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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 06 Dec 2009, 17:46

Russians skaters done Evgeni Plushenko's great :plush46:

City of Tokyo, so beloved for Russian's figure skaters, this time was not happy for them. At the ended the Grand Prix Final, which brought together almost all of the strongest skaters a series of six stages, the Russians have been consistent. Three representatives of our country is located from the fourth to sixth places....

Plushenko against depression :hi_hi_hi:

.. Meanwhile, from complete depression, save us returned for victory Evgeni Plushenko, and dancers Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin, for which the Olympics in Vancouver will likely last. In the men's figure skating, and ice dancing Russians, however, like other leaders in these species, in the Grand Prix Final did not participate, which leaves us hope for success. But only a hope, not certainty, because it is not clear whether on a single launch of Evgeni Plushenko's, objectively evaluate his form. And whould will severe trauma of Maxim Shabalin, performe a pair in full force. Probably, never before, Russian's figure skaters are not left so many questions unanswered, on the eve of the Olympics, but not left long time to wait....

- 5.12.09 15:16 - TEXT: Boris Khodorovsky

Medals is so far virtual

At the end in Tokyo, on the final Grand Prix, Russian's figure skaters were left without winning ...

... In men, all hopes is in Evgeni Plushenko's, who this season has already won the Moscow Grand Prix and, according to the Tatiana Tarasova itself, scored an incredible shape. In the Grand Prix Final, Olympic champion attended virtually. With his Moscow sum of points, Plushenko would be the bronze medalist. We need, of course, take into account, that in the Japanese capital was not Brian Joubert and Stephan Lambiely, but in the men, we have a clear contender for the gold....
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 10 Dec 2009, 09:35

Evgeni Plushenko: "Now I had more enemies, than it was before"


Return to the amateur sport of the Olympic champion in figure skating Evgeni Plushenko, seemed to many as a bluff, PR, just empty talk. What was the surprise for skeptics, when is Evgeni first, very quickly parted with overweight, and then reached even and not so bad shape.

With garlic on the chest

- Evgeni, whether they justify your expectations of a return to amateur sports?
- For now, all goes according to plan. Nobody not expected an easy life, him is and not. I've been working a lot all these months. Passed all the required camps. I had four training per day - I skated on the ice, was engaged in general physical training, playing hockey and football. It was the task of maximally diversify of load, to utilize all the muscles. I was on a diet, because I had to get rid of the ten extra kilos. But even and this is not the worst. The hardest thing was to return to the early routine. Get up at seven in the morning, going to the gym. In the evening, already work-worn, on the second. To overcome it all, to force myself to do it all that - it was not easy to pass. Many people asked me: "Why all this would to you? You have everything - money, popularity, good career." But I felt that I could still skate. For myself, for the sake of the fans, and for the sake of my wife. Yana really wanted to I get back. And I am grateful to her, that she sent me to true path. Returned me to the regime, to diet, to stability.

- She found you and a sponsor?
- Yes. I became a "face" of one cosmetics company. It helped me a lot: pay costume, camps, work of my whole team. But, even if it were and not sponsor's, I will still be returned. I have a lot more power.

- That is, after Vancouver's, your career is not finished?
- I think not. Do not exclude even a version, that I compete in Sochi. Although, of course, I am not of iron. Behold now, five days lay at home with the flu. Very much is sore the whole body in places, where previously I was been injured. As to today, I go with the garlic on my chest. Tied him on the string, and immediately after trainings I put him on. I will wear and hygienic mask in public places. I'm not embarrased. My own health is still more important.

"Kotofeevna" next to ice

- You have a wedding in the Olympic year. Many athletes prefer to postpone such an important event, on a more quiet time. You are not being discouraged from someone?
- Not dissuade me. Even that would have been impossible. Our wedding did not prevent my work. I have not missed a single training day. I am bit sad, that we did not go on a honeymoon. To us gave ten different tours on the island. But do not worry - we use them after the Games.

- Your feelings at a second wedding is different than of the first?
- Of course. Now I sensibly understood, what is behind my decision. Just know that life is complicated. But I realize that she is the person, which I really need. Yana is not just my wife, but also a friend. She is totally different - in public, and at home. I am the same, so we understand each other. I know, that she helps me. I'm sure that does not turn away, even if it will be difficult.

- Yana is moved to St. Petersburg?
- We are building a house near St. Petersburg. Meanwhile, Yana lives in the two cities. Although most, of course, here with me. She comes to my every training, sits in the locker room, and works with the laptop. Thus Yana can always look out the window, and see me. And recently, I rehearsed a complex cascade, so she ran to the space next to the ice. I asked her: ""Kotofeevna", why are you come?" She says: "I want to stay close, as support." You see, my first wife was the exact opposite. I won the Olympics, and they told me that I should forget all about figure skating, and working with her dad. To this I could only reply: "You are inadequate!" Well, how can I forget figure skating, if I'm in it, for so many years?! Here I know everything, I love him, and will never abandon.

Unique school near St. Petersburg

- Many people do not believe in your return. How do you react to negative words in your address?
- Definitely not listened to everybody. You see, I went from this part of sport. I found myself in show business. Some people accepted me there just fine, and of course, many did not like it. Appeared a lot more enemies, than it was during my sporting career. But it can not do anything. I will work, and the rest - let them speak.

- From 23 to 27 December at the Palais des Sports "Yubileniy" will be held the Championship of Russia, where Petersburgians can look at your willingness...
- I hope that the organizers will do everything, that championship will be held at a good level. Most importantly, that not to have problems wit the ice. I hope that comes a lot of viewers, because it will look nice. I'd like to see filled stands.

- For three years, while you are not competed, figure skating has changed much?
- In jumps - no. Maybe, even and gone back. Now you can win without quadruple jumps. But for myself personally, I still aim to put on the Games two quads in one program. Moreover, now I'm training a unique cascade - Axel with three and a half turns, and a quadruple toe loop. Just few people believe to me, but I have even a video of successful attempts.

- And your relationship with coach Alexei Mishin has changed in that time?
- Life goes on. We get older. Alexey understand, that I became an Olympic champion. And this tremendous experience. So, now he is more consults with me. Do not go ahead, than always asked how is my health. That's right, because I already too much know and may. I can still say, that we have a better understanding of each other - he just starts to say something, and I can finish. If I be a coach, I will do it, as Mishin.

- You do not exclude the possibility to become a coach?
- Not at all. I would have to work with children after the Olympic Games. I have a long-standing dream - to build near St. Petersburg, a unique school for skaters. We develop business plans for the project. Its essence is that in one complex will be and a skating rink, general education school, kindergarten, and a hotel. After training, the child can quickly get to school, then relax in a nice hotel, and return to the ice already in the evening. It's a tremendous time savings. Take, for example, me. As a child, I lived close to the metro "Star". Every morning came in "Yubileyniy". Metro "Sports" did not yet exist. So, I stamped my foot from "Gorky", or "Vasileostrovskaya". After training, I was "not for nothing". If I come to the school - well, if I do not come - no problem. In the evening, back on the ice. And then again to the metro "Star". Do you think that after such a day, I could do homework? Yes, at best, to read something.
After the Olympics, I hope, will be meeting with top officials of the state. There, I will presented this idea. I hope some help from the city. Perhaps it will attract private investors. I want to create this school not just anywhere, but in the resort area of St. Petersburg. And do not believe to those, who say that the earth is not there. Its enough. And then, in the Leningrad's region is no one rink. And, where you can find better place?!

- This will be only a school for figure skating?
- No. There will learn and hockey players. We have already spoken about this subject with some of our great hockey players. Many are ready to training here, to conduct master classes, to arrange some meetings. I would really like, that it realized.

- How do you react to the story of Andrey Lutai, and his adventures in America?
- I was very surprised, and could not believe. Still, it is not very similar to Andrey. Now he needs a long time to ask for forgiveness, and prove with sports his repentance. Should be locked up in ice, and work, work, work...

- Some people think, that you are guilty because these stories. Returned to the sport, you took his place in the team, Mishin now paying more attention to you.
- Well, let's start with the fact, that I was not taking anyone's place. I just came back to mine. :cool_cool: :du_el: :ku_bok: And I would not say, that Alexei Nikolaevich threw him on the arbitrariness of fate. Note, that during the competition, he was with him in America, and not with Plushenko in St. Petersburg.
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 13 Dec 2009, 15:52
12.12.2009., Olga Burbencova

Russian anthem in Vancouver

Until recently, men's singles skating caused only to a nostalgia for the past, and timid hope that someday everything will come into place, and we will again to be proud because of someone. While ...

Figure skating for our country - this is not a sport. It is exclusively a Russian's mixture of national pride, sports priority, art, multiplied by the national love, and not having age limits.

As and in many other sports, in figure skating we can not boast with the role of pioneers. This is, generally, a very international sport. It is believed, that figure skating appeared in the Netherlands, somewhere in the XIII-XIV centuries, where is born first iron skates. All compulsory figures were created in Britain in the XVII century, there also appeared and the first edition of the figure skating rules. In Austria, in Vienna 1882, held its first international competition in Europe.

Ancestor of figure skating in Russia, without any exaggeration, considered is Peter I. He had brought from Europe the first samples of skates, and invented a new way of attaching them - straight to the boots. As separate kind of sports, our skating was born in 1865. Then is opened a public skating rink in the "Yusupov garden's", and it 5 March 1878 held its first competition of Russian figure skaters. At the beginning of XX century, Salchow, Lutz, Rittberger (Loop), Axel Paulsen invented his jumps, which now have their names. Since 1930, the World Championships for men and women have been held together in the same period. The fourth kind of figure skating - Ice dancing - came much later, again in the UK. Olympic championship played out in a single (male and female) and pairs, only 1976 in the Olympic program were included ice dancing.

Love towards figure skating in our country, recognized almost all. Who does not recognize - surely disingenuous. We all went through childhood, filled with an evening of music and flickering television screens - first black/white, then and color. And there was not for our generation, nothing more fascinating, than, getting into grandfather's chair, or sitting down with its family on the couch, with excitement and delight to observe the magic on the ice. And who much is worth stories commentators about the skaters' costumes: details about the pearl-pink or sky-blue with silver (remember, TVs were black and white)! Oh, how I envied them: they really see something all in color and shine! And the names - what a sounding names: Belousova and Protopopov, Rodnina and Zaitsev, Moses and Minenkov, Bestemianova and Bukin, Vodorezova, Tarasova, Mishin, Moskvina, Zhuk - that neither the name, a legend! And what are the words: axel, toe loop, lutz, and, of course, flip - nothing not clear, but so beautiful and mysterious!

But that was then. And now, with people's love and the growing popularity of figure skating in our country, all turned into a show. Last tears of joy were spilled on the Olympics in Turin, really became a triumphal for the Soviet figure skating. And I do not slip - not Russian, than Soviet. After all, our champions is the pupils of the Soviet sports school, with all its flaws, but and grandiose advantages. And if our dance couples still offer hope for Olympic awards, the men's single skating caused only to a nostalgia for the past, and timid hope that someday everything will come into place, and we will again to be proud because of someone.

But, it was else quite recently. And suddenly - everything changed. And changed not only for us, scored pre-Olympic anxiety in those countries, which are constantly involved in the division of medals on World and European championships. In those, which do not, without reason, to expect the Olympic awards in Vancouver.

The name of their worries - Evgeni Plushenko. He is returned. Talking about him can only in superlatives, because it is not only a champion of Torino 2006, a multiple champion of Europe and world, than and, certainly, separate bright and unique page of national and world figure skating, with his inimitable style and a peculiar grace.

To the world, him discovered Alexei Mishin, which is in his time, also discovered and Alexei Urmanov's, and long-term rival of Plushenko - the champion of Salt Lake City 2002 Alexei Yagudin's, subsequently passed to not less outstanding coach. Tatiana Tarasova. Sports competition of Yagudin and Plushenko - it is not just a separate story. This is a multi-volume novel, saga, epic. But, what we certainly know now: from this competition, benefited not only the skaters, but and we - the spectators, and permanent fans of this "Tales on Ice".

It always happens in sport: go first, and second-third, relief translate of spirit. Especially, when between the first and the rest - the abyss. Sometimes, the first is return, but very rarely happens that to them again managed climb to the very top.

There is no doubt, that the Frenchman Brian Joubert, the world champion-2007, three-time European champion and six-time champion of France, now sleeps badly. And as the closer to Vancouver, so worse. Else worse sleep Evan Lysacek, Johnny Weir and Patrick Chan. To them appeared not only rival, according to many, Plushenko is back, not because that, to begin again, than because that, turn up to all, new perspectives in the men's figure skating.

We stopped in its development. According to another opinion, in exhausted economic and political adversity of the country, better was not possible. Sport in such cases, the collapses first, and restored last. But, lost and neglected, can not be returned either in a single day, not even for one year. Between Plushenko and his Russians successors remained abyss. That's why is he returned.

All specialists, unanimously already long time said about that it is time to take out of tournaments at all levels young, because on them is the future. Evgeni Plushenko in our Olympic team, and even in the former form, - a gift for experts and lovers of figure skating. Equal to Plushenko, which won the Olympics in Turin, in the world has still not appeared. Evgeni Plushenko's belief in his abilities - this is best foundation and for our optimism....

... In the men's figure skating, we look at him all our hopes. We believe him, and believe in him.

We see our Olympic team - the one, for which we cheering, tremble and experience in Vancouver. Now, when its structure is again Plushenko - is a completely different team. With a completely different spirit, mentality and look at the rivals.

The team, which should make resound over the Canadian ice, Russian national anthem.

P.S... Therefore it is important to make one addition. Plushenko, with a cascade of 4+3 in the short program received on "Rostelecom Cup"- not on the domestic competitions, than on the international stage - 82.25 points. Brian Joubert in Japan - also with a cascade 4+3 - 85.35. Evan Lysacek and Daisuke Takahashi - at the final Grand Prix - without quadruples jumps earned ratings of almost 90 points! Scores for the technique: Plushenko - 43.80, Joubert - 46.80, Lysacek - 48.20, Takahashi - 48.30. It's only numbers. Then you think, dear reader! We, of course, cheer, and we cheering for our own, believe that they will thank us with medals, well, or with just good performances.
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 19 Dec 2009, 13:09

Mishin: unique cascades Plushenko so far no plans

Why Plushenko perform at the Championship of Russia, and how take place the preparation to this tournament, in an interview Alexei Mishin:

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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 25 Dec 2009, 00:19

Scarlett wrote:
Плющенко побил мировой рекорд

24.12.2009 21:45 ..... ... 51729.html

Plushenko beat world record

Turin Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko admitted that he was ready to keep skating after the strain of microligament, which knocked him out for a half weeks. According to him, after the injury on December 12, him was made a special anesthetic injection, after which he two days not could stand on foot.

"I asked the doctor, he said that me was hurt only three hours - but knee hurt me for two days. And then I was really got scared. I thought that all my efforts this year - in vain, and that I will must to hang the skates on a nail, "- said Evgeni after a performance at the Championship of Russia in St. Petersburg.

"But I am glad that everything ended well, and I recovered," - he added.

Plushenko also noted that health is the main condition for its successful performance at the Olympics in Vancouver. "When I out on ice after a week of rest, then did not hurt me anything. I felt at age seventeen or eighteen, when I was in great shape. But this state lasted, alas, only three days, and then it all began again. So, if I'm healthy, then (in Vancouver) will be all right", - said Plushenko.

Commenting on his performance in St. Petersburg, following which he showed absolutely the best result in the world (100.09 points), the Olympic champion said that he was satisfied with a clean performance of complex elements. Asked about error, on exit after triple Lutz, Plushenko said that it "did not his fault".

"For me, this jump was made clear. I had to leave him, but in this part of rink the ice is not very good, I found myself in someone else's trail, and was unable to continue the movement" - he explained.

According to Plushenko, the organization of the tournament in his native "Yubileny" could be better, because the problems are not only in the quality of the ice. "It is difficult to adjust to performance, because here are the children skate, the hockey players..." - complained an athlete. - "Today I went out of the warm-up room, went to skate, but passed by me an hockey player with a stick, and even snag me. This, of course, should not be."
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 26 Dec 2009, 09:56 ... enko.html#
Published 25 December, 2009, 17:21

Over 100! Pluschenko beats his own scoring record

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Figure skater Evgeny Pluschenko, who will be defending his Olympic title in Vancouver, has just broken his own points world record at the Russian Championships in Saint Petersburg.

He has become the first man ever to be awarded more than 100 points for the short program. Pluschenko scored 100.09 points, almost ten better than his previous best.

The 27-year-old had retired after claiming gold at the Turin Olympics in 2006, but he’s now making his comeback.

And, of course, the Russian is among the main contenders for golds in Vancouver.

On the ladies' side, no one has so far matched Muscovite Sofia Biryukova at the Russian championships.
But even if she hangs onto her lead and captures the title, Sofia won't be able to compete internationally as she's only 13 years old.

Current world ice-dancing champions Oksana Domnina and Maksim Shabalin produced the best compulsory dance to take the lead in their category.
And Shabalin is confident they are in the right form to keep impressing in Vancouver.
“We have been preparing this program since July and I think we are in great shape at the moment. We performed exactly how we planned to, but I think we still have a lot in reserve,” Shabalin noted.
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 26 Dec 2009, 22:57

Translated parts of russian newspapers (after SP, 24.12.2009), by Ximena from EPD forum :plush39:

"I did more than I could, considering my condition today. During the warm up, my legs cramped. The fact that I could do the whole program, even with the little mistake in the lutz and it was because of the ice since it's too thin on the ice, is very cool.

I have a micro tear in the muscle that attaches to the quadriceps muscle. I went for help to all kind of specilists, including the chinese and they couldn't do anything. So at the end, I got a shot in the joint, which blocks the pain for about ten day. Aparently I will have to get injections for the rest of the season.

Maybe God wants me to go through all these difficulties. Today I took two pain pills. There is a chance that I'll go out on to the free program, one hundred percent. If I feel bad, I won't make any of the difficult elements, but this competition is important to me and I want to do it".


"Due my problems on my knee, I went behind the scheduled planned for about a week and a half, therefore I'm very happy with my performance today"


- Immediately after your performance you said in the K&C area "Everything is good", what does it means?
- That everything is good with me right now. Given my current state, I think I did even more than I could. I had an old injury, which has recently reappeared itself. May it also affect me the weather, but even at today's training I was not feeling very well. So good thing is that today I skated the whole program until the end. I'm glad that I did the combination "4 +3", though not very clean.

- Can you talk about your micro surgery that has been written about this past days?
- There wasn't a surgery, it's all fiction by the journalists. The only truth is that I didn't skate for one week and a half. I have a micro tear in the muscle that attaches to the quadriceps. I tried many treatments, even asked for help to Chinese doctors who gave me acupuncture. But in the end it was decided to revert to a more traditional medicine: an injection into the joint, which blocks the pain. And this shot was enough for me for 10 days. Today, before the start I took two painkillers. In general; I will be forced to go the whole season on painkillers. Of course, it is hard - but, apparently, the Lord spoke to me in such a way that it is necessary to overcome difficulties.

- Are there any risk that the pain will not allow you to participate in the free program?
- No. I want to skate. In the extreme case I will have to eliminate the complex elements. Even if I end up in third or fourth place, it's not important. I know I will still go to the European Championships and the Olympic Games


... Plushenko didn't look particularly excited waiting for his marks, he just said hello to his relatives and friends and finish off with a 'Thanks Peter! Everything is going well...


Interview to Plush

- A couple of weeks ago, I was not sure that I could compete at the Russian championship. But I did it. Today's ride was good, though it was not the best. It was ok for today. If I just skated at the Olympics, with a little bit more, it will be good. But we need health, health, health, and again health. Then everything will work out.

- So, something happened again?
- Yes, a knee injury afain. There is a micro tear with a suspected meniscus tear. And this, unfortunately, is not fiction - nor mine or the journalists. When they gave me the shot, I couldn't walk on that leg for two days. Two weeks ago, I flew to Moscow for the "Crystal Ice" awards ceremony and I just simply could not understand what was happening with my leg. And I will honestly tell you, that I was internally ready, to announce my retirement from skating, at the end health is more important. Wouldn't you be scared if after two days of a harmless shot you wouldn't be able to walk?

- And what sort of harmless shot?
- Well, as a harmless as it could be ... It was the usual injection they gave me for my knee. My doctor said that the pain will pass in about three hours maximum, but not for two days! And no one could explain me why. So I though that all my efforts for coming back were in vain. I was really scared. But then, thank God, somehow everything passed. I remember after a week that I didn't skate, I wen to the warm up room and I couldn't believe it: Holy smoke, no pain! As when I was at 18. But that lasted only three days (Evgeni laughs).

- So, you missed the Panin memorial on December 10 and 11 and the Crystal Ice Awards in Moscow on 12 December. Does that affected your preparations?
- Yes, I have to compete. To miss two performances is very serious in my position. Now, I need to bounce back. The best kind of training is to compete. We need the adrenaline, to compete, to react with the audience. So we never put in doubt my participation at the Russian Nationals competition.

- How did you feel on your short program?
- First, on the warm up I didn't feel good, my knee injury is starting to bother me again. My muscles cramp in a strange way. And believe, it was not nerves, I was feeling very confident and psychologically great.

- Zhenya, what do you mean by "in a strange way"?
- You know, some weakness in the muscles of the legs, and then a very sharp, like spasms. So I was oh so satisfied that I managed to do all the difficult jumps, made clean footowrk. Well, maybe a little slow on my spins but that is the only consequences of the injury.

- What about the triple lutz that didn't have a very clean landing?
- This, excuse me, was not my fault. I had a clean landing but on the sides, the ice is not very good, I'm not happy about the ice. If we host the National champinhips, then it should be set much more earlier, and then closely monitor it. I noticed that even yesterday at the official training, the ice was crumbling from the skating. See for yourself on the surface after three or four performances, the guys when jumping they just go into the thick ice, leaving footprints. In one of these "footprints" I land when I ended my triple lutz and had the step out.

- You seem overly critical of your homeland ...
- No, I am very happy that the championship of Russia are held at my house in the legendary "Yubeliny". But, to be honest, they are not very prepared for everything. Children run all the way, then you have hockey players with all their gear, always some sort of pandemonium. There are stuff you can stumble on on the warm up rooms, such as bag or hockey sticks. This should not be at the Championships of Russia, especially if it is to qualify for the Olympic Games.

- But the judges gave you more than 100 points.
- Yes, I know, but I didn't skate 100 points, so thanks to the judges and my own homeland.

- What are the plans for the free program - considering your health issues?
- This evening it will be necessary to think about it with the doctors. We'll start with treating my feed, they are not well anyway. Maybe it will necessary to take pain medication again. I don't really complain since this is a normal situation for me. Maybe the day after tomorro [meaning tomorrow] I won't jump two quads but only one. Time will tell.


Mishin talking about Russian Nats...

"We are constantly asked: why do you go to Russian Natioanals? My answer point by point. First of all: you can not go to the Olympics if you fail to prove your superiority over the rivals from your own country, it's just ugly. Second of all: it is at this tournament the last time we can, at home, check the good and bad. And third, we should just respect their city, where you grew up, and those kids who come to look at you as an example to emulate, "- said Mishin.
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 27 Dec 2009, 14:58

Determined Russian national team at the European Championships in figure skating plush48

Today, December 27, in St. Petersburg after the Championship of Russia in figure skating, held a council of coaches and the Bureau of the Russian Federation of figure skating, which was voiced by the names of team Russia at the European Championships in Tallinn (Estonia) 18-24 January.

Russian's squad for the European Championship. Tallinn (Estonia), 18-24 January

Dancing: Oksana Domnina - Maxim Shabalin, Ekaterina Bobrova - Dmitry Solovyov, Jana Khokhlova - Sergei Novitski.

Pairs: Yuko Kavaguti - Alexander Smirnov, Maria Mukhortova - Maxim Trankov, Vera Bazarova - Yuri Larionov.

Men: Evgeni Plushenko ImageImage Sergei Voronov.

Women: Ksenia Makarova, Alena Leonova, Oksana Gozeva.
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 02 Jan 2010, 09:18 ... ecord.html
27 December, 2009, 13:24

Pluschenko claims eighth Russian championship

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Figure skater Evgeny Pluschenko has set yet another world record and claimed yet another Russian national title.

The 2006 Olympic champion was awarded a combined total of just over 270 points for his short program and free skating. The new mark is seven points higher than the previous best.

And it was more than enough to secure an eighth national gold for the 27-year-old.

On Thursday, the St. Petersburg resident also set the record for becoming the first man to get more than 100 points for a short program.

Pluschenko had undergone knee surgery two weeks before the tournament, which raised concerns over his fitness for Vancouver, but his outstanding results on home ice have so far proved otherwise.

“As for the Olympics – we plan to do better than I did today, try to avoid injuries and perform on a high level and not to make such bad mistakes like I did today. I am very glad I was able to do another quadruple jump though. It was very good training. I had three successful competitions before the Russian championship. And maybe its only for the best that I had to overcome an injury to compete here, so that I could start training in fresh and leave all the mistakes behind me and deliver the gold in Vancouver,” Evgeny Pluschenko said.

Earlier on, world champions Oksana Domnina and Maksim Shabalin claimed the ice dancing gold.

The duo were comfortably ahead of the rest of the field after the compulsory dance on Thursday and increased their lead in the original dance, and today's free dance.

Their victory also means they will represent Russia at the Winter Olympics in February, and will also take part in the European championships in Estonia next month.

--------------------------------------------- ... pics.html#
01 January, 2010, 16:00

Olympic medals awaited from Russian figure skating

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A lot is expected from Russian figure skaters at the Olympics, with the return of veterans like Evgeny Pluschenko boosting gold medal prospects and a new breed of juniors blossoming just at the right time.

Fans love Olympic champion Evgeny Pluschenko, and not only for his international ice-capades.

Within the last year he has also become the successful, self-proclaimed savior of Russian male figure skating, returning to the sport after a three year sabbatical following his 2006 Turin gold.

Russian figure skating – which has been in the doldrums in his absence – has been buoyed by his return, with records tumbling as soon as the 27-year-old returned to the ice, with the Russian Cup and championship gold.

His international comeback will take place at the European Championship in Estonia at the end of January. And he remains the country's biggest hope for Olympic gold in Vancouver.

“I had three successful competitions before the Russian championship. And maybe it’s only for the best that I had to overcome an injury to compete here, so that I could start training in fresh and leave all the mistakes behind me and deliver the gold in Vancouver,” Evgeny Pluschenko said.

Sergey Voronov is probably the only person with a negative thought about Pluschenko 's return .
The Muscovite won the Russian Championship twice in his absence, but is yet to achieve global success. He is on a learning curve, and the 22-year-old represents the country's potential in years to come....
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Re: Evgeni ON Ice - Russian newspapers translated into English

Postby cekoni » 03 Jan 2010, 05:18

Russian Nationals, after LP - translation by Ximena :plush39:
There's a video, Plushenko says:

"I am very glad that I made the second quadruple toe loop, because the second quadruple was always in question. I am very glad that at the end of the program, specifically in the second half of the program, I made a triple axel. Of course I am unhappy, about the triple salchow, which I should be able to do with my eyes closed, I relaxed a bit after I landed it, maybe even got cocky after the second and third Axel and relax a little, anyway it's all done. Actually, it's pretty cool, in my opinio it all went very well, all things considerd. Here at the Championship of Russia came a recession, the injury came, and a physical decline. The three events before the championship of Russia was going-going-going-forward-forward-forward, up-up, now it's all on the contrary, it goes down. Therefore, the main objective now is, of course, at the European Championship, but most important, of course, will be the Olympic Games"


Two days I was not able to walk

Champion of Russia Evgeny Plushenko-2010 commented on the correspondent of "Soviet sport" Sergei Pryakhin his victory.

- Prior to the championship of Russia, I spent a total of five training sessions, so I'm satisfied with my skating, - said Plushenko. - Today I had many flaws - the triple Salchow, for example, needs to be done with my eyes closed. But I relaxed a little after the triple Axel, still make it in the second half of the program is not so simple.

Regarding his plans Plushenko said the following:

- After Sunday's exhibition, I will need a new injection for the pain. I won't be able to walk for two days, then I will slowly begin working again to get back on shape. How many more of these injections I would have by the time of the Olympics, is difficult to say. Perhaps not just one.I honestly can' see doctors anymore! But I'm going to do it all for the Olympics.

As the New Year, I'll spend it in my country house with Yana, and her parents. The second or third of January, will return to training. I would be prepared for the European Championships in Tallinn and the Olympics.


Plushenko evaluate his Long program with score three

"(...) I'm glad that I was able to do the quad and the second triple axel. I had to run the program in my head to see where to put the elements because I failed to do some of the planned jumps so I had to count while I was skating where to put another element. It's a shame that the salchow didn't work out at the end of the program"

Plushenko admitted that "with such performance it's impossible to win a big skating competition" but "it was good that there were those little mistakes right now"

"There is something to aspire for and have something to work. If all had gone well, it would have raise the question: why bother to train?" So now we have new forces into the new year and prepare for the European Championships and the Olympic Games ", - noted the athlete.

Asked what goals he sets for the Olympics, Plushenko said he would like to skate "not like today. To not such unnecessary little mistakes that makes me change the course of the program," - he said.

"For me it is very important to do not one but two quadruples - he stressed. - For others, this may not be necessary, but I have a different approach."


Here it explains about the lack of flip...

"It was an average performance, a three out of five, not more. Everything that was planned went wrong from the beggining. I couldn't do the first quad, so inmediately I began to figure the variants: where to try it again. I had to do a quadruple anyway. I'm very happy that I finally did it, a good one as well. Then if I had done a good triple axel, initially it was done with a combination with a triple flip, a difficult one but that is not very useful and thank god I didn't do it. After that, instead of a triple axel jump, I did a double. I though: I need to do a triple axel, otherwise I won't win. And then I had a double axel in my program and I changed it for a triple one. Maybe that's why the judge gave me an extra bonus. And, apparently, on the euphoria made me missed the triple salchow, it was such a gross error. These jumps should be done with my eyes closed.

"To tell you the truth, with that skating, like the one today, I can not win neither Olympics nor even the European championship. But this was even better. It was a very good test. I realized that I could overcome a situation that is going wrong. Of course, I got 270 points but I don't feel unconfortable about it, the judges have not just only overscored me right? This happens in nationals competitions. Perhaps Sergei Voronov didn't do 95 points in the shortm nor Artem Borodulin did 84. This is our home, here we can do whatever they want. I think in terms of stimulation it's even correct. To make us something to aspire to "- added an Olympic champion.


For the sake of the Olympics I will go on all!

In his post-winning interview after winning the championship of Russia Evgeni Plushenko, told "Soviet sport" about what medal will he be happy to get at Olympics, described himself as "Grandpa" and admitted that he is so tired of doctors and the pain in his knee.

"I'd be happy with bronze"

- Don't you think yout marks were too high?
- It was not just mine. It's the national championship, rather than an international competition. The important thing is that I could rate my performance. For example, I doing all the spins, I'm doing all what is required but I don't get any "plus". Judges can award plus one, plus two. And I have, probably, a plus 0. Thee is a lot of work to do before Europeans and Olympics Games which are what I returned for.

- If you can't win gold in Vancouver ...
- You know what is my only concern at the Games? To skate well. I'll be glad with any medal. Seriously. I have a friend, hockey player Alexei Zhamnov. He has three Olympic medals: gold, silver and bronze. When we met him, he said to me: "Zhenya, catch up!". So even a bronze in Vancouver it will be a very decent result.Although of course, I would like the gold.

- Who are your main competitors?
- They are a dozen! Anyone can be a champion, there isn't a clear leader.For example, Joubert has good jumps. But on feelings, expressions he loses to Lambiel. And him is very good in the techinical aspect and artistry, but his big problem is with the triple axel. Takahashi is the King of footwork, but after his surgery he has had difficulties with the quad jump. Even today in Japan, he won natioanals without it. I remember I skated with him in some exhibitions and he was great, nine shows and nine times he skated clean! But in competition, Daisuke often makes mistakes. Oda? He skates well, but I think he isn't ready yet, he is young. Lysacek? Yes he is the world champion. However, his triple axel is done as a triple salchow. In general anyone can win and everyone can lose.

- What is the reaction to your return overseas?
- Strangely enough, it is better than in Russia. At home my attempt to return was often perceived negatively. And abroad, I've got some sidelong glances of young ones that says "Grandpa, what are you here for?". But do I need to pay attention to this?

- Were you surprised that Lambiel also returned?
- No. I was even willing to bet money that he would return. I almost did the bet with Ari Zakarian.

- Two consecutive world championships were won without a quad jump. Why do force your knees for it then? Do you need it? Just because of the record?
- Not just because of that. Maybe it sounds a bit snobbish, but I think that I should move skating forwards. I can not imagine my performance any other way. And the fact that my knees hurt ... Yes, on monday I'll get a new injection. I can no longer wbe without them. It's a terrible procedure, I'm so tired of doctors, and the pain, and then it will come back in a week and a half., but there's no other choice. For the Olympic Games. I'll do everything.


(Just the new parts)

... But in Petersburg the public and the judges were, of course, fascinated, when Evgeni has finished his performance, by sending air kisses to half the judging panel that were women.

"Figure skating, it's not only a sport, it is also a theater. And we skate not only for ourselves but for the spectators and for the judges"...

... To perform at the Russian Nationals of course came with a cost, but the success of this competition is just the logical crowning of all my efforts this year. Believe me, being a eighth time national champion is an honor for me. I came back for this, I'm ready to endure any pain in order to compete at the Olympic Games. Another thing is that I don't like doctors anymore. Of course I thank them for all that they are doing, thanks a lot fot the jelp, but to see them again, it's a big test for me"...

... A few years ago, I went into durgery in Germany, on my right knee meniscus, and they thought that I had a similar injury on my left knee, so they asked "You are not going to compete anymore?" and I said to them "Well I will skate on shows". They say "But you won't do any quadruples?" and I told them "No, no!". So they decided not to touch my meniscus from my left knee and now I'm very sorry about that, that they didn't cut that meniscus. Now I need to get shots, one shot is enough for some days.

It's a large article, I'm just posting the new information

«I have a microtear on the ligaments, in the muscles. I will get another shot on December 29th if everything goes well»

The drug, which helps Plushenko continue to performn is called hondroprotektor (which is glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, which is use to treat forms of osteoarthritis)

"The meniscus is very importan part of the knee joint. And when it is removed, as it happened to Evgeni Plushenko, and it continue to get a big load on the knne, then it starts to create damage to the cartilage that covers the bone in the joint. For the average person it is pretty painless, because the load isn't much, but for a man who in a daily basis deals with professional sports and it gives a higher load on the damaged knee, the cartilage begins to fade almost to the bone " comments for on of Russia's main traumatologist.

"And like an stomach can get ulcers, such ulcers can appear on the surface of the cartilage in the joint. This is a deforming arthrosis. There are four degrees of this disease. I do not know, of course, what degree Evgeni Plushenko has, but because the cartilage is still there, is that he gest an special preparation, the hondroprotector.

(about why it took so long to Plushenko to get better after the shot)
"Everything depends on the drug. Hondroprotektor is a foreign body introduced into the joint, wether is in a liquid form is still a foreign body, each joint can react to it differently. Moreover, in addition to the drug there is still a large number of different additives. So it happens that the drug can causes more inflammations. I can not say that it is very often, but it happens "

(about wether this drug will affect his doping test at Olympics)
"This is not a doping product. It's like a lubricant for the joint, it is absolutely a non-hormonal drug, and it has not effect in improving his results. It helps strengthen the cartilage", explained the doctor


... His wife - Dima Bilan's producer Yana Rudkovskaya's did not hide some happiness tears:

- What strength of mind Evgeni has! He became the eight time champion of Russia, despite his foot injury, after all he performed with a painkiller shot. I though I was going to be late for the competition. Because of bad weather the fly today to Peter took not one hour, as usually, but three and a half!

Evgeni was starting to worry about where I was. Then, when I arrived to Peter, I have hardly reached the stadium. In St.-Petersburg there's a heavy snowfall, 40 centimetres high. There was a terrible traffic jam.

Thank God that I was in time to see the performance of my husband. I am very happy that Evgeni has won, I was terribly worried about him, for his leg which is terribly injured. He is a real hero!

Pissiev talking about Plushenko's performance

"Evgeny Plushenko has left a good impression, though he has still some work to do. But there is time. I think that his participation in the Championship of Russia for him it was very helpful: he and his coach (Alexei Mishin) are now aware of what they have to work on and what needs to be corrected".

There's an interview to Tatiana Totmianina and they ask her about Evgeni's come back.

(About Evgeni's comeback)

Tatiana Totmianina: It's worth a bow. I know how difficult it is to return to competitive sport, it is difficult to give up your real life after three years of continuous holiday and return to the ice is worthy of respect. When Plushenko goes to the ice, many competitors lowered their hands and their knees start shaking and they probably think that obviously can not win.
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