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Postby lala630312 » 13 Jun 2012, 17:54

i found on twitter


Vlad (@worldskating)

Headlines from ISU Congress: The Congress, after a discussion, approved by only two votes, Cinquanta's proposal to postopone the elections to 2016. Aparently the voting had also to be repeated.. This of course means that nothing will change during the next four years.
Lots of interesting questions: Who voted for that and why? Do those people prefer dictatorship methods? What differs current ISU from any authoritarian country?
It's a big shame that such things happen in so-called "democratic" Western Europe.

What happened? :plush38:
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Postby cekoni » 13 Jun 2012, 20:28

lala630312 wrote:i found on twitter


Vlad (@worldskating)

Headlines from ISU Congress: The Congress, after a discussion, approved by only two votes, Cinquanta's proposal to postopone the elections to 2016. ...

What happened? :plush38:

That "speedy" extend its mandate :-)

http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/ ... 0Years.htm

Four More Years

(12 June 2012) On a vote of 74-35-1 the ISU Congress has approved extending the terms of the current office holders two more years. Under this plan the next election for office holders will take place at the 2016 Congress. Office holders elected that year will serve two year terms instead of four, with election for full four year terms then occurring in 2018.

The most immediate consequence of this vote is that the ISU will be led for the next four years by an aged upper level management that appears, based on track record in recent years, at a loss for how to stem the decline in the popularity of figure skating throughout much of the world. The vote appears to say that for nearly three-quarters of the ISU members, the status quo is good enough. It also means that ISU members are on their own for at least the next four years in figuring out how to develop and promote figure skating within their individual countries until some new blood comes along at the ISU with new energy and new ideas.

It would be interesting to know how the vote broke down for speed skating vs. figure skating. We would not be surprised if the vast majority of the speed skating votes were in favor of the extension, as speed skating has not been going through the identity crisis for the past few years that figure skating has, and thus might be more satisfied with the status quo than figure skating. But as far as we know, votes are not tabulated that way.

With this vote, figure skating vice-president David Dore is out of the running as a potential successor to president Cinquanta (had Dore wanted it), as Dore will be age ineligible to run for any office in 2016. This solidifies the candidacy of Didier Gailhaguet as the front runner to succeed president Cinquanta. But four years is a long time and much can happen in the interim. Potential candidates for all offices now have the next four years to develop their personal strategies for election instead of two, unless of course the 2016 congress votes to delay elections again.
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Postby lala630312 » 13 Jun 2012, 22:34

THX Cekoni! What a sly procedure!!!! :ze_le_ny:
As in the politics
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Postby cekoni » 14 Jun 2012, 17:13

Coach Igor Shpilband moving to Novi Ice Arena; ice dancers Madison Chock, Evan Bates to follow:
http://www.freep.com/article/20120612/S ... -to-follow

Ice dancers Madison Chock and Evan Bates, who placed fifth at the U.S. championships in January in their first season together, are leaving the Arctic Figure Skating Club to be coached full-time by Igor Shpilband at the Novi Ice Arena, U.S. Figure Skating announced this evening.

Shpilband -- one of the world's top ice dance coaches -- had been at the Arctic Edge Arena in Canton with coaching partner Marina Zoueva from 2003 until last week, when rink management removed him as ice dance director. Shpilband and Zoueva ended their professional relationship, with Zoueva remaining at Arctic with the Vancouver Olympic gold and silver medalists -- Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir of Canada, and four-time U.S. champions Meryl Davis and Charlie White -- as well as with 2011 world bronze medalists, Maia and Alex Shibutani.

"Working with Igor has always been invigorating and I look forward to continuing our skating career under his guidance," Bates said in a statement. "He is a brilliant coach, and I am confident that he will do everything to help us achieve our goals on the ice. I am sincerely grateful to have worked with Marina. She is talented and I have wonderful memories of my time with her. My experience in Canton has been nothing but positive. Thanks to the team of coaches and my training mates."

Chock and Bates are both former world junior champions, but with different partners. Bates won a spot on the 2010 U.S. Olympic team with Emily Samuelson, while Chock won the 2011 U.S. bronze medal with Greg Zuerlein.

Bates didn't compete in 2010 after his Achilles tendon was sliced in a skating accident, requiring surgery. He teamed up with Chock last July.

The Novi Ice Arena, located on Nick Lidstrom Drive, is operated by Suburban Sports Group.
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Postby cekoni » 22 Jun 2012, 17:53

ISU OKs vocal music, awards 2015 championships:
http://www.icenetwork.com/news/article. ... y=ice_news

(06/18/2012) - The International Skating Union made several rule changes at the 54th Ordinary Congress last week in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, none more significant than approving the use of vocal music in singles and pairs beginning in 2014-15.

Music with vocals has been permitted in ice dancing programs since the 1997-98 season, but now it will be allowed in all four disciplines.

The minimum age requirement for all senior international competitions--not just ISU championships and the Olympic Winter Games--has been raised from 14 to 15. The maximum age for junior men in pairs and dance was lowered from 21 to 20. These changes will take effect starting in the 2014-15 season.

The preliminary rounds at ISU championships have been eliminated, effective immediately. All qualified competitors will now go straight into the short program/dance.

To be consistent with ISU championships, 16 pairs and 20 ice dancing teams will qualify for the free skate/dance at the Olympic Winter Games. Previously, there was no cut-down after the short program/dance at the Winter Olympics.

Whereas before elements were assigned a Level from 1 to 4, elements may now be assigned a Level 0, meaning an element with no features.
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Postby cekoni » 23 Jun 2012, 01:14

http://www.examiner.com/article/isu-con ... t-it-means

ISU Congress: What happened and what it means

The International Skating Union's 54th Ordinary Congress took place during the past week in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As is the case every year, there were a number of revisions to the rules, both general and specific to the ISU Judging System (IJS). Below are the major changes that will affect the way that Olympic-eligible figure skating will operate post-Congress.

Unification of age limits
One of the rules that have always been baffling is the fact that skaters who are age-eligible for the Grand Prix series and other senior competitions are not age-eligible for the ISU Championships (Europeans, Four Continents, and Worlds) and the Olympics. The (flawed) premise is that allowing them to compete in senior events gives the younger skaters experience competing with the senior skaters. But what's the point of giving them experience and then denying them access to the biggest competitions that season?

Beginning with the post-Sochi season (2014-15), the minimum age requirement, 15 by July 1 of the preceding year, will be the same for all senior competitions. Had it been the case for next season, then skaters like Russia's Julia Lipnitskaia would have been ineligible for the Grand Prix series. But luckily for her and for the Russian Skating Federation, the rule change timing will keep her in the Grand Prix next season, giving her the chance for valuable pre-Olympic-season experience.

But really, why raise the age for the non-Championship competitions to 15 rather than lower the age for the ISU Championships and the Olympics to 14? As I've written before, the age limit, while understandable in theory, doesn't really do much in practice. I'd still say get rid of the age limit altogether. It's not doing what it's supposed to.

Vocal music for singles and pairs
You read it right, vocal music will be allowed for singles and pairs skating beginning with the 2014-15 season. Currently, vocal music is only allowed in ice dance. The introduction of vocal music for the rest of the disciplines is no doubt at least partially a way to increase interest in figure skating.

As with most drastic changes in figure skating, the inclusion of vocal music will likely require a few seasons of adjustment. There will likely be some missteps along the way, but I don't think skating fans should fret too much about the change.

IJS changes
In addition to those two big rule changes above, there are additional revisions to the IJS, including:

Another level - Non-jump elements now have an additional level. Currently, these elements start at Level 1, with a maximum of four levels. Starting next season, there will be a base value of 0, with four additional levels, for a total of five levels.
Step sequence undifferentiation - You know how straight-line sequences aren't really straight-line sequences anymore? Well, there won't be a differentiation between straight-line, circular, and serpentine anymore. (Dick Button of the 1990s will lament the loss of "serpentine" as a go-to word of choice.) Step sequences are now just step sequences.
Choreographic sequences - The men's choreographic step sequence and the ladies' and pairs' choreographic spiral sequence have been combined under the umbrella of "choreographic sequences." It isn't much of a change for the men, but for the ladies and pairs, this choreographic sequence will require at least one spiral.
Incentive for better distribution of difficulty in the short - Much like jumps and lifts get a 1.1 multiplier in the free skate after the two-minute mark, there will be a 1.1 multiplier to the base value of jumps (and according to the ISU language, only jumps) performed in the second half (after 1:25) in the short program. This is certainly a welcome change to the jump-jump-jump-and-then-the-program-begins pattern that is commonly seen, particularly in the men's short.

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Postby cekoni » 25 Jun 2012, 02:39

I was joked before, but it seems that such competitions already exist ;;-)))

Solo Dance Championships hits the ice in Sheffield - 19 June 2012:
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Postby cekoni » 27 Jun 2012, 20:57

From ISU Figure Skating Facebook page... probably pics by Tatjana Flade :plush45:

Off season 2012
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set ... 874&type=1

2011 World Junior Champions Ksenia Monko and Kirill Khaliavin with coach A. Zhulin at practice in Moscow

A. Stepanova, I. Bukin, V. Starygina, I. Volobuev with coaches I. Zhuk, A. Svinin

E. Bobrova, D. Soloviev with new coaches A. Zhulin, O. Volkov

J. Zlobina and A. Sitnikov from Azerbaijan at practice

N. Maisuradze practices a lift with new partner J. Antipova

World Junior Champion J. Lipnitskaia with coach E. Tutberidze. New hopeful E. Medvedeva is watching

.... there is and Plushy's pic, which we already seen... :-):
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... permPage=1
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Postby cekoni » 23 Aug 2012, 14:22


Среда, 22 Августа 2012 г.

Сегодня весь день была в Новогорске. Рассчитывала, если честно, что приеду пораньше, поговорю с Алексеем Николаевичем Мишиным, посмотрю, если будет настроение, прокаты (ибо на данном этапе смотреть там особенно нечего) и поеду домой. Получилось все кувырком. Звоню Мишину, в ответ слышу:

- Я не на базе. Я в лесу - собираю грибы.
- А что вы, Профессор, с этими грибами делать будете?
- Авдышу отдам - пусть домой в Питер увезет...

Поговорила с Тарасовой - о разном.

Поговорила с Водорезовой - о пришедшем к ней от Морозова Ковтуне и ушедшем к Морозову Дмитриеве.

Поговорила с вчера прилетевшим Морозовым - с 4 сентября у него в Новогорске Такахаси, плюс - привлечены к работе тренеры по танцам, которые замещают Колю в работе с Ильиных и Кацалаповым. Права, видимо, Тарасова (взял выдающегося одиночника - забудь обо всем остальном!)

С Мишиным все-таки тоже поговорила - о том, как воздух родины нам сладок и приятен его "конюшни" сам сжигает ненужных людей (Профессор все-таки великий мастер слова) и еще о чем-то. Кажется, о послеполуденном отдыхе Фавна. Борьба была равна, катались два ФавнА

Из увиденного - самая интересная короткая по постановке на мой не очень внимательный взгляд - у Меньшова и Сотниковой. Хочется смотреть не отрываясь и очень быстро заканчивается, к сожалению.
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Postby Вера » 28 Aug 2012, 15:14

Афиша прокатов на Рублевке.


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