Чемпионаты России || Russian Nationals 2010-2012

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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 05:09


Золотые медали чемпионата России в соревновании спортивных пар выиграли Татьяна Волосожар и Максим Траньков. Фигуристы обыграли пару Юко Кавагути - Александр Смирнов, которые становились победителями российского чемпионата три последних сезона. Тройку призёров, как и год назад, замкнули Вера Базарова - Юрий Ларионов.

Волосожар-Траньков. 3LzTw2 (GOE +3), 3S, 3T+2T, 5ALi4, ChSp1, FCCoSp4, 3LoTh, 5TLi4, 3Li4, 3STh, FiDs4, PCoSp4. 141.95 (70.28+71.67)
Кавагути-Смирнов. 3STh, 3T (с плохим выездом Юко), 3LzTw2, BoDs1, FCCoSp4, ChSp1, 1A (партнёрша)+ 2A+SEQ, 3LoTh, 3Li4, 5ALi4, 5SLi4, PCoSp4. 133.29 (63.05+70.24)
Базарова-Ларионов. 3T, 3LzTw2, 3FTh, 2A+2A, PCoSp4, ChSp1, 5ALi4, 3LoTh, 3Li4, FCCoSp4, 5SLi4, FiDs3. 127.94 (66.18+61.76)
Гербольдт-Энберт. 3T+2T+2Lo, 3LzTw1, 3LoTh, 2S, FCCoSp3, 3Li4, ChSp1, 3FTh, 5TLi4, FiDs3, 5ALi4, PCoSp4. 120.78 (60.54+60.24)
Илюшечкина-Маисурадзе. 3S, 3LzTw3, 3T+2T+SEQ, 3FTh (падение), 5TLi3, PCoSp4, 3LoTh, 5ALi4, CCoSp3, 3Li4, ChSp1, FiDs4. 120.81 (61.44+60.37-1.00)
Мухортова-Бланшар. 3LzTw1, 1S (3S у партнёра), 3T+COMBO (падение партнёра), 5ALi4, 3LoTh (падение), ChSp1, 3STh, BoDs1, FCCoSp1, 4Li (без уровня), 5TLi3, PCoSp1. 94.85 (41.36+55.49-2.00)



Татьяна и Максим сумели без явных ошибок исполнить и короткую, и произвольную программу на проходящем в Саранске Чемпионате России по фигурному катанию на коньках.
Сегодня Волосожар/Транькову практически всё удалось, за исключением выброса тройного сальхова (приземление на две ноги). Вполне впечатляющая оценка за две программы - 214.66. После их проката вся vip-ложа, в которой находились президент Федерации фигурного катания России Александр Горшков, генеральный директор Валентин Писеев, вице-президенты Федерации и заместитель министра спорта России Юрий Нагорных, приветствовала Таню и Максима стоя.
Юко Кавагути / Александр Смирнов на втором месте. Тройной тулуп у Юко на две руки, плюс бабочка на акселе в комбинации прыжков. Суммарная оценка 201.44
Вера Базарова и Юрий Ларионов сегодня выехали не со всех прыжков, случился и выброс тройного сальхова на две ноги. Тем не менее, они третьи.
Катарина Гербольдт/Александр Энберт поразили зрителей крайне редким для парного катания каскадом из трёх прыжков. Подопечные Тамары Москвиной исполнили тройной тулуп-двойной тулуп и двойной ритбергер и сумели по сумме двух программ обойти Любовь Илюшечкину и Нодари Майсурадзе. У Любы и Нодари обидное падение с выброса тройного флипа и лишь пятое место.

На пресс-конференцию с призёрами Таня и Максим пришли не одни, а с двумя своими тренерами – Ниной Мозер и Станиславом Морозовым и поделились впечатлениями не только от проката (понятно, что они у них восторженные), но и от новой жизни в российской столице.

- Станислав Морозов: «Слава Богу, в Москве мы живём в районе площади Ильича, рядом с катком и особо не разъезжаем по столице. У нас дорога дом-каток-дом, ходим только в магазин или в кино, тоже поблизости. А так, конечно, когда выезжаешь куда-то, столица давит».
- Максим Траньков: «Я жил раньше в Петербурге – тоже мегаполис. Но по сравнению с Москвой… Нас с Таней пригласили как-то на юбилей журнала «Московский спорт», мы ехали от Ленинградского вокзала до Лужников 4 часа… Я в Петербурге тоже водил машину, но тут, понял, что в Северной столице нет пробок».
- Татьяна Волосожар: «Я уже получила российское гражданство, Станислав получит его в январе. А почему нашу пару объявляют, как пару представляющую Москву и Тверь? Потому что Тверь представляю я. Дело в том, что в России существует программа по переселению соотечественников. И она не включает Москву, Петербург, Московскую область или Пермскую область. Самый ближайший регион, в который переселяют соотечественников – это Тверская область. Поэтому я представлю её, кроме того нас очень поддерживает Федерация фигурного катания Твери, но живём мы и тренируемся, конечно, в Москве».
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 05:16


Произвольное катание у мужчин принесло ряд неожиданностей. Одна из них - никто из призёров ранее не попадал на подиум чемпионата России. Второй момент заключается в том, что никто из фигуристов не смог откатать чисто произвольную и допускал ошибки.

Артур Гачинский, крайне неудачно выступивший накануне, пытался реабилитироваться, но это удалось лишь по баллам, но никак не по катанию. 4Т не получился, 3А оказался лишь один, были и ещё ошибки. Итоговая сумма в 211 баллов оказалась даже меньше, чем год назад, когда фигурист выиграл в Саранске юниорский чемпионат России. Этому есть объяснение - Гачинский после вчерашней травмы не смог на утренней тренировке кататься больше, чем 10 минут, а на произвольную выходил после обезболивающего укола.

4Т не получился и у Сергея Воронова, но москвич прыгнул два тройных акселя (3Т, 3А, 3А+2Т, 3Р, 2А+2Т+2Т, 3Р+2Т, 2А, 3С). Несмотря на неплохую оценку за произвольную, в итоге Воронов получил всего 204 балла - из-за неудачной короткой программы.

Чемпионом России, впервые в своей карьере, стал представитель Санкт-Петербурга Константин Меньшов. Ученик Евгения Рукавицына в своей произвольной программе выполнил два четверных прыжка. Больше никто из участников турнира не смог продемонстрировать четверной прыжок.

На третьем месте неожиданно оказался Жан Буш. Подопечный Алексея Урманова набрал на 30 баллов больше, чем заработал три недели назад в финале серии Гран-при среди юниоров. Фигурист, в этом году перебравшийся из Челябинска в Санкт-Петербург, добился первого крупного успеха в своей карьере.

Меньшов. 4Т+2Т, 3Л, 4Т, 2А, 2С, 3Р с ошибкой + SEQ [2Т], 3Т+2Т+2Т, 2А+2Т (не засчитан - четвёртый каскад). 146.75 (65.61+81.14)
Гачинский. 3Т, 3А+2Т+2Р, 1А, 3Р, 3Ф (неверное ребро) на руку, 3Л, 3Л на две руки + 1Т<<, 2А+2А+SEQ. 146.53 (65.03+81.50)
Буш. 3А, 3Ф+3Т, 3Р, 3Т+2Т, 3Л+2Т+2Р, 3С, 2Ф, 2А. 135.93 (64.65+71.28)



Чемпионат России. Произвольная программа. Мужчины. Константин Меньшов - новый чемпион России

Ещё месяц назад фраза "Константин Меньшов - чемпион России" прозвучала бы как анекдот. Но любые мечты, если для их достижения долго работать, сбываются... Костя молодец, все годы работы прошли недаром. Сегодня он действительно был лучшим и совершенно заслуженно стал первым, не смотря на лишний четвёртый каскад в произвольной программе.
Но позвольте мне усомниться, что звёздный час Меньшова - звёздный час российского фигурного катания. Когда спортсмен в возрасте 27 лет, за всю свою карьеру только два раза выступавший на официальных стартах ISU, обыгрывает всех более молодых фигуристов, это говорит о глубоком кризисе отечественного фигурного катания. Нет Плющенко, но по-прежнему чемпион представитель его поколения, а следом никого... То есть следом Гачинский, который при, будем откровенны, таком прокате не попадёт на чемпионате Европы даже в десятку... И всё же это не умоляет заслуг Константина Меньшова. Он чемпион, и он этого достоин!

Ещё одним достижением произвольной программы у мужчин стало то, что на лёд вышли все участники соревнований. Сергей Воронов в очередной раз проявил образец мужества, и прекрасно понимая, что ждать ему от произвольной программы в Саранске нечего, не снялся с соревнований, и блестяще исполнил произвольную программу – Сергей сделал всё что мог – прыгнул четверной тулуп, не сдвоил ни один прыжок, катался легко и вдохновенно.

Артур Гачинский, которого тоже многие не ожидали увидеть в произвольной, ещё с утра заявил журналистам, что принял решение кататься. Артур не ошибся - без четверного прыжка, с бабочкой вместо акселя, касанием льда рукой и с лутца, и с флипа, всё же обошёл и Третьякова, и Воронова, и Буша, и впервые в карьере завоевал медаль взрослого чемпионата России.
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 05:19

about 14 hours ago:

На дневной тренировке Гачинский, вчера дважды больно упавший и катавшийся после остановки программы, ограничился небольшой раскаткой.

На тренировке танцоров больно упала на лёд Екатерина Боброва, но после некоторой паузы тренировку продолжила

Много одиночников не использовали лимит времени на тренировку и уходили с её середины.

Очень многие одиночницы прыгают или пытатюся прыгать 3+3. Раньше на чемпионатах России такого объёма не было. Сейчас же мало кто не прыгает.

Оценкам наших девушек могут позавидовать даже действующие чемпионки мира. :hi_hi_hi: К сожалению, не все фигуристки подвержены подобной инфляции баллов
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 05:23

Dec 27, 2010
Article and Photo by Anna Kondakova

Makarova and Sotnikova a close 1-2 after Short Program

Ksenia Makarova performs to Flamenco by Didulia at the 2011 Russian Figure Skating Championships.

The Ladies Short Program competition turned out to be a battle between two Russian Champions. Defending champion Ksenia Makarova edged the 2009 Champion Adelina Sotnikova for the overnight lead, but the two are closely followed by the number of skaters including Alena Leonova, Julia Lipnitskaya, and Sofia Biryukova.

Makarova, who skated in the first warm up group, made a clean and obvious statement that, despite her struggles at home Grand Prix event in October, she is not giving up her title without a fight. The student of Viktor Petrenko nailed the opening triple toe loop - triple toe loop combination and proceeded to land an equally strong triple loop out of steps and a double Axel.

However, what truly set her performance to Flamenco by Didulia apart from the rest of the competitors was her sharp presentation, passion, and command over every move. She scored 64.16 (32.30/31.86), posting a well deserved highest program component score of the night.

"I love my short program," she admitted. "It is Spanish. I love skating with such arms, making eyes at the audience. I also like black eyeliner a lot, but it is not something you could wear in everyday life. But it fits the program perfectly and I love it. I think Spanish music suits me very well. I am happy with my performance, but it is only the beginning. Everything will be decided tomorrow."

The skater, who is scheduled to graduate from high school this year, said that she did not bring her school books with her to Saransk.

"It's a holiday in school right now, so no, no books. Only print outs," she joked.

After graduation she would like to apply to law school, but admits that she is not yet certain how to fit it into her schedule. She does not see skating as an obstacle, though.

"Actually, all the training and skating help me to focus," she said.

When asked about the location of the Championships, she said, "We are here to skate. In terms of competition, everything is great here. The ice is very good and the competition is well organized."

Sotnikova decided to upgrade her program for the Senior Championships. Instead of the triple Lutz - triple toe loop combination she did at the autumn events, she attempted a triple Lutz - triple loop, and she went for a triple flip out of steps - something Juniors are not allowed to do.

Despite the fact that statistically the Lutz - loop combination has been more consistent for her, luck was not on her side this time. The 2010-11 Grand Prix Final champion fell on the second jump which was also marked as underrotated. The flip out of steps was clean, but not as secure as usual. However, her superb level four spins and strong basic skating skills put her second with 63.79 (33.50/31.29) points and the highest technical store.

"Well, not everything went as planned, but I hope to skate better tomorrow", said the student of Elena Vodorezova. "Two years ago I only came to Nationals to show what I can do, but now that I have won it once, I have to prove that it was not an accident. Which, of course, still means showing what I can do, my best, which is something I failed to do today."

For the skater the preparations for the Nationals were cut short.

"After my return from China, I had a fever and I had been ill and off the ice for a few days," she explained. "I only started training again on Friday and exactly one week later we left for Saransk."

The 15-year old likes to compete in Saransk.

"It is already a third time for me," she said, referring to the two past Junior Nationals, which were also held at the venue. "It is a comfortable place."

Leonova, who also had skated poorly at her home Grand Prix event, seemed to be well recovered from the past mistakes as she landed a solid combination of two triple loops - an element she has had a lot of trouble with in the past.

Unfortunately, the student of Alla Piatova soon undermined that success by stepping out of a triple flip, normally a very reliable jump for her. She also stumbled in her final spin. While she fell a bit short of her usual standards of exuberance in her upbeat program to Alfred Schnitke's music, the choreography of her routine was among the best of the night and she received a very warm response from the audience. She picked up 60.14 (29.34/30.80) points.

"At the end of the short program, I hit myself on my head because of the missed spin," she explained. "I really do not know how it happened. A silly mistake hopefully I will never do again.
I also stepped out of the flip, but this is something I can understand and forgive myself for, but the spin... But the most important thing is that I have done a clean triple-triple. I even got some +2.00 for it. I am very happy!"

The skater also approved of the location for nationals.

"You know, I always skate my best abroad, so if it was up to me, I would have held Nationals outside Russia!" she joked. "But Saransk is an unfamiliar place, so mentally I am far from home, kind of abroad."

Biryukova, who won the short program at last year's national championships, is a close fourth after the first day of the competition. The student of Viktoria Volchkova stepped out of the second jump in the triple toe loop - triple toe loop combination, but got full credit for both jumps and landed a triple loop out of steps. However, unlike her sharp "Tango" last season, her new short program to Puccini's Tosca seems to be too heavy for the skater at the moment as she, despite solid skating skills, often struggles to meet the momentum of the music. But with 59.49 (29.16/30.33) points, she is still in contest for a medal and a trip to the Europeans in Bern.

A Senior National Championships debutant, 12-year-old Julia Lipnitskaya, is a new age-uneligible star of the Russian ladies skating. She also landed a combination of two triple toe loops, as well as a triple flip out of steps, but the highlight of her Asian-style program were her superb spins and unique flexibility. Childish charm helped her to captivate the audience, who booed loudly when her program component scores were announced.

However, despite her charisma, the student of Eteri Tutberidze lacks power in her basic skating skills compared to elder competitors. She received 59.13 (33.10/26.03) points, picking up levels four for her spins.

Polina Agafonova, who skated poorly at the Junior Grand Prix events in the fall, landed a triple Lutz - triple toe loop combination, but the technical panel marked her triple loop out of steps as underrotated. She stunned the audience with her fast and well-centered spins (all three were level four) and excellent expression of the Russian folk music. She is sixth with 58.42 (32.01/26.41) points.

Last year's silver medalist Elizaveta Tuktamysheva continued her 'tradition' of skating poorly in the short program of the national championships. This time the student of Alexei Mishin fell on her opening triple Lutz, which was also underrotated, but recovered to land a triple loop - double toe loop combination and a high double Axel with a hand above her head. She earned 56.30 (27.33/ 29.97) points.

"I do not understand why I failed to skate the short program as well as I am capable of," she said. "I had good practices. I had a good warm up. This season so far as been pretty good for me, too. I am happy with both the training and the competitions, but I will fight tomorrow."

Maria Artemyeva skated a clean but conservative routine, with only a triple toe loop - double toe loop combination (the landing of the first toe was not solid enough to attempt a triple after it). She is eighth with 54.63 (27.86/26.77) points.

Polina Shelepen, who missed a lot of the training time between events in Beijing and Saransk, was barely able to hold the balance of the landing of her opening triple Lutz. She is ninth with 53.89 points.

Alexandra Deeva attempted an ambitious content-filled routine, which including a triple Lutz - triple loop combination and a triple flip out of steps. While she managed to stand up on those jumps, the technical panel downgraded the loop to a double and marked the flip for the wrong take off edge. As a result, the debutant finished outside the top ten with 51.23 points, becoming the last skater to pass the 50-point barrier.

Polina Korobeinikova, who did not attempt any triple-triple jumps, is 10th with 53.62 points.
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby dimi » 28 Dec 2010, 05:30

Press conference of Men

Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU9qibBL ... er&list=UL

Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqsKts6y ... er&list=UL

they ask Bush something about his resemblance to Plushy, 4.42 - 8min in Part 2, what do they say and what does he reply? I m really interested, I like this kid a lot.
Ok i found a part about what he says, but does he say anything else?and why people laugh? Does he say anything respectful for Plu??He is Urmanov student by the way!
Asked about his obvious resemblance to Evgeni Plushenko, he sighed. „I already thought about wearing a paper sign that says, „no, I'm not the brother of Plushenko“, he joked. „I got used to it. Everybody is saying that I look like him. The only way I wouldn't look similar to him would be plastic surgery. But I don't want to imitate him. My idol in skating is actually Alexei Yagudin.“
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 06:25

dimi wrote:Press conference of Men
Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqsKts6y ... er&list=UL

they ask Bush something about his resemblance to Plushy, 4.42 - 8min in Part 2, what do they say and what does he reply? I m really interested, I like this kid a lot.
Ok i found a part about what he says, but does he say anything else?and why people laugh? Does he say anything respectful for Plu??He is Urmanov student by the way!
Asked about his obvious resemblance to Evgeni Plushenko, he sighed. „I already thought about wearing a paper sign that says, „no, I'm not the brother of Plushenko“, he joked. „I got used to it. Everybody is saying that I look like him. The only way I wouldn't look similar to him would be plastic surgery. But I don't want to imitate him. My idol in skating is actually Alexei Yagudin.“

Roughly, what they have been translated ... he speaks quietly and I do not understand him well - something that people approach him and get acquainted with him, thinking that he is Plushy... :du_ma_et:

Does anyone understand more? :ne_vi_del:

In any case, Bush just was not "impressed" by the comparison with Plushy :)-(:
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 06:28

More videos from press conferences...

2011 Rus Nats Pairs SP Press conference 1:
2011 Rus Nats Pairs SP Press conference 2:

2011 Rus Nats Men SP Press conference:

2011 Rus Nats Ladies SP Press conference:

2011 Rus Nats Pairs LP Press conference 1:
2011 Rus Nats Pairs LP Press conference 2:
2011 Rus Nats Pairs LP Press conference 3:
2011 Rus Nats Pairs LP Press conference 4:
2011 Rus Nats Pairs LP Press conference 5:
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 08:18

Итоги ЧР по фигурному катанию в соревнованиях спортивных пар / Pairs
Лучшие моменты ЧР по фигурному катанию в одиночных соревнованиях / Men & Ladies


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Ксения Макарова захватила лидерство на ЧР по фигурному катанию:
Подготовка фигуристки Макаровой к ЧР осложнялась травмой - тренер:
Фигуристке Леоновой нравится свой образ клоуна в короткой программе:

Фигуристы Волосожар и Траньков стали чемпионами России:
Романтика помогла фигуристам Волосожар и Транькову выиграть ЧР:
Фигуристы Кавагути и Смирнов согласны, что заслужили 2-е место на ЧР:
Ошибки Кавагути и Смирнова повлияли на результат - тренер фигуристов:
Фигуристка Мухортова подумывает об окончании спортивной карьеры:
Тренер Волосожар и Транькова не смогла придраться к прокату фигуристов:


Фигурист Меньшов еще не верит, что стал чемпионом России

Фигурист Константин Меньшов, завоевавший в понедельник первый в карьере титул чемпиона России, заявил на пресс-конференции, что еще не осознал победы.

Меньшов лидировал в воскресенье после короткой программы, и, несмотря на ошибки в произвольной, сумел сохранить за собой первое место.

"Сегодня было тяжеловато, потому что понимал - первое место реально, вот оно. Если честно, пока еще не осознал, что выиграл", - рассказал 27-летний Меньшов.

Он посетовал на то, что не удалось показать чистый прокат, так как подвели нервы.

"Сегодня я недоволен, потому что после этапа Гран-при "Cup of Russia" я на тренировках делал упор на чистый прокат. Делали с утра прокат короткой программы, вечером - произвольной. И я последние две недели катал программы чисто, а вот здесь не смог показать того, на что способен - нервничал сильно", - сообщил фигурист.

"В первый раз у меня такой груз ответственности был. Старался отгонять эти мысли, но эта золотая медаль то и дело всплывала в голове", - добавил он.

Отвечая на вопрос, как оценил выступление в произвольной программе его тренер Евгений Рукавицин, Меньшов со смехом заявил, что "он был злой вначале".

"Когда еще не было оценки, он даже кричал на меня, потому что лишний каскад сделал", - сказал фигурист.

Отвечая на вопрос, будут ли вноситься изменения в программу в преддверии чемпионата Европы, Меньшов подчеркнул, что в этом нет необходимости.

"Надо просто чисто катать программу, этого должно хватить на высокие места", - сказал новоиспеченный чемпион России.

Артур Гачинский, ставший серебряным призером, заявил, что попадание на пьедестал чемпионата после девятого места в короткой программе стало для него неожиданностью.

"Большой сюрприз. С девятого махнул далековато. Но рад этому, конечно", - сказал он.

Гачинский отметил, что выступал в произвольной программе на обезболивающем уколе, так как нога после падения в короткой программе все еще беспокоит.

"На тренировке покатался всего немного, минут 10-15. Были мысли сняться с чемпионата, но потом решили, что надо довести дело до конца. Жаль, что в произвольной из-за проблем с ногой пришлось отказаться от четверного прыжка. Это, конечно, шаг назад, чего мы с тренером никогда не хотели", - рассказал он.

Бронзовый призер Жан Буш, комментируя свой прокат произвольной программы, заметил, что считает его достойным, "но мог и лучше".

"Тройной флип, который я всегда делаю, несмотря на то, что он стоит в конце программы, на этот раз получился только двойным. В принципе, результата это бы не изменило, но все равно обидно", - рассказал он.

Буш также рассказал о своей работе с новым тренером - Алексеем Урмановым.

"Алексей Евгеньевич - очень профессиональный тренер. Мы стараемся работать слаженно, я стараюсь выполнять все его требования. Да, он жесткий тренер, но если ты хочешь чего-то добиться, то должен терпеть, все преодолевать", - сказал он.
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 08:52

Dec 27, 2010
Article by Anna Kondakova

Volosozhar and Trankov take Russian National title:

The top three teams after the short program were able to defend their lead in the long program. Tatiana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov captured their first national title, while Yuko Kavaguti and Alexander Smirnov finished second. Vera Bazarova and Yuri Larionov defended their bronze medal from last year.

Skating first in the final warm up group, Volosozhar and Trankov left nothing to chance, delivering all their technical content clean and with a lot of power and energy, which earned them major bonus points for the quality of execution.

Their Romeo and Juliet routine might not have been the best interpretation of the theme, but the overall impression from their skating was that it was as good as it could ever get. Solid, confident, and inspired, they captured the audience's attention from the first second of the program and never let it go. They earned a loud ovation at the end of the performance, and scored 141.89 (70.28/71.67) points with a total of 214.66.

According to Trankov, their inspiration stemmed mostly from doing so well in competition.

"Once the music started to play and we made first one element and then another clean, we got caught up in this triumphant mood and let it carry us through the program," he explained. "For us, there were no judges today. No audience. We skated just for each other just to show what we do everyday in practice."

They claimed that there was only one element they have been worried about: the final combination spin.

"In two out of three previous events, we have received zero points for it, so naturally we were cautious," explained Trankov. "We had been flying high through the program, but before that element, we slowed down, took a breath, looked each other in the eyes and carefully executed the spin."

The team takes the success in stride, but remains modest about their achievements.

"We have done a lot, but there is still more work ahead," said Trankov.

"We are not planning to jump out of our skins trying to impress everyone," added Volosozhar. "We just want to do our job, not worry about results."

"We have a game plan, so far it worked well," said Trankov. "But of course it is up to coaches to decided what to do next."

The skaters says that in their camp everyone contributes to the training process.

"We are all involved in all the decisions," said Trankov. "We are open to all qualified advices. The more opinions and suggestions we hear, the better. Of course we will decide which suggestions to follow, but ultimately we are happy to hear everyone out."

According to him, it is a stark contrast to what he saw in St. Petersburg.

"In St. Petersburg, every group is closed," he elaborated. "People sometimes work on lifts in corridors lest other skaters see what they are working on."

Trankov also believes that collaborative atmosphere is the main change from his previous situation.

"You asked me what is different in working with Tatiana, but I have to say that the key word here is 'work', not Tatiana. Now I feel like I am working. Before... well, you could have called it many words, but work is not one of them. Me and Nina Mozer, we share the outlook on life in general - pleasant atmosphere, family, those are important things and glory and money are secondary."

He said that after the Olympic Games he was ready to quit the sport.

"But then Stas [Morozov] approached me and asked how did I feel about skating with Tatiana... if I would stay in the sport for her, and I said 'Sure, for her, I will'. When it became known that Volosozhar and Morozov ended their career and that Tatiana planned to continue, every male partner in the world asked her for try out, literally dozens of men. I am proud that she has chosen me."

The reason for her choice?

"I thought those were the most reliable hands," said Volosozhar.

Her trust, apparently, was not misplaced. But still, the team believes that there are things to improve.

"We are planning to participate in a show in Switzerland, Art on Ice," said Trankov. "I have been there before, it is an incredible experience. 14,000 arena filled to the capacity, very enthusiastic crowd. It would be a great learning experience for us to skate to such an audience. Especially since Xue Shen and Hongbo Zhao and Aliona Savchenko and Robin Szolkowy will also be there. I feel we have a lot to learn from them."

Kavaguti and Smirnov were last to skate. While their soft and enchanting routine to Claire de Lune was an excellent closure after the highly charged performances of the previous teams, it was not flawless technically. Kavaguti put both hands down on the triple toe loop, and later singled the first double Axel in sequence. The team also received only a level one for their death spiral. They picked up 133.29 (63.05/70.24) points for the free and were not able to put a serious challenge to their new rivals. For first time in their career, the students of Tamara Moskvina failed to win the title.

"We skated like a second place today," admitted Kavaguti at the press conference. "We have to work harder."

"Perhaps there were some minor technical issues," added her partner, "but we are very happy that we were able to show what we have mostly worked on - like our new programs, basic skating skills, choreography and presentation. Those components were 100% today. And we will improve technically, I promise you."

The skaters feel that the change in style is beneficial for them.

"Every skater should try new images and styles," said Smirnov. "This year we have decided to take a new approach. No classical music for the short program and a more lyrical, romantic long program with a lot of face-to-face skating and interaction between partners."

They are not discouraged by a failure to defend the title.

"We do not care about placements," said Smirnov, "we just wanted to skate clean, to please ourselves, our coaches, the audience, and the judges. We are our own main rivals. We have to skate clean and the rest is in the judges hands."

The 2010 European Champions remain ambiguous about the possibility of doing a quad throw.

"It is a tough question for us," said Smirnov. "We have started thinking and talking about working on it again about a month ago, but we still have not done it. After serious injuries this summer, we are very cautious. We have already lost a lot of a training time and we are afraid to miss even a day more. We do not give up on it, but we keep pushing actually working on it further and further."

According to Kavaguti, they are really concerned about their health.

"I am finally able to train at full strength now, but I am still cautious. Seven months [after a shoulder surgery] is not at all long."

Bazarova and Larionov were able to defend their third place despite a slight mishap at the sequence of two double Axels. Otherwise, the team from Perm were clean and they continue to improve their presentation from one event to the next.

Their recent successes allow the team to show more and more power and confidence in their skating, and forge a more tangible connection with the audience. Their Man in the Iron Mask routine was strong, but with the depth of field, it was only good enough for bronze. The students of Ludmila Kalinina scored 127.94 (66.18/61.76) points for the long and 195.77 in total.

"There was one small mistake and some minor issues," said Bazarova, "but overall we are happy. We have reached our goal. This competition has been more intense for us than the Grand Prix Final, but we have survived it. We were too emotional, but now it is over. Now we can relax and celebrate the New Year."

Lubov Iliushechkina and Nodari Maisuradze began their powerful routine to Vangelis' 1492 Soundtrack with clean triple Salchows and a strong triple twist, but Iliushechkina fell on a throw triple flip. The rest of the elements, including a triple toe loop - double toe loop sequence, level three triple twist, and a throw triple loop were clean, making it one of the best performances ever for the students of Natalia Pavlova. However, after the mistake in the short program, the 120.61 (61.44/60.37) points they eared for the long program were only good enough for the fifth overall (179.49).

Katarina Gerboldt and Alexander Enbert displayed their trademark charisma and showed improved lifts in their routine to Robert Wells Rhapsody in Rock. However, the students of Tamara Moskvina had to fight for the landings of the opening triple toe loop - double toe loop - double loop combination, and later he doubled triple Salchow. The team also had a weak catch on their triple twist. Still, the audience adored their obvious commitment to their program and the rapport between them elevated the program above its technical content. They scored 120.78 (60.54/60.24) points, and with 182.77 in total, remained in the fourth place overall.

Ksenia Stolbova and Fedor Klimov's intricate and expressive routine to La Strada was among the crowd favorites. However, with two crashes on both throw jumps, only a double twist, and a singled Axel towards the end of the program, the silver medalists of the 2010-2011 Junior Grand Prix Final had to settle for sixth place. They received 107.05 (52.98/56.07) points and 168.08 overall.

Maria Mukhortova and Jerome Blanchard had a disastrous performance with a popped triple Salchow from her, a fall on triple toe loop from him, a fall on one of the throws, and an aborted lift. The students of Oleg Vasiliev earned only 94.85 for the free and with 148.63 points in total, they finished a distant seventh.
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Re: Чемпионат России, Саранск || Russian Nationals 26-29.12.

Postby cekoni » 28 Dec 2010, 08:52

Dec 27, 2010 Article and Photo by Anna Kondakova

Menshov wins Gold at Russian Nationals:

The Men's Long program competition proved to be as prone to dramatic rises and falls as the short program yesterday, and once again, only a few skaters were able to deliver all planned content without mistakes.

Despite the difficulties, the competition was an intense one with the fate of the title in the air up until the penultimate competitor. Overnight leader Konstantin Menshov won, while Artur Gachinski rose from ninth place to capture the silver. Zhan Bush edged the rivals for the bronze.

Menshov, a veteran skater with a rather short international resume, delivered what could be described as his typical routine. He had an impressive opening which featured a a quad toe loop - double toe loop combination, a triple Lutz, and another quad toe loop (the only attempts on that jump today). He followed up with an Axel (which he popped into double), another double jump, and then a stumble out of a triple loop.

The 27-year-old managed to pull himself together and land a triple toe loop - double toe loop - double toe loop combination, but as he has unexpectedly turned a triple loop attempt into a combination jump, he received no credit for his final planned double Axel - double toe loop combination.

"I do not know what has come over me," he said. "I was falling out of the landing curve on the loop and I decided to add another jump to it. When I went on to skate the program as planned, it never occurred to me to worry about the number of combination jumps. Now I know better."

The student from St. Petersburg said that the coach was angry with him for making such a stupid mistake.

"He actually berated me for it," he explained, "but only while the cameras [in the kiss'n'cry area] were off and before he saw the marks."

The skater himself is also not satisfied with the performance.

"I am upset that I was not able to skate a clean program," Menshov lamented. "This is something I worked really hard on since Cup of Russia [in October]. The practices were short, but intense. I did a run through of the short program in the mornings and a run through of the long program in the evenings. I skated both programs clean, I know that I am capable of it, but I was not able to do it today."

Menshov believes it was largely due a burden of being in the lead.

"I was nervous, that is true," he admitted. "I kept thinking that I have a chance to win the title. While I was waiting for my turn to skate, I saw one guy after another leave the ice, happy and relaxed now what the Championships were over for them, and I sat there and I thought 'and I still have to skate to those 4.5 minutes'. Then things started so well. I landed the quads, I got excited, I started to think 'yes, I have done it' and I made mistakes."

This is something Menshov realizes he needs to work on for the European Championships in Bern.

"I know that I have to approach it with calm," he noted. "I have to learn to be able to present the program well and still stay focused and skate clean like I do in practices."

The student of Evgeni Rukavitsin once again had an elaborate storyline behind his program to Michael Jackson music.

"It begins with me breaking out of jail," he said. "I tear the handcuffs off, I escape. Then I go to an island... I don't know which exactly, but it is a happy place. Birds are singing and I am relaxed and enjoy myself. And the last part is, well, just Michael Jackson."

It has been a long road for the skater, who finished 17th at the 2001 Russian Nationals Championships, and the success has not yet sunk in.

"I have not fully realized it yet," he admitted at the press conference. "It was hard to skate. An enormous responsibility and a lot of pressure - especially skating next to last. I had no time to think it over."

Gachinski delivered a courageous, but inconsistent program to Dmitri Shostakovich's The Bolt. He opened the routine with a high triple toe loop and triple Axel - double toe loop - double toe loop combination, but popped the next Axel into a single. The student of Alexei Mishin produced two more clean triples (loop and Lutz), but his flip received an edge call and he put both hands down on the landing of the second Lutz which he was barely able to add a single toe to.

Artistically, his routine was also hit-and-miss. The 17-year-old only got into character during the choreographed in-between moves and step sequences, while his setups for the jumps were so focused that they looked much more like a run-through in practice than a competitive performance. However, after a hard fall and injury he sustained a day before, it was a job well done and he earned 146.53 (65.03/81.50). With 211.28 in total, he was able to pull up to the second place overall.

"It is a big surprise," Gachinski said at the press conference. "After the ninth in the short, it is quite a comeback. A pleasant surprise of course. The leg is ok right now. I got a painkilling shot right before the competition. Today I had a very hard practice. I was only able to skate for 10-15 minutes. I was barely able to do crossovers. I will undergo an in-depth examination once I get back to St. Petersburg."

The skater admits that he thought about withdrawing from the event.

"During the medical break yesterday, the thought had crossed my mind," he revealed, "but I had three minutes to pull myself together and the coach told me to continue, so I did. I do not think I was trying to prove anything to anyone. I just wanted to see it through."

The 2010 Russian Junior Champion has changed the storyline behind his routine.

"Yes, since the Cup of Russia, we had changed the concept of the program," Gachinski explained. "Now I am Pierrot, only I am really not. As the program goes on, I realize that I no longer want to be Pierrot - that I want to be upbeat and funny. So it is no longer based on Shotakovich's music.
I had a feeling that the previous version did not work well with the judges."

Sergei Voronov managed to recover from a disastrous performance in the short program to deliver a clean long to the music of Rachmaninov. The student of Nikolai Morozov only did a triple toe loop as the opening jump, and did not attempt any flips or Lutzes in his routine. However, he landed two triple Axels, two triple loops, and a triple Salchow.

Despite entering two international events this fall, it was the first time that the 23-year-old skated his new long program in competition (he withdrew after the short program before). The most impressive quality about his program was the continuous non-stop movement, but his power is not yet up to the levels he displayed at his best. He scored 144.57 (69.21/75.36) for the free and sky-rocketed through the standings with 204.71 points overall - only to lose the bronze by 0.27 points.

Even in the field as wide open as the one in Saransk, few could have predicted a medal for Bush. The student of Alexei Urmanov skated a very competent program, landing a triple Axel and six more triple jumps - only popping a final flip into a double.

"I am very upset about the mistake," he said afterwards. "Even though the flip is put really late in the program, I have always landed it in the past. I would not have changed the outcome anyway, but still it's a pity."

The Junior Grand Prix Final participant earned 135.93 (64.65/71.28) points, and with a total score of 204.98, was able to capture the bronze.

"It was a decent job," he said at the press conference. "At least Urmanov was happy, which is good. He is a strict taskmaster, but he is a great professional and I always try to do what he tells me to do. Often it is not easy, but this is something you have to live with."

The skater is often compared to Evgeni Plushenko both in his appearance and in his skating style.

"Yes, thank you, I am aware of it," he replied when asked about it at the press conference. "In fact for a while I considered making a sign and sticking it on my back 'Yes, I look like Plushenko. No, I am not his brother'," he joked."Pretty much everyone who meets me tells me about it. Generally I pretend to be surprised."

The 17-yeard old, however, denies any attempts to copy a decorated compatriot.

"No, I do not re-watch his programs," he said. "If anything, I watch Alexei Yagudin. He is the one I was always looking up to. Together with my coach, we have tried to work on it [not looking like Plushenko]. We changed the haircut. It did not work. Now all that is left is a plastic surgery."

Fellow Junior Grand Prix Final competitor Gordei Gorshkov was once again unable to rotate his triple Axel attempt, and slipped to sixth place in overall standings despite finishing fifth in the long program. He landed four triple jumps in the first half of his program, but was only able to land a clean triple loop in the second half. He scored 133.52 (61.80/72.72) points and had 203.50 overall.

Ivan Tretiakov, who was third after the short program, slipped to fifth place overall (204.54) after struggling with the landings on the majority of his jumps. Without a strong technical content, his routine to Charade fell flat and he only received 132.49 (61.99/70.50) points.

The last skater to score above 200 points in total was Artur Dmitriev. The runner up after the short program was the first to skate in the final warm up group, but the pressure proved to be too much for the 2010 Junior National Championships silver medalist. He two-footed the landing of his opening triple Axel and went on to make mistakes on the other jumping passes as well. In the end, he only received full credit for a triple toe loop and triple Salchow towards the end of the program. His second triple Lutz received no points as it was a third repeated jump of 'three or more rotations'. He received 202.72 points in total to finish seventh.

Maxim Kovtun, who was sixth after short program, popped his opening triple Axel into a single, and slipped to 11th place overall.
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