Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby lauraboboc » 12 Oct 2014, 00:00

the King on Ice! we love you!!!
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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby lauraboboc » 12 Oct 2014, 00:04

it was perfect, it was sublime, it was emotional to see him again!
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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby Anastasia E » 12 Oct 2014, 01:35

Hi everybody! :plush34:

I want to share my experience from this amazing day.
I have so much to say that I don’t know if I will be able to express in words the emotion, it was the most amazing day in my whole life.

The morning of 7th of October me and my sister Tatiana met with our friend Natalia to go and buy flowers. We wanted something very special, so we decided we will buy 11 roses each. I bought 11 white roses, my sister got 11 red roses and our friend Natalia got 11 orange roses. We wanted to give him the flowers as personal as possible, so to not throw them on the ice after the performance.

We got there and we arrived at the venue around 12:00. I previously spoke with dear cekoni who told me the rehearsals would start around 13:00, and we wanted so much to be there and watch the rehearsals.

We arrived there and we stood in front of the venue for like 45 minutes, until 13:00, when I messaged cekoni who told me Zhenya wasn’t there yet. We were still outside. We were standing in front of the venue, at the main entrance, and like I said, after like 45 minutes we went inside and asked a bodyguard if we could enter inside because it was an awful weather, cold, rain, we were freezing. The trick worked and the bodyguard let us in. Inside the venue, not inside the hall with the ice rink.

There we met a very sweet lady who was cleaning there and we talked for like another 30 minutes, until we asked a bodyguard if there is any possibility to enter the hall and stay there and watch the rehearsals. The bodyguard went inside and asked a girl who had pass if she could come to us and we could talk to her and get more details. The girl came to us and she asked us what we wanted, and we said we wanted to just stay inside and watch the rehearsals. She said she doesn’t think it’s possible, because the rules are somehow strict, that there’s a list of people who can enter and if we are not on the list it wasn’t possible. I told her we spoke with cekoni, she knew her, and she went inside and asked the organizers if we could stay in. She came back and told us that unfortunately we cannot enter because the organizers weren’t allowing people inside. I found it upsetting because it was just the three of us, we wouldn’t have done anything, we wouldn’t have bothered. I was very upset... :ny_tik: I wanted so much to meet Evgeni, tell him how much we love him and how we admire him, take some photos, watch him on the ice, nothing else...

We went outside and I messaged cekoni that we cannot enter, she said she cannot get us in, I knew she couldn’t but at least she gave us a great advice, to go at the back entrance and wait there because Zhenya wasn’t in yet and maybe we could meet him outside. We went there. When we arrived there we waited for like another 20 minutes, and that was the VIP entrance. A bodyguard saw us, and he asked us what are we waiting for, if we wait to meet someone, some of the skaters. I told him yes, somehow, we wait to meet with a person who is already inside (we were trying to work it out). He let us in with no problem.

God even now when I think I feel so much emotion, you have no idea how much we’ve been through that day.

So we got in and the bodyguard told us “go there in the hall, they are rehearsing...”. I was amazed, after we’ve been told it’s not possible to enter, to have this guy telling us to go in like there wasn’t any problem. He saw us elegant, with those roses, we seemed “important”! :hi_hi_hi:

We got there, in front of the hall, and we stood in the door. We saw the ice rink, I was so emotioned, I couldn’t think about something to make it up to be able to go inside and just stay there on a sit, to watch. Standing there, at the entrance, without getting in, we saw Zhenya. At least from there to see, it was such an overload of emotions, adrenaline, excitement. We stood there for like 30 minutes, while people were coming in and out of the hall, and at one moment the 2 guys (sorry I don’t remember their names now, the ones who skated in pairs, the 2 funny guys who did acrobatics on ice), they got out of the hall while we were standing in the door, we made them space to pass and they looked at us, smiled and said “Plushenko, Plushenko!”- as if they knew we were there for Evgeni. We laughed, they laughed and went away. :plush26:

After some time a guy from the crew saw us and came to us and told us “why don’t you come in? Stay there on the seats, come on!”. We were amazed, I said “Is it possible?...I mean, to not bother...” and he said “You don’t bother! Come in.” We went inside and stood on some seats there. That was it, we’ve made it!

When we saw him there, skating, it’s an amazing feeling, his whole aura was floating in that hall. I cannot describe the beauty of this man. From all points of view. We couldn’t take our eyes off him.

We stood there for like 1 hour and a half, until they ahd to repair the ice and finally cekoni saw us and she called us and we finally met. I told her what we’ve been through, how we got inside, and being that we entered through another door which was at the upper level, when ceokni called me we went down the stairs and went down beside the ice rink, where we remained until the end. Then was when everything became so powerful, so beautiful, my emotions are overwhelming me right now too.

Evgeni was off the ice, after the ice break, and he was giving interviews, until we found a moment when he finally finished with the interviews, and we went to him. Finally. We went to him and told him “Hi, could we please take a photo?” and he said “hello! Of course!” and we took a photo with him, and I have to say, and I know many of you who met him know what I mean- he is even more beautiful in person than in photos. When I looked at him from close and saw those superb blue eyes. What can I say... he’s gorgeous. Very charming.

Now I’m gonna say something that i don’t know if cekoni caught it because she wasn’t near us.
After we took a photo with him, we went on the side on some seats, in the 3rd or 4th row, besides the ice rink. Evgeni didn’t have the skates, he was walking around there.

We were sitting there on some seats and Evgeni was coming from our right side. In the hall was the song “Sexy and I know it” on which Tomas Verner had one of his programs. Tomas was on the ice and Zhenya, as I said came from our right, he looked at us, made us a sign with the eyebrows, smiling in the corner of his mouth and he started to dance around on “I’m sexy and I know it!” :plush26: moving the hips and all, right in front of us. Of course we clapped him encouraging him “davai, Zhenya!”. What an amazing, fun man, you just cannot help liking him!

Well, and then at the show. Gorgeous, sublime, I have no words to describe the real emotion there. He was sublime, to see him from the front row, he was majestic, regal. When “Best of Plushenko” started and when I saw him doing in front of me the moves from “Nijinsky” my all time favourite, I lost it, it was sublime!

We still had the roses. We wanted to find a moment and give them to him personally and we knew we should wait until the end of the show when he would came towards the audience.

The show ended and the skaters, together with Evgeni, were circling the ice rink and shaking hands with the audience. Then we though “that’s it!” and when he arrived in front of us we handed him the flowers. He saw us and he stopped in front of us, he took the flowers and he thanked us, and we kissed him. You can actually see the scene on cekoni’s video when he also has a speech before.

I still cannot believe what a superb day we had, everything we wanted we managed to do, the whole universe worked to help, that was my feeling. We managed to get through bodyguards, organizers, everyone to just be part of the most magic and beautiful moment in our lives.

I thank Zhenya from the heart, I want to tell him I adore him, there’s no other one like him, no other skater compares to him, I wish him to keep on skating and stay healthy. He said he will come back to Bucharest maybe next year, that we will meet maybe even in competition in 2018. I cannot be more happy, I know he will make it, and I support him from the heart.

я тебя люблю, Евгений! Спасибо большое! :ro_za: :ro_za: :ro_za:

Thank you cekoni, we were so glad to meet you! Maybe we see each other next year too! :plush40:

Phew, and here are some photos from the rehearsals, and the photo with Zhenya.







And here it's me (the brunette) and my sister Tatiana with Evgeni at the rehearsals

And Natalia with Zhenya

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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby cekoni » 12 Oct 2014, 03:20

Anastasia E wrote:...
Now I’m gonna say something that i don’t know if cekoni caught it because she wasn’t near us.
After we took a photo with him, we went on the side on some seats, in the 3rd or 4th row, besides the ice rink. Evgeni didn’t have the skates, he was walking around there.

We were sitting there on some seats and Evgeni was coming from our right side. In the hall was the song “Sexy and I know it” on which Tomas Verner had one of his programs. Tomas was on the ice and Zhenya, as I said came from our right, he looked at us, made us a sign with the eyebrows, smiling in the corner of his mouth and he started to dance around on “I’m sexy and I know it!” :plush26: moving the hips and all, right in front of us. Of course we clapped him encouraging him “davai, Zhenya!”. What an amazing, fun man, you just cannot help liking him!

Pity that i dont saw this - such scene deserves to be recorded :-)

Anastasia E wrote:...
I still cannot believe what a superb day we had, everything we wanted we managed to do, the whole universe worked to help, that was my feeling. We managed to get through bodyguards, organizers, everyone to just be part of the most magic and beautiful moment in our lives.

I thank Zhenya from the heart, I want to tell him I adore him, there’s no other one like him, no other skater compares to him, I wish him to keep on skating and stay healthy. He said he will come back to Bucharest maybe next year, that we will meet maybe even in competition in 2018. I cannot be more happy, I know he will make it, and I support him from the heart.
Thank you cekoni, we were so glad to meet you! Maybe we see each other next year too! :plush40:

As i told you in Bucharest: fortune favors the brave! :plush45:

I'm happy, girls - because of all your efforts, you really deserved to fill out your wishes :-): ... Thank you for your nice words and emotions for Plushy :plush39:

See you next year, Anastasia :pri_vet:-:

P.S. you 3 will be able to view, in the following part of my video :mi_ga_et:
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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby simona » 12 Oct 2014, 11:49

Anastasia E wrote:Hi everybody! :plush34:


Thank U Anastasia 4 sharing us all your emotions! I'm so glad that U
girls finally managed to meet out golden boy!! As we Dutchmen over-
here say: Persistance pays off!


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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby let`s talk » 12 Oct 2014, 17:33

@Anastasia E, Plu fans are beautiful and gorgeous too! :plush46:

Big thanks for the report and pictures. :plush40:
"Осторожно! Фанатка ЕП и ДТ" ( about let`s talk)

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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby cekoni » 12 Oct 2014, 17:40

Anastasia E wrote:...
And here it's me (the brunette) and my sister Tatiana with Evgeni at the rehearsals

Here are Anastasia, Tatiana and Natalia on beginning of this video :-): ..."clairdelalune" on 27" :mi_ga_et:

2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 5/10 (17:00h):
- Plushey make photos with fans and giving autographs
- Tomas Verner is stretching, talks with Brian Joubert
- Plushy gives interview to "Dolce Sport" TV - about Vancouver, Mishin, his skating academy, teaching kids, perspective of skating in Romania...

One more Plushy's intervew - long and very good, especially about his feelings at Sochi Olympics plush48
Interview taken by Florentina Tone :plush39: (for "Inside Skating", romanian figure skating blog)
2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 6/10 (17:40h):


Tomorow videos from Plushy's off and ice practices :mo-ro_zi_vo: :son-ce:

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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby Дарина » 12 Oct 2014, 19:02

перевод отчёта cekoni
cekoni wrote:
dustman wrote: Storm (KOI 2014, Bucharest)

Если кому-то интересно, почему пропущено 10 сек в начале «Шторма», в этот момент села батарейка :plush34:
Простите, что ничего до этого не писала, я была очень занята на работе эти 2 дня :kli_ny:
У меня много видео из-за кулис :plush45: итак... для начала :mo-ro_zi_vo:

1-е видео отмечено как "Unlisted", т. к. организатор (красивая девушка, которую вы можете видеть на этом видео :-): ) уже после того, как я его загрузила, сказала мне, что видео из некоторых частей арены нельзя публиковать ... :ts_ss: поэтому только для вас :hi_hi_hi:
Здесь нет Жени – он спал дольше, т. к. прибыл только этой ночью после 12 часов, поэтому он приехал на арену на час позже. Из отеля на арену фигуристов привозили два микроавтобуса, и я ехала с Томашем, Брианом и др.. :plush46:

2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 1/10 (13:30h):

Краткое содержание 2- го видео:
-Женя приезжает, его приветствуют другие фигуристы
- Тренировки Жубера, Вернера, Ламбьеля ...
- все фигуристы репетируют Открытие ... Женя катался с ними, хотя он не участвовал в Открытии!
Он, наверное, хотел помочь Ари, т. к. фигуристы не запоминают хорео так же легко, как он – он гений, как когда-то сказал Морозов! :plush41: Или просто ему было скучно :hi_hi_hi: ... в любом случае, жаль, что он не катался в Открытии шоу, т. к. другие фигуристы (буду честной) катались как-то путанно – когда на репетиции он был впереди них, это было совсем другое дело! :bra_vo:

2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 2/10 (14:30h):

Напишу больше подробностей завтра, если вспомню интересные детали об этих 2-х видео...будут и ещё видео :-):

cekoni wrote:"Общий" краткий отчёт... :-):

Женя был уставший, но был в хорошем настроении, терпеливый, готовый оказать любезность сми, фанам, помогал Ари с хореографией... :plush40:
В этот раз я не надоедала ему со "специальным" интервью для сайта/форума, т. к. он действительно был измучен. В конце концов – у вас будет возможность увидеть 2-3 интервью, которые он дал румынским сми :mi_ga_et:

Каток был действительно маленьким и в плохом состоянии, так что Женя не мог показать самые трудные элементы, и он должен был быть осторожным. (арену, где проходили шоу 2010 и 2012 гг. закрыли, так что теперь в Бухаресте только крошечный каток – кроме детского в торговом центре) :plush34:

Кстати, присутствие поклонников на репетиции не было одобрено организатором, но они как-то проскользнули через охрану :-)

Почти всё, что происходило, я сняла – поэтому мне почти нечего добавить. Просто смотрите видео и вы увидите то же, что видела я. :mo-ro_zi_vo:
Единственное, что не записала - Женина"автограф-сессия" после шоу – она была короткой и незапланированной, и я была уже за пределами катка. :plush34:

cekoni wrote:...
2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 1/10 (13:30h):
Я напишу завтра, если вспомню интересные детали об этих 2-х видео....

В микроавтобусе я взяла "микроинтервью" с Б. Жубером. :hi_hi_hi: Он устал от соревнований и совсем не думает об этом... Насчёт своего участия во французском ТВ шоу "Dancing with stars" он сказал, что ему довольно трудно танцевать на паркете, особенно работать с партнёршей (поддержки и т.д..). Когда я спросила о его карьере в паре с Катариной Гербольдт, он не казался уверенным, он относится к этому больше как к хобби, интересной попытке. Он сказал, что ему слишком поздно менять дисциплину. На шоу "Snow King" они с Катариной будут больше "скользить" и "играть", а не исполнять парные элементы – особенно поддержки.

Новые видео! :plush32:

2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 3/10 (15:40h):
- Женя говорит с фанатами
- Репетиция Финала – все фигуристы ("Triumph", музыка Э. Мартона)

2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 4/10 (16:10h):
- Эдвин рассказывает о своей новой скрипке, Женя смотрит
- Женя даёт интервью "Prima" TV во время репетиции финала
- Репетиция Финала - все фигуристы ("Triumph", музыка Э. Мартона)
- окончание групповой репетиции

... :mo-ro_zi_vo: все видео из Бухареста в этом плейлисте: :mi_ga_et: ... VEnXqVo0ON
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."

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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby Дарина » 12 Oct 2014, 21:03

cekoni wrote:Ещё одно видео "Best of Plushenko" - противоположный от меня угол... :-):
видео сняла Laura, наша подруга из Румынии (помните девушку в футболке с "платиной" 2010? :hi_hi_hi:

Очень хороший ракурс, отлично снято. Огромное спасибо Лауре :son-ce:
М. Плисецкая: "Пожалуй, Плющенко похож на Годунова. Тоже высокий, статный, эффектный, уверен в себе. Да и эти длинные развевающиеся на ветру и в пируэтах белые волосы. Такой же тип. И темперамент у него есть, и артистизм."
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Re: Kings on Ice 2014 - Bucharest, Romania 07.10.2014

Postby Anastasia E » 12 Oct 2014, 23:36

cekoni wrote:
Anastasia E wrote:...
And here it's me (the brunette) and my sister Tatiana with Evgeni at the rehearsals

Here are Anastasia, Tatiana and Natalia on beginning of this video :-): ..."clairdelalune" on 27" :mi_ga_et:

2014 KOI, Bucharest - backstage, part 5/10 (17:00h):
- Plushey make photos with fans and giving autographs...

Thank you, cekoni! :plush40:

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