Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.2015

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby bigeyegugu » 18 Jan 2015, 10:54

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby dustman » 18 Jan 2015, 17:15

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby lala630312 » 18 Jan 2015, 21:12 ... 2486385664 ... nce-sochi/

Medal Winner’s Open- Plushenko’s first competition since Sochi
Posted on January 18, 2015 by Jackie

I’m up a little late writing about this, but I want to get all of my thoughts down before I sleep. And forget all the details.

Anyone who’s followed this blog over the past year, since these past Olympics, knows how much I love Evgeni Plushenko as a person and for his skating…
From now on, I want to write about him on this platform only when I have something important to write about.

And this is very important :D

Granted, the Medal Winner’s Open in Toyko Japan isn’t a huge tournament. As far as I can tell, everyone skated one short program and that determined the overall winner.
The night before, I just hoped that no matter the result, Plushenko would be happy with his performance. It’s important for him to get some confidence back in his competitive skating, but also because… more than anything else, as a fan, his happiness is the most important thing to me.

I had no expectations about whether he’d win or lose. I know very well how talented he is, but also how he still isn’t 100% as strong as he used to be. Just wanted him to be happy with how he skated.
… then I read that he WON… and I almost cried, I was so happy. It shouldn’t have taken me by surprise, but it still did.

I’d never seen him use “Je Suis Malade” for a competition before. It was always for galas and exhibitions.

I predicted yesterday that when I did finally see Plushenko’s program, I WOULD cry. But I didn’t :P
But I did have a lot of feelings. All good ones.

There was anticipation. Then there was adrenaline, the thrill of seeing him compete again (currently, not just me rewatching previous European Championships, Grand Prix Finals and so on). I could feel my heart beating in my chest. Sometimes, I think I HEARD my heart beating in my chest. Between the anticipation and excitement.
I wondered if maybe he was nervous beforehand, but clearly, he wasn’t.

I wasn’t nervous at all with the exception of one jump… he appeared to be going for a toe-loop… perhaps a quadruple, but he changed his mind and opted for a triple lutz that wasn’t as clean as it could have been.
Like I said, he isn’t 100% recovered from this last surgery on his back. Right now, I’m searching my brain to think if he had performed a triple lutz since the surgery and maybe that’s the reason it was difficult.
Or maybe it was difficult because it’s the jump hardest on his back.

While on the jumps, that triple axel he opened with… it was PERFECT… I saw the replay on Instagram the other day, so I didn’t have anything to worry about. But to see it at normal speed, how it took him a long time to reintroduce it into his skating. His recovery is going so well.

Going by my feelings alone, all that adrenaline, I wondered how he could possibly not want to keep competing.
Back when I was worried he’d rush recovering, someone commented to me, saying he can be an adrenaline junkie and that alone will make him go faster than he should.

All that’s left to say really is that Plushenko continues to surprise me, how he’s really taken this recovery in stride and his performance here is proof of that… definitely will be watching the program a couple more times…

I will be posting an entry marking the one year anniversary of the Sochi Olympic sometime next month…
unless a video is posted of the entirety of his “Snow King” show (I’ve just started watching through the playlists on YouTube), that will be the next time I will cover Plushenko on this blog.

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby bigeyegugu » 19 Jan 2015, 17:40

japanese TV reportage about "Stars on Ice" show and "Medal Winners Open" competition

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby bigeyegugu » 20 Jan 2015, 14:21

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby bigeyegugu » 20 Jan 2015, 18:00

Medal Winners Open, la rivincita dello zar

Ricordate le Olimpiadi di Vancouver 2010, vinte da Evan Lysacek, senza quadruplo, su Evgeni Plushenko che invece lo eseguì? Lo zar non la prese proprio bene, il caso fu a lungo discusso tra gli appassionati. Lysacek e Plushenko non si sono più incontrati in gara da allora. Lo hanno fatto ieri, 16 gennaio, al Medal Winners Open, gara a inviti svoltasi a Tokyo. E lo zar ha vinto a mani basse, dando circa 13 punti di distacco al suo avversario di un tempo, pare non in perfetta forma dopo un infortunio.
Il Medal Winners Open è una gara sui generis, svolta col beneplacito dell'ISU sul solo libero, della durata di 3 minuti e 30 secondi per gli Uomini e 3 minuti e 10 secondi per le Donne, e con particolari non ammessi nelle gare internazionali: consentiti luci e attrezzi "di scena", come cappelli, ombrelli, bastoni. Ogni pattinatore deve, naturalmente, eseguire salti, trottole, passi rispettanti le regole ISU, per comporre un programma ben bilanciato che però metta l'accento sulla parte artistica, come recita l'announcement.

Cast di prim'ordine, quello che si è esibito davanti all'attento e appassionato pubblico giapponese: Plushenko, Lysacek, Weir, Oda, Buttle, Honda in categoria maschile, Rochette, Meier, Lepisto, Ando, Slutskaya, Meissner in quella femminile.

Evgeni Plushenko (86,95) ha pattinato su "Je suis malade"; niente quadrupli questa volta, ma due ottimi 3A, uno in combinazione col 2T, che hanno spuntato GoE pari a +2. Buon 3Lz e trottole di livello 3. Non il miglior TES per lui, ottimi i suoi components, tutti superiori al 9, anche se in questi è stato battuto da Buttle.
Il miglior tecnico lo ha totalizzato Nobunari Oda (85,15). Ha esordito con una splendida combinazione 4T3T, poi un 3A non ben tenuto e una caduta sul 3Lz. Ma non ha raggiunto il 9 in alcuno dei components.
Terzo Jeffrey Buttle (77,28), la cui pattinata è sempre superba, suoi i migliori components, ma l'unico salto senza penalità è stato 3T3T. Lo segue Johnny Weir (75,14), che ha sfoderato il suo 3A cadendo però; poi la combinazione 3Lz2T e un 3T puliti. Solo quinto Evan Lysacek (73,32), che non ha sbagliato nei salti, 3F2T, 3Lz e 3F precisi, ma ha perso i punti della trottola combinata cambio piede e non è andato oltre il livello 2 nelle altre due trottole.
Sesto posto per il veterano Takeshi Honda (50,41), sportivissimo, che è andato a punti zero su due trottole ed ha collezionato una caduta e la combinazione mancata.

Trionfo in campo femminile per Joannie Rochette (64,67), con un bel programma su "La vie en rose", tecnicamente superiore rispetto alle avversarie e ben giudicato anche a livello di components. Per lei 3F, la sequenza 3T2S e ancora 3T, oltre a buone trottole. Seconda Sarah Meier (54,89) che ha lottato testa a testa con Miki Ando; la campionessa giapponese è finita al terzo posto con 54,10 pagando due cadute, sul 3Lz under-rotated e nei passi. Per la Meier invece un programma pulito con due 2A, uno in combinazione, e 2Lz, ottime le trottole.
Quarta Laura Lepisto (52,94), anche per lei due 2A e un salto doppio, il Loop. Irina Slutskaya (50,63) ha iniziato con il 3Lo finito in step out e poi due 2A, ma nessuno dei suoi elementi di salto ha ricevuto GoE positivi e la Layback ha preso il livello 1. Sesta Kimmie Meissner (45,56), caduta sul 3T e con un under-rotated sul 3S.

Al di là delle specifiche tecniche, una bella occasione per i fan di rivedere in pista campioni amati.

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby cekoni » 21 Jan 2015, 03:49

TV news - about MWO from 00:45, Plushy from 3:45, check out Oda's reaction on Plushy's 3A :hi_hi_hi:


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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby cekoni » 21 Jan 2015, 14:57

Few articles, mostly just results and videos... :mi_ga_et:

Plushenko and Rochette take home gold: ... home-gold/

Pattinaggio di figura: Rochette e Plushenko vincono i Medal Winner Open: ... con-video/

Medal Winners Open no Japão :
http://magiageladapatinagememportugues. ... japao.html

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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby simona » 22 Jan 2015, 14:33


:ro_za: Thx 2 all 4 your precious sharing! ... 1744969729


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Re: Medal Winners Open 2015 (pro-comp) - Tokyo, Japan 16.01.

Postby cekoni » 23 Jan 2015, 16:30

Playlist :mo-ro_zi_vo: .... there has more versions, as some kind of "backup" :mi_ga_et:

2015-01-16 Medal Winners Open - Tokyo, Japan: ... O32DOr315x

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