Пресса, интервью|| Press about Evgeni ON Ice

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 20 Sep 2013, 12:46

cekoni wrote:More reports from press-conference the occasion of the show (russian version) "Opera on Ice" 04.10.2013 in Petersburg (also with short parts from Plushy's training)

Плющенко раздразнит петербуржцев своей олимпийской программой:

VIDEO: http://piter.tv/event/Plyuschenko_otkat ... _na_l_du_/

:ni_zia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSPZ6WkVE2M

Евгений Плющенко исполнит оперу на льду:
http://vppress.ru/stories/Evgenii-Plyus ... -ldu-19592
Это будет микст из большинства программ, которые исполнял Евгений за свою ледовую карьеру — в бытность фигуристом-«олимпийцем». Тем более что почти все эти программы музыкально обработал его друг венгерский скрипач Эдвин Мартон — он со своей «волшебной скрипкой» (кстати, настоящей, работы самого Антонио Страдивари) также задействован в опере. А сформулировал эту идею главный тренер Плющенко Алексей Мишин.

— Думаю, многим питерцам будет интересно посмотреть и на «раннего Плющенко», который в одной из своих первых постановок делал посвящение танцовщику Вацлаву Нижинскому, и на «зрелого», который победил на Белой олимпиаде в Турине-2006 с программой «Крестный отец», — приоткрыл секрет Евгений. — И можно будет увидеть, как я катаюсь после операции, с замененным межпозвоночным диском и четырьмя штифтами в колене.

Кроме того, Плющенко заверил корреспондента «ВП»: после зимних Олимпийских игр в Сочи он закончит рукопись о своей жизни в фигурном катании. Черновики уже готовы. И это будет «очень жесткое произведение».

Подробнее о выступлениях Плющенко в новом сезоне на льду и на оперной сцене — в одном из ближайших номеров газеты и на сайте «ВП».


PHOTOS from press-conference & training (2,3 pages)... with watermark :plush34:
Подготовка к ледовому шоу `Опера на льду`
19 сентября 2013. Тренировка Евгения Плющенко перед премьерой ледового шоу `Опера на льду`:
http://www.photoxpress.ru/collage.asp?a ... b_oper=AND

... from press-conference:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby lovplush » 20 Sep 2013, 18:38

Still have not received the digital version of the IFS magazine, but they send a hard copy to me so here are the scan images:





Plushenko Chinese Fans Club: http://www.plushycnfanclub.org/

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Вера » 20 Sep 2013, 19:45

Евгений Плющенко: «С женой вижусь по телефону!
http://www.mk.ru/sport/article/2013/09/ ... efonu.html

Спортсмен пропадает на льду, готовясь к олимпиаде в Сочи

Евгений Плющенко усиленно готовится Олимпиаде-2014 в Сочи. Несмотря на операцию на позвоночнике, которую он перенес 31 января, фигурист полон оптимизма и намерен взять «золото». После чего планирует завершить свою спортивную карьеру и заняться литературным творчеством. Пока же он усиленно тренируется в Петербурге: обкатывает новую программу и не уходит со льда по 12 часов в день.

— Какой будет программа для олимпийских игр?

— Всего я вам рассказывать не буду. Короткую программу сегодня уже прокатал. Она на музыку группы «Океан Эльзи» с Украины. Будет звучать песня из фильма «Мы из будущего-2», инструментальная версия. Эта песня безумно мне нравится – про любовь, про страдания. (Но в программе не будет военной тематики, только общечеловеческая). Лидер группы Слава Вакарчук будет писать версию своего хита на 2,5 минуты специально для меня. И еще хочу сказать о программе — это будет не привычный «мой» стиль, а совершенно новая хореография. Всю прошедшую неделю прилично пахал. Завтра начну обкатывать произвольную программу.

— Как поживает ваша спина?

— Шрам в 10 сантиметров у меня останется на всю жизнь. Лечение продолжается. Как видите, мне уже гораздо лучше.

— Отметили ли вы с Яной годовщину свадьбы, которая была совсем недавно?

— Только по телефону. Супруга сейчас в Москве с детьми, и у нее много своей работы. У меня же по 2-3 тренировки в день, я не хочу отвлекаться. Но она приедет на наше детское шоу «Опера на льду» в Петербург. Сейчас мы его готовим вместе с известным баритоном, солистом Мариинского театра Василием Герелло. Думаю, отмечать наши дальнейшие юбилеи нам с Яной будет проще.

— Сейчас в Российском фигурном катании сложная ситуация. Былая слава наших фигуристов поблекла. Что делать, чтобы изменить это?

— Вопрос сложный. На мой взгляд, в фигурном катании сейчас есть улучшения по сравнению с ситуацией, которая была пять лет назад. Тогда у нас вообще никого не было. Да и финансирование «хромало». Сейчас осталось дело за малым — спортсменам хорошо кататься.

На вопрос, как изменить существующую ситуацию, я отвечу в своей книге, которую уже начал писать. Займусь литературным творчеством вплотную после олимпийских игр. Черновичок я уже завел: поверьте, раскрою в этой книге много тайн и секретов, о которых поклонники понятия не имеют. Я решил написать, через что мне пришлось пройти после операции. Как выходил на тренировку, и тело совсем не хотело работать. Руки и ноги мою голову не слушали. И еще о тех, кто был вокруг, а это — отдельная тема для разговора.

— Ваша первая книга была очень «сладкой», будет ли от нее отличаться новая?

— Конечно, она будет жесткой. Тогда у меня были сомнения — стоит ли обнародовать какие-то факты. Менеджеры не советовали, говорили: «У тебя еще вся жизнь в спорте впереди, давай подождем!». Сейчас я все-таки решился. Ведь карьеру я все равно завершаю. Есть такие истории из жизни, которые, думаю, людей зацепят. Потому что через это проходил каждый. Скажем так: та книга была очень ласковой по сравнению с тем, что я собираюсь написать сейчас.

P.S. На вопрос, кого же он считает реальными претендентами на «золото», кроме себя, спортсмен так и не ответил. Как и не назвал никого из фигуристов парного катания, которые ему нравятся на сегодняшний день.

материал: Наталья Черных
20 сентября 2013 в 15:15, МК.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby lala630312 » 20 Sep 2013, 20:29

translating please...please.... :ki_ss:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby Ирина » 21 Sep 2013, 00:38

Вера wrote:Евгений Плющенко: «С женой вижусь по телефону!
http://www.mk.ru/sport/article/2013/09/ ... efonu.html

Но она приедет на наше детское шоу «Опера на льду» в Петербург.

Почему детское? :du_ma_et: :plush38:
..."Российский фигурист Евгений Плющенко добился уникального достижения. Он выступил на четвертых Олимпийских играх - и выиграл четвертую медаль,став двукратным олимпийским чемпионом! "...
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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 21 Sep 2013, 16:50

let`s talk wrote:... (strool down for photos .... and click on video http://www.kp.ru/video/496429/).
I just twittered some parts very briefly:

"let`s talk" already translated most important sentences :co_ol: - here are translation of complete article... :mi_ga_et:

Evgeni Plushenko: Yana promised me that after the Olympics will give birth to another baby!

Last year (In fact, in January of this year) the figure skater Evgeni Plushenko has gone through a serious operation on the spine. Then, many figure skating fans thought that the Olympic champion finally hung up the skates and abandoned his plans for the Winter Olympics.
So thought Evgeni himself, as the rehabilitation process was long, the pains did not stop. But thanks to the support of his coach Alexei Mishin and wife Yana Rudkovskaya, athlete still back on the ice. And now a skater strenuously preparing for the upcoming Olympics.
To support husband, arrived in Sochi his wife Yana with children: their common with Evgeni 8-month-old Sasha, and her sons from her marriage with Victor Baturin - 12-year-old Andrey and 11-year-old Kolya. This whole team is located in the house of Yana's parents.

In this big happy family was not always rosy. Rudkovskaya's ex-husband, a businessman Victor Baturin, after the divorce was hiding from Yana's sons, despite the fact the decision of the Court was that boys had to live with the mother. Only when he went to jail on charges of fraud, Yana was able to pick up Andrey and Kolya. Children did not immediately want to communicate with her, refused to call her mother. A very long time, she had to look for the key to her sons. But now, it's seems, the ice is broken. Even when to the house arrives Evgeni Plushenko, the boys screaming thrown to him on the neck.

- Zhenya, you're in a summer training camp brought the whole family...
- For our baby Sasha, here is very suitable climate: the sun, the sea, - explained Olympic champion. - And so it happened, that I have here now the pre-Olympic camp. So we decided that Yana and the kids, while I train, there will a rest. I'm not at home all week. Five days I living in the base along with other athletes, and for the weekend I come to my wife and children.
- Yana Rudkovskaya: Sochi is my hometown. We're always happy to have a rest here. Our Gnome Gnomych (so parents call his youngest son Alexander - Ed.) here for the first time stood on its feet. We wait now son's first steps.

- Evgeni, you really decided to go on the Olympics?
- I now do everything for this start. Now it's my ultimate dream. The Ministry of Sports has provided me the professionals with whom I'm going through rehabilitation: works with me the whole team! Massages, acupuncture, etc. For the first time in my practice is so.
Actually, because of what I have so many injuries? Never in my life I did not have a team that would have made ​​sure that I correctly recovering after exertion. Doctors, massage therapists. In the 12 years I taught Axel with 2.5 turns, in the 13 years I have made ​​it. In the 14 years I have been already doing a quadruple jump. The organism was not yet formed, the bones were weak, and I have done these complex elements! And in the team was only the coach and choreographer..
Now, of course, I feel the difference in approach. Every day I get up at eight in the morning for the first training. Load has gone already serious. Now I steadily jump the quad. Literally yesterday, a quadruple lutz jump - this is the most difficult element in figure skating. And the ardor I have.

- Who is your main opponent in the upcoming Olympics ?
- My main opponent now - it's me. It is necessary to overcome the injuries. Psychologically cope.
Yes, the last two years was very hard. But now I'm fine. Almost is ready Free program. It will be a medley of my best performances. On costume we are working with the Valery Yudashkin. I think we have a good team.
Short program also will be interesting. I will skate to music from the film "We Are From the Future 2", a song by the group "Ocean Elzy" - very melodic, so lyrical, pained and deep music.

- Have you thought about what you do after the Olympics ?
- I want to create a school and necessarily my ice theater.

- Yana, what you think about approach the coach Alexei Mishin for Zhenya's preparation? You agree with him?
- I have with Alexei very trusting relationship. He loves Evgeni, my husband for him is as a son. Mishin and I often talk on the phone, discussing everything with him. It happens, and argue. Then he said: "Girl, you're wrong, do not rush!"
And I love my husband and understand him. If I see that in Zhenya's something not working, or he is tired, or something hurts him, I do not touch him - we do not even talk about training. In the end, Zhenya must to have his own private space.
I am happy that my husband's consult with me. We are not just husband and wife, we are real friends. Zhenya helped me in the education of my older sons, and raises them in real men. Boys under his leadership began to play sports, have to respect the people, to learn. To me alone, it would be difficult with two teenagers.

- Evgeni, the birth of Sasha your younger son has changed you? It becomed additional stimulus to victory?
- I really miss my family. Yana's children - Andrey and Kolya. I miss Egor, my eldest son. I miss the little Sasha. Family is the most important thing. To be honest, any medals, any money, any glory, can not replace to me the family. When are with me my wife and the kids, I feel myself at ease. I always dreamed that I had a big family.

- Do you remember, two years ago, when you still dont had Sasha with Yana, you said in an interview with "KP", that you dream the twins after the Olympics?
- Yes, we still did not stop at the completion of the family. Yana has promised to me that after the Olympics will give birth to another child.
I'm friend with Yana's sons. Already told them, that when I finish with figure skating, I'll be with them explore some other sport. They now play football. Even at the professional level. To the boys I immediately made it clear: "You will become athletes. Whether you like it, or not."

- And Sasha?
- Plushenko: Sasha for sure will be an athlete. Either hockey, golf, football, or tennis.
- Yana Rudkovskaya: I would like football, or tennis. I do not know why, but everyone thinks that if child is born in skater's family, must to be a figure skater. I believe that the child alone should to choose.
- Plushenko: The child alone did not choose.
- Rudkovskaya: There should be and desire. If a child stand on skates, if likes it...
- Plushenko: Did not like it.
- Rudkovskaya: How do you know?
- Plushenko: I know. Can not like that. Actually, the first time he'll like it. But when go the system, and its parents forced him to deal with it every day, the child will quickly get bored.
- Rudkovskaya: I do not know... You like!
- Plushenko: I also do not always like it. When I fell and banged my head, back, elbows, what do you think - I like it? Naturally, I wanted to finish it faster. And to go in the yard to play football with the boys...
- Rudkovskaya: In any case, we will choose a sport. I think it would be football. If we have a girl, we will maybe choose a figure skating.
- Plushenko: No way. None of us will not be a skater.
- Rudkovskaya: You will not allow?
- Plushenko: No.
- Rudkovskaya: But I think that we need to continue...
- Plushenko: Skaters in our family will be no more!
- Rudkovskaya: If it's a girl, and she says she wants to skate, I don think that you'll say no.
- Plushenko: Soon, I will be a 31 years old. All my life I skated. And I now realize, that this is really a difficult sport. If you're in a team, you can rest on a bench, while the salary goes... But, unfortunately, in individual sports such things not happen. Injured - try to get out, and prove. As more the type of sport is individualized, they are more complex.

- Who will be in the stands, rooting for you at the Olympics?
- Mom and Dad will not go - they never sat at the stands. Very worried. Next to me will be a wife and all of our children. Including younger. And if my ex-wife Masha let my eldest Egor, he will come to support his father.

We bought a house in Moscow's the suburbs - after the birth of our baby, became narrowly for us in the apartment. And even when more childrens appear, will be more comfortable them to live outside the city.
Now I have nothing to distract me from the preparation for my last start: the house was built, the children grow. Now the most importantly is to win!

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 21 Sep 2013, 18:30

Short translation of reports from press-conference (19.09.2013) the occasion of the show (russian version) "Opera on Ice" 04.10.2013 in Petersburg :plush45:

cekoni wrote:Photos and video from Plushy's training in St.Petersburg - part of his new SP...
Как Плющенко к Олимпиаде в Сочи готовится
http://www.metronews.ru/novosti/kak-plj ... raM8Dmoo2/

How Plushenko's preparing for the Olympics in Sochi
For now, the programs of Olympic champion is completely unprepared to show.
"On the ice, in front of judges, i will appear in the tournament "Volvo Cup" in Riga, in early November. I need to skate on the little competitions, then i will go to the big ones."

cekoni wrote:Плющенко раздразнит петербуржцев своей олимпийской программой:
VIDEO: http://piter.tv/event/Plyuschenko_otkat ... _na_l_du_/

Plushenko teased St.Petersburg's people with his Olympic program

In St. Petersburg boils work on show "Opera on Ice". There will participate Olympic champions - Evgeni Plushenko and Elena Berezhnaya, opera singers Vasily Gerello, Caroline Sandren and others. The show promises to be a memorable one, St. Petersburg has a unique opportunity to see and evaluate the new program, which Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko is preparing for the Olympics in Sochi.
"I responded immediately to perform in the "Opera on Ice", because I need practice and skating of my program in front of the audience. I need to skate, try new elements, new spins before the Olympics" - says Evgeni Plushenko.

cekoni wrote:Евгений Плющенко исполнит оперу на льду:
http://vppress.ru/stories/Evgenii-Plyus ... -ldu-19592

Evgeni Plushenko will perform opera on ice
It will be mix of best programs, that Evgeni executed during his career - when he was a "Olympian" figure skater. Most of these programs was musically arranged by his friend, Hungarian violinist Edvin Marton - who will be also, with his "magic violin", involved in the opera show. "This idea suggested me my coach Alexei Mishin", - said Plushenko.

- "I think many people in St. Petersburg will be interesting to see "early Plushenko", which was dedicated to the ballet dancer Vaslav Nijinsky, and "mature", which won the White Olympiad in Turin 2006 with the program "The Godfather ". And you can see how I skate after surgery, with replaced intervertebral disc and four pins in my spine."

After the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Plushenko will finished the manuscript about his life in figure skating. Drafts are ready. And it would be "very tough product".

cekoni wrote:Олимпийский чемпион Евгений Плющенко начал работу над книгой о своей жизни в большом спорте

Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko began work on a book about his life in professional sport
According to Evgeni Plushenko, he's going to "reveal a lot of secrets" that can not be opened during sports career. After Sochi he will not "hang the skates", but he will perform in the show-programs, in the genre of ballet on ice.
"I would like to share some thoughts on how to overcome adversity, and force the body to work when it is particularly difficult, as has happened to me after a complicated spinal surgery", - said the skater. Unlike his the first autobiography book "Another Show", published in 2007, a new book will be much more rigid and devoid of complementarity ("the first was affectionate, gentle"). There will be a lot of unknowns and educational stories. However, assured Plushenko, "there will not be nastiness".

Prior to the St. Petersburg show, ice skater will perform on September 26 in Italy in a similar program, "Opera on Ice" at the Theatre "Arena di Verona ", which he remembers with great pleasure. Figure skater well said about the St. Petersburg project, organized by his colleague, Olympic champion Elena Berezhnaya, who headed the St. Petersburg State Ice Theatre.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 21 Sep 2013, 19:35

Вера wrote:Евгений Плющенко: «С женой вижусь по телефону!
http://www.mk.ru/sport/article/2013/09/ ... efonu.html


Evgeni Plushenko: "With my wife, I've been seeing over the phone!"

The athlete lost on the ice, in preparation for the Olympic Games in Sochi

Evgeni Plushenko's readying for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Despite back surgery, which he suffered January 31, the skater is full of optimism and intends to take the "gold". After that, he will finish his career, and will deal with creative writing. In the meantime, he trains hard in St. Petersburg: skate a new program, and does not leave the ice for 12 hours a day.

- What is the program for the Olympic Games?
- I will not telling you all. Short program today I already skated. It is the music of the group "Ocean Elzy" from Ukraine. Will sound the song from the film "We Are From the Future 2", an instrumental version. That song I love mindless - about love, about suffering (but in the program will not be a military theme, only common to all mankind). The leader of the group Slava Vakarchuk will write a version of its hit of 2.5 minutes, especially for me. And I want to say about the program - it will not be the usual "my" style, than brand new choreography. The whole past week I'm pretty worked on it. Tomorrow I'll start to skate Free program.

- How's your back?
- Scar of 10 centimeters will remain me for life. A medical treatment continues. As you can see, I'm much better.

- Do you celebrate with Yana your wedding anniversary, which was just recently?
- Only over the phone. My wife is in Moscow with kids, and she has a lot of her work. I have already 2-3 training by a day, I do not want to be distracted. But she comes to our show "Opera on Ice" in St. Petersburg. Now we are preparing it with the famous baritone, soloist of the "Mariinsky Theatre", Vasily Gerello. I think, our future celebrations of anniversary with Yana will be easier.

- Now in Russian figure skating is difficult situation. The glory of our skaters faded. What should do to change this?
- The issue is complex. In my opinion, figure skating has now improved, compared to the situation that was five years ago. Then, there was nobody. Yes, and funding "limping". Now remains to small-athletes, only to skate well.
To the question, how to change the current situation, I will answer in my book which I already started to write. With "literary works" I'll be more interested after the Olympic Games. Drafts I started: believe me, this book will reveal many mysteries and secrets, about what fans have no idea. I decided to write, through what I went after the surgery. How to come out to practice, and the body quite did not want to work. Hands and feet did not listen my head. And about those, who has been around, but it is - a separate topic for conversation.

- Your first book was very "sweet", will be differ new?
- Of course, it will be rigid. Then I had some doubts - whether to disclose certain facts. Managers are not advised, saying: "You have a whole life in front of you in the sport, let's wait!". Now I finally decided. After that, I definitely finishing my career. There are stories of life, which I think will hook people. Because through it, passed each person. Let's just say, that the first book was very gentle, compared to what I 'm going to write now.

P.S. On the question, whom he thinks the real contenders for the "gold", besides himself, the athlete did not answer. As anyone not named from Pairs skating that he like today.

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby lala630312 » 21 Sep 2013, 21:56

Thank you for all translating! :plush39: :ro_za: :ki_ss:

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Re: Пресса о Жене, интервью Жени || Press about Evgeni ON Ic

Postby cekoni » 22 Sep 2013, 21:12


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