Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2012

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby lelo » 10 Oct 2012, 13:55

I don't think it's a false alarm.
He said: Buttle is perfect combination of technical and magic skating.
Jumps are "technical".
It's another way to say: plush is technique. Buttle is technique+art (magic skating).
I know Buttle is canadian. But in his position, he must pay attention about what he write and effects his words may have.
We have to understand that american/canadian propaganda against Plush before Sochi is beginning??
Anyway Kurt lost my respect not because he said his opinion. Everyone is free. But because first it'n not true that plush is only jumps and I'm really tired to listen this thing. Than he could say: I like this "canadian" (strange) skater and stop. No one asked him anything about plush.
Im very angry!

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby cekoni » 10 Oct 2012, 13:56

Kudryavka wrote:....
I felt Kurt tried to PR how Canadian skaters have good skating and technique but Plushy isn't like them. So he compared "Buttle's perfect combination of technical & magical skating" to "Plushenko's good jump" (= means Plushy is jumping machine)....

Kurt wrote "Buttle taught everyone at the event the perfect combination of technical & magical skating", well I was there too but I disagree with Kurt. seriously, who is "everyone"? Probably Kurt talked to only North Americans or his yes-men :-(

Yes, and this arrogance that everyone thinks like him, aka N/A "experts" :kli_ny: ... anyway, he talked similar stories and 2010 about Plushy - some praises, spiced with malicious comments about Plushy's jumping skills :ps_ih:

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby let`s talk » 10 Oct 2012, 18:36

dimi wrote:Buttle is his friend and he did have the a very good skate BUT the one that he actually insults is TAKAHASHI who came first and beat Buttle.
Not only Dai but he insulted Kozuka too who was over Buttle. He also insulted the audience who according to Kurt is dumb enough not to know who in fact were the best guys there. Feel free to be "welcomed" to Japan next time, Kurt. We'll take care of it :-). Anyway, he came up with some excuses, and I already twittered him the reply. In general, you guys did great work with your twitters when you let him know that Sochi won't be the place for politics a la Vancouver. Kurt turned out to be an easy thing to get scared. No wonder that he could never get an Olympic medal. :)-(:
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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby cekoni » 10 Oct 2012, 18:48

let`s talk wrote:... you guys did great work with your twitters when you let him know that Sochi won't be the place for politics a la Vancouver. Kurt turned out to be an easy thing to get scared. No wonder that he could never get an Olympic medal. :)-(:

Yes, Plushy still should to skate on "Stars on Ice" shows :-)


Something interesting? :mi_ga_et:


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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby whitebamboo » 10 Oct 2012, 18:58

I can't completely figure out what Kurt Browning actually meant in this particular tweet, but oh well. I guess personally I'm trying to not attribute malice to him; maybe it is just that he's a big fan of Jeff and he wanted to compliment his performance, and then happened to mention Evgeni separately. But regardless about what he says or thinks about Evgeni, I don't particularly agree with the way he said it, "taught everyone at the event" (whether he meant it to include the other skaters or just the audience). I guess, it's just my own personal opinion, if he'd said that Buttle "displayed perfect combination of technical and magical skating" (without "the", sorry) I wouldn't argue with it, that just says how he feels about this particular performance. But I don't see how any one skater, performing one program, can "teach everyone" about what is "the perfect combination" of art and technique in skating. It's just my personal opinion, I guess, but to me, the phrase "taught everyone" has the connotation that this particular way is how it should be, and you should skate just like this if you want to be artistic. And I just don't believe in that.

I am a huge fan of Evgeni in terms of artistic style (lol obviously), but I would never for myself point to for instance his 2004 RN Nijinsky and say "this taught everyone the perfect combination of artistic and technical skating". Or, to give much more extreme examples, would you go to the art museum, look at the Mona Lisa, and say "Leonardo taught everyone the perfect combination of technique and magic in painting"? Or go to a concert, and say "Beethoven taught every one the perfect combination of technique and magic in music?" To me, that would sound kind of ridiculous. And those are actual Great Works of Art that have come down to us through history! People accept that there are different styles in painting, music, etc., and each person may prefer some styles over others, but there is no single style that needs to be"taught" to everyone as the one perfect way, so I don't see why people would want to think this way about skating.

(Well, anyways, I don't want to be unfair to Kurt Browning: perhaps he just really wanted to praise Buttle's performance highly and didn't choose the words carefully...)

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby lovplush » 10 Oct 2012, 19:23

lelo wrote:I don't think it's a false alarm.

What I meant is that he is kind of saying that Plushy jumps great, not tried to insult Plushy, which he explained now is the case.

But you are right, putting these two things together is not appropriate, intentional or not, with his status this would make many haters happy. And also as whitebamboo said, the way he used to praise Buttler is also not appropriate. Sounds a bit arrogant IMO.

Oh I hate Canada :hi_hi_hi:
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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Таня » 10 Oct 2012, 19:39

Good job, girls! :du_el: :-) :plush39:


Wow, so many angry Plushenko fans. I guess I used the @ button wrong?? All I wanted to say was his jumps are totally Amazing and Exciting
Ru: Вау, как много рассерженых фанов Плющенко! Я предполaгаю, что я использовал кнопку неправильно? Все что я хотел сказать это то, что его прыжки были совершенно захватывающими и удивительными


I will be more careful and not use pictures. FYI .. It was a ' thumbs up 'that I put in the confusing tweet about Plushenko's jumps.
ru: Я буду более осторожным и не буду использовать картинки. К вашему сведению .. Это был "палец вверх", который я разместил в запутанном твите о прыжках Плющенко
Евгений Плющенко: "Спорт - это моя жизнь. Спортивные достижения во славу России - это моя религия. Для меня это не просто слова, это суть всего, что я делал и делаю в спорте."

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby lilywang » 10 Oct 2012, 21:24

Good job! :co_ol:

Let them know who are the "people". We don't need to be patronized on how to appreciate a sport. If they want to decide on their own what is magic skating, then don't bother to have an audience.

PS., I think the biggest mistake that KB made was, if he wants to compliment Jeff Buttle, fine. Many people appreciate JB's skating as well. But don't use other skaters as a stepping stool, especially skaters who are much more popular with the audience.

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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby Nat7 » 10 Oct 2012, 23:00

Алексей Мишин: "Плющенко оставил о себе
очень хорошее впечатление в сообществе фигурного катания"


Наставник Евгения Плющенко Евгений Мишин, комментируя выступление своего подопечного на турнире в Японии, несмотря на падение и четвертое место, подчеркнул: в программе фигуриста было немало ярких красок и отлично выполненных прыжков. А падение и скомканная концовка объясняются усталостью и непроработанностью программы в целом.

- Выступление Евгения можно отметить двумя красками: яркой и победоносной и частично темной и негативной, - цитирует наставника "ФЦП-Пресс". - На тренировках в Японии он показывал блестящее состояние и был едва ли не лучшим среди своих конкурентов. Он выполнял с легкостью прыжки в четыре оборота, причем по два сразу, чего он не делал с 2005 года. Выполнял тройной аксель. Всем понравилась его новая манера поведения на льду. Я имею в виду его взаимоотношение конька со льдом. Он больше соответствовал современным правилам и духу катания.

В подготовительный период основное наше внимание было уделено освоению сложных элементов, которые в связи с травмой давались ему с большим трудом. Сейчас этот вопрос с техническим набором сложных элементов решен.

Но у нас не был проработан накат всей программы целиком. Поэтому он через две минуты выступления в Японии обычным тривиальным образом устал, скомкав конец программы. Хотя начал Женя отлично, исполнив два четверных прыжка и тройной аксель. Именно усталостью в концовке проката объясняется его относительно невысокий результат, который он показал в итоговой табели о рангах. Ошибки были элементарными: падение с двойного акселя, не до конца выполненное вращение и так далее.

Со стержневыми моментами, которые мы хотели показать, Евгений справился блестяще. Он оставил о себе очень хорошее впечатление в сообществе фигурного катания, которое восприняло его как одного из претендентов на вхождение в самую высокую элиту мирового фигурного катания. Если говорить о формальном результате, то он нас, конечно, не устроил. А в целом эта поездка была очень полезной, потому что она выявила как позитивные стороны, так и негативные.

- Какими будут его ближайшие старты?

- Пока определяемся с датами. Мы только собрали в кучу весь прыжковый арсенал, теперь надо сделать так, чтобы была возможность выполнить все элементы вместе. Затем мы выберем какое-то соревнование для участия. Возможно, это будет один из этапов Кубка России, может, даже несколько или какой-то международный турнир. На данный момент Женя еще не готов донести всю программу целиком, нам нужно отработать компонент выносливости.


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Re: Japan Open 2012 & gala Carnival on Ice - Saitama 06.10.2

Postby dustman » 11 Oct 2012, 06:04

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