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Postby Kudryavka » 12 Mar 2012, 18:26

Sunday, March 11, 2012
Two-time Men's Olympic Champion challenges credibility of World Figure Skating Hall of Fame
http://kwantifiable.xanga.com/759751532 ... l-of-fame/

Dick Button to boycott his vote for World Figure Skating Hall of Fame 2012 nominees: Open Letter Challenges HOF leadership on lack of transparency and integrity

March 9, 2012

To: Dr Larry Mondschein
Chair of USFSA Hall Of Fame Nominating Committee

Members and Electors of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame

Dear Larry

Thank you for reminding me today was the deadline for voting in the 2012 election of members of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame.

I regret to inform you that I will not cast a ballot this year. This has been a long and painful decision because I am an admirer of the nominees and hope my decision will not affect the outcome.

My reason for abstaining is because I think the World Hall of Fame has lost its independence, its accountability, its transparency and its integrity.

Some reasons

* The World Hall Of Fame is operated by the USFSA. It should be run by an independent organization with no political connections.

* The WHOF is overseen by a Committee of the USFSA: appointed by the USFSA and not accountable to the members or other electors of the Hall. That Committee exercises what appears to be unfettered discretion in deciding how the balloting is conducted and whose names are on the ballot.

* Larry, you have frequently stated "the Nominating Committee thoroughly reviews the credentials of all nominees against published criteria contained within the Nominating Packet, and available for viewing online." That is not true. The Nominating Packet contains no criteria at all. Instead, it provides a means for a nominator to set forth all the reasons why that person thinks a candidate should be elected. That is NOT "criteria," but it does give the Nominating Committee complete cover for doing whatever it wants to do regardless of qualifications.

* As for easy access… that Nominating Packet was originally linked on the Hall of Fame website, it is now available only if you know the web address and type it in manually: http://www.worldskatingmuseum.org/WHOF_2012_form.pdf.

* Larry you have confirmed that written procedures regarding nominations and who gets on the ballot exist and also noted repeatedly that they are not publicly available. There is no reason why the GUIDELINES for decisions by the Nominating Committee have not been provided to the members and other electors of the Hall. Are the nominators expected to nominate in a vacuum??

* I have been involved with the Hall long enough (and much longer than all other members of the Nominating Committee, with the exception of Ben Wright) to know that procedures in the past have been remarkably uniform: (A) a person nominated in one year will remain under consideration for the following two years without the need for subsequent nominations, and (B) a candidate who is put on the ballot one year will remain on the ballot for the following 2 years if not elected sooner, subject only to certain clear exceptions which are essentially that:

a candidate receives too few votes in the first year... or the vote count drops so significantly over the course of two successive ballots... or newly discovered facts that might disqualify a candidate come to light...

If this does not present an accurate description of those key procedures, the Nominating Committee can easily clarify what they are by publishing them.

* All competitors are required to follow publicly reported rules. The procedures for the Hall should reflect the same principle. Those rules should become effective only when the members and other electors of the Hall vote in favor of them; rules that have been effective (even if only by "tradition") should not be changed without their consent by recorded vote.

* Larry... when you and I worked on the rules for the WHOF we obtained the balloting services of an accredited Accounting Firm. Now the USFSA conducts the balloting. The results of the ballots are NOT reported so there is no accountability to the international community that the Hall is supposed to honor. If the USFSA cannot find a pro bono Accounting firm I will be pleased to pay for such for independent supervision.

* The USFSA does not follow its own rules. U.S. federal law (the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act) requires that athletes hold "20 percent of the membership and voting power" of all "committees and entities" of the USFSA. If the Nominating Committee has 6 members, that means at least 2 of its members would have to satisfy the requirements to be an athlete. Unless you, Larry, are an ex officio member and have no vote, two members would have to satisfy the "athlete" requirement as defined by that law (inc the 10 year limitation), but in fact not one of them does.

* There is little TRANSPARENCY... 3 candidates who appeared for the first time on the 2011 ballot were removed from the 2012 ballot. One of them, Sonja Bianchetti, had received 48% of the vote last year. None of the reasons for deleting a name (as listed above) apply. By contrast, one of the U.S. candidates on this year's ballot is being voted on for the fourth consecutive year. Discrepancies exist that do not create an aura of integrity.

* The plea for transparency and accountability stated in the letter of February 22, 2012 circulated to you and the members/electors of the Hall makes numerous points that deserve a response to us. The failure to do so further demonstrates the lack of transparency and the lack of accountability.

I hope you will consider these matters seriously. The credibility of the World Hall is at stake. If it is not addressed properly with clear procedures of transparency and accountability, the "honor" that the Hall is intended to reflect can very quickly be lost.


Dick Button

CC: Members, USFSA World Hall of Fame Nominating Committee

Brittney Bottoms Tom Collins Joan Gruber

Ann O'Keefe

Blazing Blades Commentary:

I admire and fully back Mr. Button's call for U.S. Figure Skating to relinquish it's oversight and control of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame. The points he lays out in the above letter speak to the total lack of independence, accountability, transparency and integrity.

The political maneuvering from within U.S. Figure Skating (and most likely influenced by those high up within the ISU) is definately compromising the World F.S. Hall of Fame's reputation and future.

Blazing Blades calls upon U.S. Figure Skating to immediately sever it's ties to the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame and begin procedures to reorganize this entity under an independent body as called for by Mr. Button.

Blazing Blades further calls upon all other voting members of the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame to join Mr. Button in boycotting their votes for all candidates in this year's balloting to send USFS the strongest possible message on this issue.

Peter Murray

MARCH 11, 2012
Figure Skating Rocked by New Controversy as Dick Button Boycotts Hall of Fame
http://www.examiner.com/figure-skating- ... ll-of-fame

Monica Friedlander

With only two weeks until the opening of the 2012 World Figure Skating Championships, a new scandal is brewing in a sport so often marred by controversy. This time the commotion does not involve high-profile athletes or competitive judging, but the nomination and election process to the most prestigious honorary body in the sport — the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame (WHOF) — the inductees of which are announced annually at the World Championships. Established in 1976, the Hall of Fame is run by the United States Figure Skating Association.

In an open letter to the WHOF made public today, Dick Button, one of the best known personalities in the sport, announced he would not cast a ballot in this year’s nomination process: “My reason for abstaining is because I think the World Hall of Fame has lost its independence, its accountability, its transparency and integrity,” he wrote, addressing the chair of the organization, Larry Mondschein. Button is a two-time Olympic champion and a television commentator for decades.

The issues he raised are, in fact, very similar to those that so often make figure skating and its judging system hot subjects of controversy: lack of accountability and transparency in decision making. Whether the controversy involves judging itself or induction into an honorary society, the subjectivity of decision making needs to be countered by transparency over how these decisions are made. But the opposite seems to be the case. Under the new judging system, the judging is completely secret, with no one knowing which judge gave which mark to which skater. In the case of the WHOF nomination and induction, there are no written rules, guidelines, or criteria that allow the public or the nominees themselves to understand why someone wins or is placed under nomination while someone else is not.

The nominating committee, Buttons says, “exercises what appears to be unfettered discretion in deciding how the balloting is conducted and whose names are on the ballot … The results of the ballots are not reported, so there is no accountability to the international community that the hall is supposed to honor.”

Sonia Bianchetti in the limelight

Button’s protest appears to have been triggered by the refusal of the WHOF to renominate one of figure skating’s best known and respected officials, former judge and referee Sonia Bianchetti Garbato, who was nominated last year under the category of “outstanding contributors,” which recognizes individuals who have significantly impacted the sport in a non-athletic role. When she was nominated last year, no one in that category garnered enough votes to be inducted, although Bianchetti came close, with 48 percent of the vote (a fact that was never made public, but revealed by Bianchetti and Button.)

Although legally there is no automatic right to renomination, precedent and convention over the years and decades dictate that a person nominated one year will remain under consideration for the following two years without the need for renomination. Snubbing this custom, the nominating committee dropped Bianchetti’s name from the nominating ballot in 2012, in spite of the high number of votes she received last year and the fact that she was actually renominated this year. Meanwhile, Button points out, another candidate is on that same ballot for the fourth consecutive time.

What makes Bianchetti’s case noteworthy is the fact that she has often been an outspoken critic of the International Skating Union and its rules, which has put her out of favor with many insiders in the sport. In particular, Bianchetti has spoken out against the new judging system in figure skating, against corruption in the sport, and has written a book she describes as covering “the politics, the intrigues and the backroom deals behind the most glamorous of sports.”

Not surprisingly, Bianchetti believes she was not considered again because of her politically controversial status. In a letter to the chair of the WHOF she stated, “It would be a real shame if the integrity of the election process has been corrupted through the efforts of individuals to remove my name from the 2012 ballot when they learned of the balloting results from 2011.”

Other Hall of Fame controversies

Bianchetti is hardly the first person to find herself in the middle of a controversy involving a figure skating honorary society. This year alone, Rudy Galindo, one of the most beloved U.S. figure skaters, was “snubbed,” according to many figure skating observers, by not being inducted in WHOF’s sister organization, the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame. A Mexian-American and an openly gay figure skater, Galindo was never in serious contention for a medal when he took the skating world by storm with what may have been the most stunning upset in figure skating history. With an electrifying performance in his home town of San Jose, he won the national title, and a month later he won a medal at the World Championships. With this year’s National Chamionships held in the same arena, it would have been especially fitting for Galindo to have been publicly recognized for his achievements. In fact, he’s such a hero in San Jose that there's a statue of him outside of HP Pavilion and a plaque honoring him inside the building. Yet for the third time, Galindo didn’t make it into the Hall of Fame.

The Galindo controversy did not involve the WHOF, nor is there any direct evidence that he was more worthy of the recognition than others who were inducted. But the publicity given to the issue in the national press, along with Button’s complaint, raise serious issues and public consternation regarding decisions made by these two figure skating bodies. From an outside perspective, there is little rhyme or reason to the decisions they make — nor to the timing of nominations and inductions.

Some skaters have been inducted into the WHOF the very first year they become eligible (five years after retiring from competition), while others have had to wait literally decades. These decisions are not necessarily made according to the accolades won by the skaters, considering that Olympic champions have sometimes faced the longest lag times.

And in other cases, the five-year rule itself seems to have been disregarded. Brian Boitano, Gordeeva and Grinkov, and Katarina Witt were inducted within a year or two after competing at the 1994 Olympics, which would make their election to the Hall of Fame illegal. Arguably, they all first retired in 1988, but they were officially reinstated in 1994 and participated in the Games that year.

Such inconsistencies are not to say that the honorees themselves are less than deserving of the recognition, nor that anyone is entitled to being inducted. Like all other decisions in this extremely subjective sport, the nominations and elections are made by human beings and will sometimes be controversial. Too many people in the sport are deserving of honors. Some will be left out for no fault of their own — or of the Hall of Fame.

But in order to avoid either the reality or the appearance of favoritism or prejudice, the Hall of Fame has an obligation to establish rules or guidelines open to the public so everyone understands what factors are taken into considerations when members of the figure skating community are nominated, inducted, or else overlooked. Nothing of the sort exists now.

Make the Hall of Fame independent

Moreover, Dick Button is right on in calling for the Hall of Fame to not be operated by a committee of the U.S. Figure Skating Association. The WHOF, he said, “should be run by an independent organization with no political connections.”

Just like in all aspects of figure skating judging and decision making, controversy will always be part of the equation, and politics will to some extent always be entangled in such subjective judgment calls. But just because the process will never be perfect is no reason to keep it veiled in utter secrecy. The more efforts are made to make the rules and procedures transparent, the more credibility these organizations and the inductees themselves will have in the eyes of the world.

Concludes Button, “I hope you will consider these matters seriously. The credibility of the World Hall is at stake. If [these issues are] not addressed properly with clear procedures of transparency and accountability, the ‘honor’ that the hall is intended to reflect can very quickly be lost.”

I have been calling The Hall of Fame as The World Figure Skating Hall of Fame for North American, with ironic intent. Where is the name of Alexei Nikolaevich Mishin who can be considered as one of the greatest coaches in the world?

Hall of Fame Members of Russia & Soviet:
- 1978 Liudmila Belousova & Oleg Protopopov (Soviet Union)
- 1988 Liudmila Pakhomova* & Alexander Gorshkov (Soviet Union)
- 1989 Irina Rodnina (Soviet Union)
- 1995 Ekaterina Gordeeva & Sergei Grinkov* (Russia)
- 2000 Marina Klimova & Sergei Ponomarenko (Soviet Union)
- 2005 Tamara Moskvina (Russia)
- 2008 Tatiana Tarasova (Russia)
- 2009 Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin* (Russia) * Deceased

From "Eastern side", very few. If you Russians wanted to be entered there, you need coaching at least 4 Olympic champions :-)

I bet Mishin will be listed 50 years after his biological death, like his "grand-father" coach Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin :plush34:
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009

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Postby cekoni » 14 Mar 2012, 05:40

Kudryavka wrote:Sunday, March 11, 2012
Two-time Men's Olympic Champion challenges credibility of World Figure Skating Hall of Fame
http://kwantifiable.xanga.com/759751532 ... l-of-fame/

Dick Button to boycott his vote for World Figure Skating Hall of Fame 2012 nominees: Open Letter Challenges HOF leadership on lack of transparency and integrity....

::yaz-yk: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=62&p=67120#p67120 (there you have and link for Sonia letters) :mi_ga_et:

Kudryavka wrote:I have been calling The Hall of Fame as The World Figure Skating Hall of Fame for North American, with ironic intent. ...

Why "ironic", when this is common thing in America? :ne_vi_del: :)-(: ... they often declared their local competition as "world competitions" - as recently, "Football World Cup" :ps_ih:
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Postby cekoni » 21 Mar 2012, 20:33


Wednesday, March 21, 2012
World Figure Skating Hall of Fame: The Integrity Issue debate continues - Mondshein & Button:
http://www.blazingblades.com/760193151/ ... n--button/


I must to agree with Dick Button in one thing: :ps_ih:
The way the elections are currently conducted leaves the impression to many outside of the U.S. that it is purely an American.. not a World Hall of Fame.
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Postby clairdelalune » 25 Mar 2012, 00:49


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Postby cekoni » 01 Apr 2012, 19:57

ISU World Team Trophy 2012 (19-22.04.2012) Tokyo, Japan


World Team Trophy team totals
- (using '09 criteria): 1. RUS 7981, 2. JPN 7891, 3. USA 7308, 4. CAN 7168, 5. ITA 5606, 6. FRA 5463, 7. China 5084
- from ISU: 6 teams are JPN (7891 points), CAN (6943 points), RUS (6807 points), USA (6399 points), ITA (5412 points) FRA (5214

By ISU rules, teams for World Team Trophy:
- RUS: Gachinski, Plushenko (sub? Menshov), Leonova, Makarova, Volosozhar/Trankov, Bobrova/Soloviev
- JPN: Takahashi, Hanyu, Suzuki, Ando (sub? Murakami), Takahashi/Tran, Reed/Reed
- USA: Abbott, Rippon, Czisny, Nagasu, Evora/Ladwig, Davis/White
- CAN: Chan. Reynolds, Phaneuf, Lacoste, Duhamel/Radford, Virtue/Moir
- ITA: Contesti, Bacchini, Kostner, Marchei, Berton/Hotarek, Cappellini/LaNotte
- FRA: Amodio, Joubert, Meite, Silete, James/Cipres, Pechalat/Bourzat

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Postby cekoni » 01 Apr 2012, 23:09

http://www.sports.ru/others/figure-skat ... 99653.html

Россия, Япония и другие сборные квалифицировались в командный чемпионат мира

По окончании чемпионата мира в Ницце стали известны сборные, квалифицировавшиеся в командный чемпионат мира.

В соревнованиях, которые пройдут с 8 по 22 апреля в Токио, примут участие 6 сборных: Японии (7891 рейтинговое очко), Канады (6943), России (6807), США (6399), Италии (5412) и Франции (5214), сообщает официальный сайт ISU.

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Postby let`s talk » 02 Apr 2012, 20:23

Who is going? (Me!)
"Осторожно! Фанатка ЕП и ДТ" (weir.ru about let`s talk)

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Postby cekoni » 04 Apr 2012, 18:19

Japan announces World Team Trophy team:

MEN: Daisuke Takahashi, Takahiko Kozuka
LADIES: Akiko Suzuki, Kanako Murakami
PAIRS: Narumi Takahashi/Mervin Tran
DANCE: Cathy Reed/Chris Reed
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Postby cekoni » 05 Apr 2012, 14:44


Не лишняя медаль
На играх в Сочи у фигуристов появится новая дисциплина

Что это за новая медаль среди команд, которая будет впервые разыграна на нашей Белой Олимпиаде? На чемпионате мира в Ницце президент Международного cоюза конькобежцев (ИСУ) итальянец Оттавио Чинкванта разложил все по полочкам.

Господин президент, значит, теперь медалей будет пять.
- Оттавио Чинкванта: И это окончательно утверждено Международным олимпийским комитетом.

Сколько же лет в олимпийцы рвались прекрасные дамы, занимающиеся синхронным катанием, и не получилось.
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Это вечное стремление расширить программу Игр не всегда встречает понимание МОК. В синхронном катании - множество участниц. Их надо привозить, кормить, размещать. Это очень бы увеличило число олимпийцев. Так что МОК по предложению ИСУ принял иной вариант. Абсолютно не раздувая количество фигуристов, будет разыграно пятое золото в командном виде.

И кто в эти команды входит?
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Два одиночника - мужчина и женщина, одна спортивная и одна танцевальная.

Известно уже, как будут проходить соревнования?
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Конечно. На старт выйдут десять команд. В их составе только те, кто заявлен для участия в индивидуальных олимпийских состязаниях. Они для начала будут соревноваться в короткой программе и коротком танце. Команда обязана выставить фигуристов минимум в трех дисциплинах. За первое место в каждом из четырех видов фигурного катания дается определенное количество очков: первое - десять, второе - девять, за последнее, десятое, - одно. Лучшие пять, набравшие больше всех очков, попадают в финал. И здесь их участники демонстрируют уже произвольную программу и произвольный танец. Сильнейшие три поднимаются на пьедестал.

Надо будет предусмотреть, чтобы на нем поместилось шесть человек.
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Или побольше. Ведь мы разрешаем делать замены и среди одиночников, и среди пар. Решено, что все участники, выходившие на лед и в отборе, и в финале получат медали - золотые, серебряные, бронзовые. Команды, занявшие места с четвертого по восьмое, награждаются Олимпийскими Дипломами. Это новый вид поощрения фигуристов, мы хотим, чтобы они этот новый командный вид соревнований запомнили. Во всех десяти командах выбираются капитаны, которые будут являться их представителями. И теперь нашим фигуристам представляется шанс называться двукратными победителями Олимпийских игр в Сочи. Раньше, в отличие от, скажем, конькобежцев, они подобной возможности были лишены.

Все же остается несколько непонятным один важный момент...
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Так мы затем и встретились, чтобы я вам все разъяснил.

Тогда, как, например, будет проводиться отбор десяти команд?
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Хороший вопрос. По рейтингу. Основной критерий - места, занятые на чемпионате мира 2013 года, где в принципе и отберутся на Олимпийские игры в Сочи десять команд.

То есть, всем желающим попасть на Белую Олимпиаду в Сочи надо обязательно ехать во второй декаде будущего марта в город Лондон. Как жаль, что не через Ла-Манш, а далеко-далеко в Канаду на берега озера Онтарио, где и располагается одноименный городок.
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Мы должны развивать фигурное катание во всем мире. Сейчас была Ницца, настанет черед и Лондона.

В этом году Япония примет еще не командный чемпионат мира, а Кубок среди команд. Многие фигуристы хотят поучаствовать. Наш серебряный призер женского первенства Алена Леонова прямо рвется в бой.
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Среди претендентов канадцы, выигравшие в Ницце два золота, русские фигуристы, американцы, китайцы, французы.

Исключительно сильно выступили японцы. Впервые взяли бронзу в раньше невиданном для них парном катании.
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Поэтому мы и развиваем фигурное катание по всем континентам, устраивая чемпионаты в разных точках земного шара.

И все же позвольте неудобный вопрос. Два дня с утра до ночи идет на чемпионате мира квалификационный отбор, чтобы попасть в число допущенных к борьбе за медали. Долго, нудно, тяжело. Ведь вы сами упомянули о рейтинге. Может и к чемпионату мира допускать фигуристов по такому же критерию, как и к командным состязаниям?
- Оттавио Чинкванта: Действительно трудный вопрос. Некоторые придерживаются вашего мнения. Другие за то, чтобы фигурное катание развивалось в странах самых разных, и, следовательно, без квалификации не обойтись. Пока побеждает вторая точка зрения.
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Postby Kudryavka » 09 Apr 2012, 15:17

flat_ail: ステップにルール変更あるそうです。形状の指定がなくなり、そのかわりリンクの全面を使うように、となるとのこと by 岡部さん解説@グレボワたん

flat_ail: つまり、ストレートとかサーペインタインとかサーキュラーとかがつかなくなるとのこと。

Now ISU Judge Yukiko Okabe said on Japanese TV that the difference of three steps (CiSt SlSt SeSt correction:20120412) will be removed next season. 3 steps will be just called "Step sequence" or something like that.

And, rule in steps will be slightly changed. Skater will have to use overall the rink.
I think this rule will be added because of Liza. NA & Japanese have pointed she didn't have ice coverage this season. (of corse Mishin's decision was correct. she didn't have stamina this season.)
http://web.icenetwork.com/news/article. ... y=ice_news
Last edited by Kudryavka on 12 Apr 2012, 12:45, edited 1 time in total.
He didn't compete for three years, but as soon as I saw him, I knew that there was a true Olympic Champion on the ice. - Takahiko Kozuka, Rostelecom Cup 2009
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