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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 27 Apr 2014, 18:38

lala630312 wrote:
Karina wrote:See, for full disclosure, I used to work in the field. Briefly, but enough to know it's a very taxing job, with a huge amount of responsibility. And I worked with some very hardworking people. It pisses me off that these "omniscient ignoramuses" are giving the profession a bad name, misinforming the public, and [i]somehow still have jobs....

Calm down. The Russian journalism is a garbage. The Russians attack their athleths if they can.

Why Russian media is now worse than ever before? Because next reasons (just some of them):
- fight for readers between to much media, even in such a huge market as Russia
- journalists are afraid to attack the oligarchs and politicians - so they attacked the athletes and "show business" stars ... Plushy covers both areas :-)
- announcement the joining "RIA Novosti" with more news agencies in one - so their journalists at any cost is fight to prove that they are "necessary, up-to-date" with sensational news from "well-informed secret sources"... actually unsubstantiated, inaccurate and hasty journalism at its worst....

Do not to mention the corruption of journalists by "skating school" (Moscow CSKA) and the owner of ice shows (Averbukh)... :plush34:

P.S. Also, to remind you on the insult by Zhurankov which he made ​​during TV broadcasts 2013 (about Plushy's non-existent operations), and when almost all the journalists came to his defense :sh_ок: .... I hate their's "guildhall solidarity" with fools and liars :ze_le_ny:

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 27 Apr 2014, 18:56

Here is again one old Plushy's "hater" - even and he now defends Plushy :hi_hi_hi: ... maybe because he does not live in Russia, so as "independent" journalist he can recognize a fake PR about Kovtun :mi_ga_et:


2014-04-27 16:47:56

Здравствуйте, Артур Михайлович!
У меня вопрос по поводу Плющенко. Первый раз услышала это недели полторы назад, но подумала что остатки разума у Плющенко и его окружения победят. Но сейчас, когда такие громкие заявления продолжаются, не знаю уже что думать. В четверг на официальном сайте Федерации фигурного катания на коньках России появилась информация со ссылкой на Мишина, что Плющенко начнет подготовку к новому сезону 1 июня.

"Плющенко совершит 1 июня пробный выход на лед, так рекомендовали врачи. А 16 июня он начнет полноценные тренировки на сборах в итальянском Пинцоло, - сообщил Мишин по телефону. - Идеи новых программ уже есть. The Best Of Plushenko мы делать больше не будем. Будем делать The New Plushenko".

Может Вам известно больше? Это что, такой своеобразный пиар (для чего) или это говорится серьёзно? Спасибо


Artur Verner:

Здравствуйте, Наталия!
Я прочёл эту интересную новость пару дней назад и считаю решение Евгения очень полезным для мужского одиночного катания России. Теперь Ковтуну, Воронову, Меньшову и другим придётся тренироваться намного больше, чтобы попасть на крупнейшие соревнования и чемпионаты будущего сезона. Особенно падкий к лести ;;-))) Максим Ковтун, коего ещё в прошлом сезоне объявили первым номером России, должен это звание ещё раз доказать.

В беге на длинные дистанции существует понятие "заяц". Так называют спортсмена, который с первых шагов набирает большую скорость и задаёт этот темп всем соперникам. Где-то посередине дистанции "заяц" выдыхается и останавливается, но свою задачу - разогреть бегунов - он выполнил.

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other inte resting news

Postby cekoni » 29 Apr 2014, 00:17

Plushy maybe will be 30.05. in Sochi - there will be held "Ball of Russian Olympians - 2014", where winners and all medalists of the Olympic Games will be awarded with special "commemorative rings" :plush45:

Победителям и призерам XXII Олимпийских зимних игр 2014 года в г. Сочи будут вручены памятные перстни с олимпийской символикой от АДАМАС:
http://www.olympic.ru/news/news-russia/ ... pamiatnie/

Первые памятные перстни будут вручены победителям и призерам XXII Олимпийских зимних игр 2014 года в г. Сочи 30 мая в Государственной Кремлевском Дворце, в рамках торжественного мероприятия "Бал Олимпийцев России – 2014".

Изготовителем драгоценных украшений с олимпийской символикой выступит официальный поставщик медалей для Игр в Сочи компания АДАМАС.

"XXII Олимпийские зимние игры 2014 года в г. Сочи стали ярким, незабываемым праздником для всех жителей нашей страны, для болельщиков всего мира, - отметил Президент Олимпийского комитета России Александр Жуков.

- По оценке многих специалистов это были лучшие Олимпийские игры в истории. Вся Россия болела за нашу олимпийскую сборную и спортсмены оправдали самые смелые ожидания. Впервые в истории российского спорта высших достижений Олимпийская команда России возглавила неофициальный медальный командный зачет.

Мы гордимся успехами нашей команды и желаем нашим спортсменам новых больших побед. В этом году Олимпийский комитет России принял решение вручать российским победителям и призерам Олимпийских игр памятные кольца с олимпийской символикой. Уверен, что это станет доброй традицией".

Всего будет изготовлено 49 перстней, что соответствует количеству победителей и призеров XXII Олимпийских зимних игр 2014 года в г. Сочи. Технологии изготовления объединяют традиции русской ювелирной школы и современные достижения отрасли, в частности цветовое решение выполнено инновационной для российского ювелирного рынка техникой холодной эмали, а создание прототипа было реализовано с помощью 3-D принтеров. В центре перстня будет размещена символика Олимпийского Комитета России.
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Karina » 29 Apr 2014, 04:59

cekoni wrote:
lala630312 wrote:
Karina wrote:See, for full disclosure, I used to work in the field. Briefly, but enough to know it's a very taxing job, with a huge amount of responsibility. And I worked with some very hardworking people. It pisses me off that these "omniscient ignoramuses" are giving the profession a bad name, misinforming the public, and somehow still have jobs....

Calm down. The Russian journalism is a garbage. The Russians attack their athleths if they can.

Why Russian media is now worse than ever before? Because next reasons (just some of them):
- fight for readers between to much media, even in such a huge market as Russia
- journalists are afraid to attack the oligarchs and politicians - so they attacked the athletes and "show business" stars ... Plushy covers both areas :-)
- announcement the joining "RIA Novosti" with more news agencies in one - so their journalists at any cost is fight to prove that they are "necessary, up-to-date" with sensational news from "well-informed secret sources"... actually unsubstantiated, inaccurate and hasty journalism at its worst....

Do not to mention the corruption of journalists by "skating school" (Moscow CSKA) and the owner of ice shows (Averbukh)... :plush34:

P.S. Also, to remind you on the insult by Zhurankov which he made ​​during TV broadcasts 2013 (about Plushy's non-existent operations), and when almost all the journalists came to his defense :sh_ок: .... I hate their's "guildhall solidarity" with fools and liars :ze_le_ny:

So basically, the Russian journalists are a pack of irresponsible cowards? It really pains me because I know first-hand it's a job with a huge responsibility, and now to see these journalists treat it like [i]that...

I'm glad that one (former?) hater seems to at least look at things logically. Don't like the implication that Plush is just there as the "hare" to egg on other skaters, but it's true enough. Plush's chances of making it to another Olympics don't look very good. It's not worth risking his health over anyway.

What is up with this Averbukh guy and what does he have against Plush?
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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby let`s talk » 29 Apr 2014, 09:29

1. Long time ago Plu didn't accept his invitation to become a puppet in Averbuch lousy ice show. So, it's just bitterness plus lost of money.
2. More serious reason is a quite possible competition on the market. Averbukh show is basically the only ice show in Russia currently. But they have retired skaters like Yagudin who can jump 3T maximum and most of skaters can barely skate. Plushenko shows will be like standard shows in Japan for example, where competitve skaters will skate real stuff, not just stroking around. It's a huge market threat for Averbukh and he knows that.
"Осторожно! Фанатка ЕП и ДТ" (weir.ru about let`s talk)

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 29 Apr 2014, 13:35

Karina wrote:So basically, the Russian journalists are a pack of irresponsible cowards? It really pains me because I know first-hand it's a job with a huge responsibility, and now to see these journalists treat it like that...

Basically, there are too many amateurs, self-proclaimed figure skating "experts" which on a huge number of blogs unsupervised write what they want. "Democracy" is misunderstood by these amateurs, as a the field where they all can say and write.... on the west, most of them will be sued and so fine in court, that would never again in their life came to a keyboard or microphone.

I'm glad that one (former?) hater seems to at least look at things logically.

No, he stil dont like Plushy, but even more he does not like this hastily produced new "stars".

What is up with this Averbukh guy and what does he have against Plush?

"Let's talk" almost all have said very well :co_ol:
Only to add that Plushy (Ari, his agent) had major problems over the years (since he starts with his shows 2006, under various names) - because local Russian organizers few times canceled already scheduled arena, due to pressure from an "unnamed" tour organizer, who is blackmailing them with the withdrawal of sponsors, television - Averbukh (and Tarasova) holding a television show on 1st Channel (some kind of "Ice Dancing with the Stars")... and various other things
Personally - i can openly say that Averbukh is real mobster, in terms of trying to hold a monopoly on the entire Russian market. :ze_le_ny:
.... but he never succeed in Europe to carry out any longer tour (except a few shows in Prague) :)-(: - while Plushy for years, cruising around Europe without problems with his shows :plush45:

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 29 Apr 2014, 14:15

P.S. just to add, what Averbukh all "grabed" in his voracity for overall monopoly: :plush34:
- his own award "Crystal skate" - he was turned into an national award under the auspices of of russian skating federation, which he personally delivers
- he has become a "model" for Bosco Sochi Olympic uniforms
- he had a monopoly on all official shows before the Olympics, during and after it .... although the same Olympics to Russia brought on his back Plushy, skating on all special promotional shows and presenting Sochi bid 2007 in Guatemala
- he constantly gives, as an "expert" - interviews and opinion on competitions (especially about Sochi Olympics), in all categories (even though he was ice dancer)... while he "proudly" claimed that any of his show is more important than any Olympic medal, and that he does not watch "so close" and dont like competitive skating... after all, as his protege - Yags :ps_ih:

And this is only few things, which i can remember right now :kli_ny:

P.S.S. sorry for Aberbukh "spam" :smu:sche_nie: - he really does not deserve so much of our attention :hi_hi_hi:

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby bigeyegugu » 29 Apr 2014, 15:20

whitebamboo wrote:Seraphima Sakhanovich just posted a photo of her receiving an award on her VK:
"Безусловно, фигурное катание – это мой спорт и чем-то другим я, наверное, не могла бы заниматься. С детства мне хотелось быть похожей на Женю Плющенко. Мне он нравится до сих пор, несмотря на то, что в последнее время его критикуют. Но я думаю, что он много сделал для страны, для нашей команды"

:co_ol: :plush31:

(I think it is probably from November of 2012, when she won the girls' event in the "Plushenko Cup", which was in honor of Evgeni's 30th birthday?)

Yes ,you are right ! In the "Plushenko Cup"

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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby cekoni » 29 Apr 2014, 17:11

Plushy, as an example "The laws of physics" :-) - can someone to recognize this physics classbook? :mi_ga_et:


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Re: Другие интересные новости || Other interesting news

Postby Karina » 29 Apr 2014, 20:42

Thank you, Let's Talk and Cekoni, for explaining the Averbukh situation to me. I speak and read zero Russian, so it's difficult for me to understand these things.

So it is essentially a financial rivalry, and not a personal problem between them... I can understand that, a bit. More than I understand the lying journalists, at any rate (democracy =/= lying. And there's better ways to get readers than lying!).

Averbukh used his power to cancel Plush's ice shows in Russia? That's terrible. And yeah, seems like he's got a post-Sochi monopoly on the Russian shows. All the "current stars" are there (Yulia, Adelina, Kovtun :du_ma_et: along with Yags I believe). Sad to hear he's getting this monopoly (and the monopoly of previous years) with dirty tricks. Competition is good for the market! And yes, Plush was a large reason why the Olympics even happened in Sochi. Hopefully Plush will find good show opportunities in the future.

Weirdly enough, I think there's a Youtube video of Plush skating in Averbukh's show many years ago? :kli_ny:

I liked Yagudin's skating back in the day, and his hip problems are not his fault. But I chuckled a little when Plush pointed out his triple toe loops. Look at Ilia Kulik, even older, still doing triple lutz!

And oh yes, I'd love to know which textbook that is! I was curious the moment I saw the image.
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