

The Koreans had lost narrowly in previous bids for the 2010 and 2014 Olympics.

Pyeongchang will be the first city in Asia outside Japan to host the Winter Games. Japan held the games in Sapporo in 1972 and Nagano in 1998.

Korean delegates erupted in cheers in the conference hall after IOC President Jacques Rogge opened a sealed envelope and read the words: "The International Olympic Committee has the honor of announcing that the 23rd Olympic Winter Games in 2018 are awarded to the city of Pyeongchang."

The vote totals weren't immediately released.

A majority was required for victory, meaning Pyeongchang received at least 48 votes among the eligible 95 voters.

It was the first time an Olympic bid race with more than two finalists was decided in the first round since 1995, when Salt Lake City defeated three others to win the 2002 Winter Games.

Had no majority been reached in the opening round, the city with the fewest votes would have been eliminated and the two remaining cities gone to a second and final ballot.

Pyeongchang had been determined to win in the first round after its previous two defeats. The Koreans had led in each of the first rounds in the votes for the 2010 and 2014 Games but then lost in the final ballots to Vancouver and Sochi.

Pyeongchang, whose slogan is "New Horizons," campaigned on the theme that it deserved to win on a third try and will spread the Olympics to a lucrative new market in Asia and become a hub for winter sports in the region.

The Korean victory followed the IOC's trend in recent votes, having taken the Winter Games to Russia (Sochi) for the first time in 2014 and giving South America its first Olympics with the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro.


July 06, 2011 11:41 AM EDT
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009
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